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TokenSmith bridges external OIDC user identity with internal identity and access management using signed JWTs. It provides internal service-to-service identity and access management, along with a standalone chi middleware for JWT verification using PKI.

Token Flow

    participant User
    participant OIDC
    participant TokenSmith
    participant ServiceA
    participant ServiceB

    %% User Authentication Flow
    User->>OIDC: Authenticate
    OIDC-->>User: ID Token
    User->>TokenSmith: Exchange ID Token
    TokenSmith-->>User: Internal JWT
    User->>ServiceA: Request with Internal JWT

    %% Service-to-Service Flow
    ServiceA->>TokenSmith: Request Service Token
    TokenSmith-->>ServiceA: Service JWT
    ServiceA->>ServiceB: Request with Service JWT
    ServiceB->>ServiceB: Verify JWT (Middleware)


  • Identity Bridging

    • Exchange external OIDC tokens for internal JWTs
    • Map external identities to internal service identities
    • Group-based authorization and scope management
    • Support for multiple OIDC providers (Keycloak, Hydra, Authelia)
  • Service-to-Service Authentication

    • Secure internal service communication
    • PKI-based JWT signing and verification
    • Service-specific claims and scopes
    • Automatic token validation
  • JWT Middleware

    • Standalone chi middleware for JWT verification
    • PKI-based signature validation
    • Support for RSA key pairs and JWKS
    • Scope-based authorization
    • Service-to-service authentication
    • Extensible claims handling
  • OIDC Provider Support

    • Keycloak integration
    • Hydra integration
    • Authelia integration
    • Extensible provider interface

Container Deployment

TokenSmith can be deployed using Docker. The following environment variables can be used to configure the service:

Required Environment Variables

Environment Variable Description Default
TOKENSMITH_ISSUER The issuer URL for the token service
TOKENSMITH_CLUSTER_ID The ID of the cluster default-cluster
TOKENSMITH_OPENCHAMI_ID The ID of the OpenCHAMI instance default-openchami
TOKENSMITH_CONFIG Path to the configuration file /tokensmith/config.json
TOKENSMITH_KEY_DIR Directory for storing JWT keys /tokensmith/keys
TOKENSMITH_OIDC_PROVIDER OIDC provider type (hydra, keycloak, authelia) hydra
TOKENSMITH_PORT HTTP server port 8080

OIDC Provider Credentials

Depending on your chosen OIDC provider, you'll need to set the following credentials:


  • HYDRA_CLIENT_ID - Client ID for Hydra
  • HYDRA_CLIENT_SECRET - Client Secret for Hydra


  • KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID - Client ID for Keycloak
  • KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET - Client Secret for Keycloak


  • AUTHELIA_CLIENT_ID - Client ID for Authelia
  • AUTHELIA_CLIENT_SECRET - Client Secret for Authelia

Example Docker Run Command

docker run -d \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -e TOKENSMITH_CLUSTER_ID="my-cluster" \
  -e TOKENSMITH_OPENCHAMI_ID="my-openchami" \
  -e HYDRA_CLIENT_ID="your-client-id" \
  -e HYDRA_CLIENT_SECRET="your-client-secret" \
  -v /path/to/config.json:/tokensmith/config.json \
  -v /path/to/keys:/tokensmith/keys \

Important Notes

  1. The keys directory is used to store JWT signing keys. Make sure to:

    • Mount a persistent volume for the keys directory
    • Set appropriate permissions on the host directory
    • Back up the keys directory regularly
  2. The configuration file should be mounted from the host system and contain your group scope mappings. Tokensmith can generate a configuration file to start with: tokensmith generate-config --config=config.json

  3. For security:

    • Never commit OIDC credentials to version control
    • Use Docker secrets or a secure secrets management system in production

Project Structure

├── cmd/
│   └── tokensmith/          # Main application entry point
├── pkg/
│   ├── jwt/                 # JWT package (shared)
│   │   ├── oidc/           # OIDC provider implementations
│   │   │   ├── authelia/   # Authelia provider
│   │   │   ├── hydra/      # Hydra provider
│   │   │   └── keycloak/   # Keycloak provider
│   │   └── provider.go     # Provider interface
│   ├── tokenservice/       # Token exchange service
│   └── middleware/         # JWT middleware (standalone)
└── example/                # Example applications
    └── middleware/         # Example of middleware usage

Local Installation

Main Service

go get

JWT Middleware

go get

See the middleware documentation for detailed usage instructions.


Token Service

The token service can be run as a standalone application. First, generate a default configuration file:

tokensmith generate-config --config config.json

Then start the service with the configuration file:

tokensmith serve \
  --provider=keycloak \
  --issuer=http://tokensmith:8080 \
  --port=8080 \
  --cluster-id=test-cluster-id \
  --openchami-id=test-openchami-id \

Configuration File

The configuration file (JSON format) contains settings that don't change frequently:

  "groupScopes": {
    "admin": ["admin", "write", "read"],
    "operator": ["write", "read"],
    "viewer": ["read"],
    "user": ["read"]

Configuration options:

Flag Description Default
--provider OIDC provider type (keycloak, hydra, authelia) hydra
--issuer Token issuer identifier http://tokensmith:8080
--port HTTP server port 8080
--cluster-id Unique identifier for this cluster cl-F00F00F00
--openchami-id Unique identifier for this instance of OpenCHAMI oc-F00F00F00
--hydra-url Hydra admin API URL http://hydra:4445
--authelia-url Authelia admin API URL http://authelia:9091
--keycloak-url Keycloak admin API URL http://keycloak:8080
--keycloak-realm Keycloak realm openchami
--config Path to configuration file ""
Environment Variable Description
HYDRA_CLIENT_ID Client ID for hydra
HYDRA_CLIENT_SECRET Client Secret for hydra
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID Client ID for Keycloak
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET Client Secret for Keycloak
AUTHELIA_CLIENT_ID Client ID for Authelia
AUTHELIA_CLIENT_SECRET Client Secret for Authelia

JWT Middleware

go get



  • Go 1.21 or later
  • Access to an OIDC provider (Keycloak, Hydra, or Authelia)

Build & Install

This project uses GoReleaser to automate releases and embed additional build metadata (commit info, build time, versioning, etc.).

1. Environment Variables

Before building, make sure to set the following environment variables to include detailed build metadata:

  • GIT_STATE: Indicates whether there are uncommitted changes. (clean if no changes, dirty if there are.)
  • BUILD_HOST: Hostname of the machine performing the build.
  • GO_VERSION: The version of Go used.
  • BUILD_USER: The username of the person or system performing the build.


export GIT_STATE=$(if git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then echo 'clean'; else echo 'dirty'; fi)
export BUILD_HOST=$(hostname)
export GO_VERSION=$(go version | awk '{print $3}')
export BUILD_USER=$(whoami)

2. Installing GoReleaser

Follow the official GoReleaser installation instructions to set up GoReleaser locally.

3. Building Locally with GoReleaser

Use snapshot mode to build locally without releasing:

goreleaser release --snapshot --clean
  • The build artifacts (including embedded metadata) will be placed in the dist/ directory.
  • Inspect the resulting binaries to ensure the metadata was correctly embedded.


# Run all tests
go test ./...

# Run specific package tests
go test ./pkg/tokenservice
go test ./pkg/middleware


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

See the OpenCHAMI Contributors Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • OpenCHAMI community
  • OIDC provider maintainers
  • Contributors and maintainers of this project


JWT handling code for the OpenCHAMI project



Code of conduct





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