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Mark Gisi edited this page Dec 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

Open Chain Specification Wiki

This is the wiki for the Open Chain Specification. It provides useful resources that support the development of the spec. It includes information such as how to contribute, FAQs, insightful articles, how to access the mailing list an so forth.

Specification Development/Release Process

For a given version of the specification the development process steps include:

  • Hold a kickoff meeting and revisit the {{ | Specification Guiding Principles}}.
  • We accept and discuss feedback from anyone who wants to participate either at the working group meetings or on the {{ | spec mailing list}}.
  • Currently an annual release cadence is followed (which may change for a given release). Any cadence changes will be announced on the {{ | spec mailing list}}.
  • Suggestions are tracked in the specification's {{ | github issue tracking list}}.
  • A draft of the accepted modifications and additions are published monthly in an {{openchainspec-1.3.draft.pdf| updated draft document}}.
  • Public Comments Period - Six weeks prior to the target release date we circulate a near final version seeking public comments for 30 days. During this period we accept only minor updates such as typos, grammar corrections and wordsmith recommendations that do not change the semantics of the content. We do not accept any material changes during this period. All other feedback and recommendations are queue for consideration during the next version release cycle.
  • Freeze Period - Two weeks prior to release we freeze the draft and allow one last review for 14 days. This is to enable everyone to review any changes made during the Public Comments period.
  • If a consensus expresses concerns over any changes made during the Public Comments period we would i) make changes to accommodate those concerns followed by ii) an additional 14 day Public Comments period; followed by iii) another 14 day Freeze period. Anyone with significant reservations on the final draft should state their position/concerns via the spec mailing list. The changes will be accepted once we achieve consensus for the final draft.
  • In the event we do not have consensus on the final version - we would repeat the following cycle until we have consensus: i) accommodate changes to address majority concerns; ii) 14 day Public Comments period; followed by iii) a 14 day Freeze period cycle.


Understanding the Spec


Spec Versions

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