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IfW: add VTK slice in XY output to driver
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This allows visualizing a slice through hub-height (or other height) when compairing with a simulation.
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andrew-platt committed Jun 21, 2023
1 parent 9f68217 commit 83c7e89
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Showing 5 changed files with 179 additions and 2 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions modules/inflowwind/src/InflowWind_Driver.f90
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Expand Up @@ -503,6 +503,23 @@ PROGRAM InflowWind_Driver

IF (SettingsFlags%XYslice) THEN
CALL IfW_WriteXYslice( InflowWind_p%FlowField, InflowWind_InitInp%RootName, Settings%XYslice_height, ErrStat, ErrMsg )
IF (ErrStat > ErrID_None) THEN
CALL WrScr( TRIM(ErrMsg) )
IF ( ErrStat >= AbortErrLev ) THEN
CALL DriverCleanup()
CALL ProgAbort( ErrMsg )
ELSEIF ( IfWDriver_Verbose >= 7_IntKi ) THEN
CALL WrScr(NewLine//' IfW_WriteXYslice returned: ErrStat: '//TRIM(Num2LStr(ErrStat)))
ELSE IF ( IfWDriver_Verbose >= 5_IntKi ) THEN
CALL WrScr(NewLine//'IfW_WriteXYslice CALL returned without errors.'//NewLine)

!-=-=- Other Setup -=-=-
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81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions modules/inflowwind/src/InflowWind_Driver_Subs.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1308,6 +1308,40 @@ SUBROUTINE ReadDvrIptFile( DvrFileName, DvrFlags, DvrSettings, ProgInfo, ErrStat

! XY slice output

! Header
CALL ReadCom( UnIn, FileName,' XY slice output, comment line', ErrStatTmp, ErrMsgTmp, UnEchoLocal )
IF ( ErrStatTmp /= ErrID_None ) THEN
CALL SetErrStat(ErrID_Fatal,ErrMsgTmp,ErrStat,ErrMsg,RoutineName)
CALL CleanupEchoFile( EchoFileContents, UnEchoLocal )

! XYslice -- Output a VTK slice in XY
CALL ReadVar( UnIn, FileName,DvrFlags%XYslice,'XYslice',' VTK slice in XY?', &
ErrStatTmp,ErrMsgTmp, UnEchoLocal )
IF ( ErrStatTmp /= ErrID_None ) THEN
CALL SetErrStat(ErrID_Fatal,ErrMsgTmp,ErrStat,ErrMsg,RoutineName)
CALL CleanupEchoFile( EchoFileContents, UnEchoLocal )

! XYslice_height -- Height for XY slice
CALL ReadVar( UnIn, FileName,DvrSettings%XYslice_height,'XYslice_height',' VTK slice height', &
ErrStatTmp,ErrMsgTmp, UnEchoLocal )
IF ( ErrStatTmp /= ErrID_None ) THEN
CALL SetErrStat(ErrID_Fatal,ErrMsgTmp,ErrStat,ErrMsg,RoutineName)
CALL CleanupEchoFile( EchoFileContents, UnEchoLocal )

! Close the echo and input file
CALL CleanupEchoFile( EchoFileContents, UnEchoLocal )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2623,6 +2657,49 @@ subroutine IfW_WriteVTK(FF, FileRootName, ErrStat, ErrMsg)
end subroutine IfW_WriteVTK

subroutine IfW_WriteXYslice(FF, FileRootName, XYslice_height, ErrStat, ErrMsg)
type(FlowFieldType), intent(in) :: FF !< Parameters
character(*), intent(in) :: FileRootName !< RootName for output files
real(ReKi), intent(in) :: XYslice_height
integer(IntKi), intent(out) :: ErrStat !< Error status of the operation
character(*), intent(out) :: ErrMsg !< Error message if ErrStat /= ErrID_None

character(*), parameter :: RoutineName = "IfW_WriteXYslice"
type(Grid3DFieldType) :: G3D
integer(IntKi) :: unit
integer(IntKi) :: ErrStat2
character(ErrMsgLen) :: ErrMsg2

ErrStat = ErrID_None
ErrMsg = ""

! Get new unit for writing file
call GetNewUnit(unit, ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
call SetErrStat(ErrStat2, ErrMsg2, ErrStat, ErrMsg, RoutineName)
if (ErrStat >= AbortErrLev) return

! Switch based on field type
select case (FF%FieldType)

case (Uniform_FieldType)
call Uniform_to_Grid3D(FF%Uniform, FF%VelInterpCubic, G3D, ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
call SetErrStat(ErrStat2, ErrMsg2, ErrStat, ErrMsg, RoutineName)
if (ErrStat < AbortErrLev) then
call Grid3D_WriteVTKsliceXY(G3D, FileRootName, XYslice_height, unit, ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
call SetErrStat(ErrStat2, ErrMsg2, ErrStat, ErrMsg, RoutineName)
end if

case (Grid3D_FieldType)
call Grid3D_WriteVTKsliceXY(FF%Grid3D, FileRootName, XYslice_height, unit, ErrStat, ErrMsg)

case default
ErrStat = ErrID_Warn
ErrMsg = RoutineName//': Field type '//TRIM(Num2LStr(FF%FieldType))// &
' cannot be converted to VTK format.'
end select
end subroutine IfW_WriteXYslice

!> This routine exists only to support the development of the module. It will not be needed after the module is complete.
SUBROUTINE printSettings( DvrFlags, DvrSettings )
! The arguments
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2671,6 +2748,10 @@ SUBROUTINE printSettings( DvrFlags, DvrSettings )
CALL WrScr(' FFTOutputInit: '//FLAG(DvrSettings%FFTOutput%Initialized)// ' Unit #: '//TRIM(Num2LStr(DvrSettings%FFTOutput%Unit)))
CALL WrScr(' PointsVelOutputInit: '//FLAG(DvrSettings%PointsVelOutput%Initialized)// ' Unit #: '//TRIM(Num2LStr(DvrSettings%PointsVelOutput%Unit)))
CALL WrScr(' PointsAccOutputInit: '//FLAG(DvrSettings%PointsVelOutput%Initialized)// ' Unit #: '//TRIM(Num2LStr(DvrSettings%PointsVelOutput%Unit)))
CALL WrScr(' XYslice: '//FLAG(DvrFlags%XYslice))
if (DvrFlags%XYslice) then
CALL WrScr(' XYslice_height '//TRIM(Num2LStr(DvrSettings%XYslice_height)))
end if
END SUBROUTINE printSettings

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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions modules/inflowwind/src/InflowWind_Driver_Types.f90
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Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ MODULE InflowWind_Driver_Types
LOGICAL :: WrBladed = .FALSE. !< Requested file conversion to Bladed format?
LOGICAL :: WrVTK = .FALSE. !< Requested file output as VTK?
LOGICAL :: WrUniform = .FALSE. !< Requested file output as Uniform wind format?

LOGICAL :: XYslice = .FALSE. !< Take XY slice at one elevation
END TYPE IfWDriver_Flags

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ MODULE InflowWind_Driver_Types
TYPE(OutputFile) :: FFTOutput
TYPE(OutputFile) :: PointsVelOutput

REAL(ReKi) :: XYslice_height = 0.0_ReKi !< height to take XY slice
END TYPE IfWDriver_Settings

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78 changes: 77 additions & 1 deletion modules/inflowwind/src/InflowWind_IO.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ module InflowWind_IO
public :: Uniform_WriteHH, &
Grid3D_WriteBladed, &
Grid3D_WriteHAWC, &
Grid3D_WriteVTK, &

type(ProgDesc), parameter :: InflowWind_IO_Ver = ProgDesc('InflowWind_IO', '', '')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2924,4 +2925,79 @@ subroutine Grid3D_WriteHAWC(G3D, FileRootName, unit, ErrStat, ErrMsg)

end subroutine Grid3D_WriteHAWC

subroutine Grid3D_WriteVTKsliceXY(G3D, FileRootName, XYslice_height, unit, ErrStat, ErrMsg)

type(Grid3DFieldType), intent(in) :: G3D !< Parameters
character(*), intent(in) :: FileRootName !< RootName for output files
real(ReKi), intent(in) :: XYslice_height
integer(IntKi), intent(in) :: unit !< Error status of the operation
integer(IntKi), intent(out) :: ErrStat !< Error status of the operation
character(*), intent(out) :: ErrMsg !< Error message if ErrStat /= ErrID_None

character(*), parameter :: RoutineName = 'Grid3D_WriteVTKsliceXY'
character(1024) :: RootPathName
character(1024) :: FileName
character(3) :: ht_str
integer :: it !< time index for slice
integer :: ix
integer :: iy
integer :: iz
real(ReKi) :: time !< time for this slice
real(ReKi) :: ht !< nearest grid slice elevation
integer(IntKi) :: ErrStat2
character(ErrMsgLen) :: ErrMsg2

call GetPath(FileRootName, RootPathName)
RootPathName = trim(RootPathName)//PathSep//"vtk"
call MkDir(trim(RootPathName)) ! make this directory if it doesn't already exist

! get indices for this slice
iz = nint((G3D%GridBase + XYslice_height)*G3D%InvDZ)
ht = real(iz,ReKi) / G3D%InvDZ + G3D%GridBase ! nearest height index
write(ht_str,'(i3)') nint(ht)

! check for errors in slice height
if (iz <= 0_IntKi) then
call SetErrStat(ErrID_Warn,"No grid points near XY slice height of "//trim(num2lstr(XYslice_height))//". Skipping writing slice file.",ErrStat,ErrMsg,RoutineName)

! Loop through time steps
do it = 1, G3D%NSteps

time = real(it - 1, ReKi)*G3D%DTime

! Create the output vtk file with naming <WindFilePath>/vtk/DisYZ.t<i>.vtk
FileName = trim(RootPathName)//PathSep//"DisXY.Z"//ht_str//".t"//trim(num2lstr(it))//".vtp"

! see WrVTK_SP_header
call OpenFOutFile(unit, TRIM(FileName), ErrStat2, ErrMsg2)
call SetErrStat(ErrStat2, ErrMsg2, ErrStat, ErrMsg, RoutineName)
if (ErrStat >= AbortErrLev) return

write (unit, '(A)') '# vtk DataFile Version 3.0'
write (unit, '(A)') "InflowWind XY Slice at T= "//trim(num2lstr(time))//" s"
write (unit, '(A)') 'ASCII'

! Note: gridVals must be stored such that the left-most dimension is X
! and the right-most dimension is Z (see WrVTK_SP_vectors3D)
write (unit, '(A,3(i5,1X))') 'DIMENSIONS ', G3D%NSteps, G3D%NYGrids, 1
write (unit, '(A,3(f10.2,1X))') 'ORIGIN ', G3D%InitXPosition+time*G3D%MeanWS, -G3D%YHWid, ht
write (unit, '(A,3(f10.2,1X))') 'SPACING ', -G3D%Dtime*G3D%MeanWS, 1.0_ReKi/G3D%InvDY, 0.0_ReKi
write (unit, '(A,i9)') 'POINT_DATA ', G3D%NSteps*G3D%NYGrids
write (unit, '(A)') 'VECTORS DisXY float'

do iy = 1, G3D%NYGrids
do ix = 1, G3D%NSteps ! time and X are interchangeable
write (unit, '(3(f10.2,1X))') G3D%Vel(:, iy, iz, ix)
end do
end do


close (unit)
end subroutine Grid3D_WriteVTKsliceXY

end module InflowWind_IO

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