A fun Yield-to-Learn socialfi no-loss platform, where users incentivize learning through pooled yield, earning rewards with AI tutors and evaluators
- Walrus
- Hedera
- Eliza
The smart contract represents a socialfie (yield-to-learn) protocol that incentivizes learning through yield farming. Users join learning groups, stake USDC, and earn yield based on their learning progress.
HashScan Contract TX
The protocol enables:
- Group-based learning with staking requirements
- Progress tracking and verification by AI
- Yield generation through Aave
- Proportional yield distribution based on progress
struct LearningGroup {
address creator;
uint256 stakingAmount; // Required USDC to join
uint256 totalStaked;
uint256 startTime;
uint256 duration;
uint256 totalYield;
bool isActive;
bool isCompleted;
mapping(address => UserInfo) users;
address[] members; // Track group members
uint256 memberCount;
uint256 maxMembers;
struct UserInfo {
bool hasStaked;
uint256 progressPercentage;
bool hasClaimedYield;
uint256 yieldAllocation;
createLearningGroup(uint256 stakingAmount, uint256 duration, uint256 maxMembers)
- Creates new learning group
- Sets staking requirements and duration
stake(uint256 groupId)
- Join group by staking USDC
- Requires approval of USDC transfer
updateProgress(uint256 groupId, address user, uint256 progress)
- AI agent updates user progress (0-100%)
- Only callable by authorized AI agent
completeGroupAndDistributeYield(uint256 groupId)
- Ends group learning period
- Calculates yield distribution based on progress
claimYieldAndUnstake(uint256 groupId)
- Users claim their yield share
- Withdraw initial stake plus earned yield
- USDC: Staking token
- Aave V3: Yield generation
- AI Agent: Progress verification
- OpenZeppelin's Ownable for access control
- ReentrancyGuard for transaction safety
- Progress validation (0-100%)
- Group state management
- GroupCreated
- UserStaked
- ProgressUpdated
- YieldDistributed
- YieldClaimed
- Admin creates learning group with parameters
- Users stake USDC to join group
- AI agent tracks and updates progress
- Upon completion, yield is distributed
- Users claim yield proportional to progress
🟣 Connecting to deployed contract...
🟣 Creating a learning group...
Group created! Transaction: 0x5eaee6aa52511258136ddbd9274e307030ef65fc7f9419a562057859ab14ca3f
Group ID: 1
Group Info:
Creator: 0xE830C5cC74f591005AF24DEFafa6AE1f7Ffb47a9
Staking Amount: 0.1 USDC
Duration: 24 hours
Max Members: 3n n
🟣 Approving USDC spend...
USDC Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001549
🟣 Checking token association...
Token associated successfully!
Initial USDC Balance: 1.0 USDC
Approval transaction sent: 0x2124f2431de1c6f150d90161027c763cd9f3970ed7f71ef8d85fcd15a402594f
USDC approved! Transaction: 0x2124f2431de1c6f150d90161027c763cd9f3970ed7f71ef8d85fcd15a402594f
Contract USDC Balance: 0.0 USDC
🟣 Staking in group...
Current allowance: 0.1 USDC
Current USDC Balance: 1.0 USDC
Attempting to stake...
Staking in group: 1
Debug contract info:
Contract address: 0xEeBcBd2641DA50D9Ab8a6bC7e3f2Fff191f48e10
Staked successfully! Transaction: 0x26ee21ad0a058b9e35b1b4d204df45a969f7db0956ee5436d97761461c96cb31
Debug Events:
DebugStakeEntry: Result(3) [ 1n, '0xE830C5cC74f591005AF24DEFafa6AE1f7Ffb47a9', 100000n ]
DebugStakeCheck: Result(5) [ true, true, false, 0n, 3n ]
DebugStakeTransfer: Result(3) [ true, 100000n, 1000000n ]
UserStaked: Result(2) [ 1n, '0xE830C5cC74f591005AF24DEFafa6AE1f7Ffb47a9' ]
🟣 Updating progress...
Progress updated! Transaction: 0x84ac18b0137acd599d0dec55ea2506489d05e2e9c6d568ef201c67bead987bc5
User Info:
Has Staked: true
Progress: 75n %
Has Claimed Yield: false
Yield Allocation: 0.0 USDC
✅ All tests completed successfully!
- Only AI agent can update progress
- Reentrancy protection on financial operations
- Group state validation
- Progress bounds checking (0-100%)