Note: This repository has been archived and now exists within ard-pipeline.
OpenDataCubePipeline is the code for the DEA's Optical ARD processing of the following satellites:
- Landsat 5
- Landsat 7
- Landsat 8
- Landsat 9
- Sentinel 2A
- Sentinel 2B
A pre-commit config is provided to automatically format and check your code changes. This allows you to immediately catch and fix issues before you raise a failing pull request (which run the same checks under Travis).
If you don't use Conda, install pre-commit from pip:
pip install pre-commit
If you do use Conda, install from conda-forge (required because the pip version uses virtualenvs which are incompatible with Conda's environments)
conda install pre_commit
Now install the pre-commit hook to the current repository:
pre-commit install
Your code will now be formatted and validated before each commit. You can also
invoke it manually by running pre-commit run
The tesp code is built into the ard-pipeline module. This module is used to generate ARD on NCI. Instructions and code to build this module are stored in the dea-wagl-docker repository.