Hello, there
. I'm Jacob Okello Okomo, addicted to code 😄, and I'm in love with Web and Mobile Developement.
Python | JavaScript | POSTGRESQL | HTML | CSS | Linux.
Let's connect! Find me on the web.
- Primary coding language: Javascript, Python, Dart
🔭 I’m currently working on a number of personal and collaborative projects,which mainly include the most of my current repos. and My Personal Website
🌱 I’m currently learning a tone of hefty new things, AngularJS & Django for Web Developement and Flutter for cross-platform Mobile Developement 😄.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate with a anyone to assit me in my AngularJS and Django journey.
🤔 I’m looking for help in Angular, REACT.JS, Django, to make me a competetive programmer.
💬 You can ask me about anything relevant to, Flutter, WebDev, JavaScript, WebGIS Developement. I'll be happy 😄 to help.
📫 For more information about me(And a whole lot of shenanigans) find me on My Personal Website
⚡ Fun fact I can Play Football for 4Hrs+ and still beat you in Chess!.