The ontouml-server project is an implementation of the OntoUML as a Service (OaaS) infrastructure. The server collects model intelligence services designed to be consumed by modeling tools supporting OntoUML.
The ontouml-server is available at accepting HTTP POST requests for model intelligence service in the following format:
content-type: application/json
"options": <service-options>,
"project": <ontouml-project>
: the URL endpoint assigned to the desired service;<service-options>
: the options object containing arguments for the execution of the service. When options are not supported or the request should be executed with its default options,"options"
should be assigned tonull
: the OntoUML project to be processed serialized into JSON (see the ontouml-schema project).
Response messages to successful requests contain JSON objects with two fields, "result"
and "issues"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: close
"result": <service-result>,
"issues": <service-issues>
: the result to the service execution as defined by the specific service (i.e., it can be a string, an array, or an object, as defined in the service's implementation);<service-issues>
: an array of issue objects that can be used by the service to inform the client of problems found during the service's execution.
See below a example request for the transformation of an OntoUML model into a gUFO-based OWL ontology:
content-type: application/json
"options": {
"baseIri": ""
"project": {
"id" : "Pz4r2.6GAqACHQBO",
"type" : "Project",
"model" : {
"id" : "Pz4r2.6GAqACHQBO_root",
"type" : "Package",
"contents" : [ {
"id" : "mNir2.6GAqACHQWX",
"name" : "Person",
"type" : "Class",
"stereotype" : "kind",
"restrictedTo" : [ "functional-complex" ]
} ]
The expected response for this request is presented in the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: close
"result": "@prefix : <>.\n@prefix gufo: <>.\n@prefix rdf: <>.\n@prefix rdfs: <>.\n@prefix owl: <>.\n@prefix xsd: <>.\n\n<> rdf:type owl:Ontology;\n owl:imports gufo:.\n:Person rdf:type owl:Class, gufo:Kind, owl:NamedIndividual;\n rdfs:subClassOf gufo:FunctionalComplex;\n rdfs:label \"Person\"@en.\n",
"issues": []
Model verification service
- Description: service the checks for violation of OntoUML semantically-motivated syntactical constraints within the project's model.
- Endpoint: /v1/verify
- Options: none
Transformation to gUFO
- Description: service that generates gUFO-based OWL ontologies out of OntoUML models.
- Endpoint: /v1/transform/gufo
Option | Description |
"format" | a string informing the desired OWL syntax (e.g., "turtle", "n-triples", "n-quads") |
"baseIri" | a string informing the desired base IRI |
"basePrefix" | a string informing a prefix to the individual IRIs |
"uriFormatBy" | a string informing how IRIs should be constructed (i.e., based on element's "name" or "id") |
"createObjectProperty" | a boolean flag for the creation of object properties |
"createInverses" | a boolean flag for the creation of inverse object properties |
"prefixPackages" | a boolean flag for the use of prefixes in package IRIs |
"customElementMapping" | a object mapping element's IDs to custom labels and IRIs |
"customPackageMapping" | a object mapping packages' IDs to custom labels and IRIs |
- Modularization service
- Description: service that generates diagrams out of relational patterns identified in the model.
- Endpoint: /v1/modularize
- Options: none
The ontouml-server project communicates with clients over HTTP requests where HTTP status codes are used to classify different types of errors.
Error Code | Title | Description |
400 | Bad Request | The server received a mal-formed request (e.g., badly serialized OntoUML project) |
404 | Not Found | The desired service endpoint is not implemented |
500 | Internal Server Error | Some error occurred during the execution of the service; please inform the developers or open an issue |
If you are interested to know more, feel free to open an issue to provide feedback on the project or reach our team members for more specific cases: