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Update label.yml

Update label.yml #2

Workflow file for this run

# labeler "full" schema
# enable labeler on issues, prs, or both.
issues: true
prs: true
# comments object allows you to specify a different message for issues and prs
issues: |
이슈 작성하느라 고생 많았어요!! 새 기능도 아좌좟!! 라벨 잘 지정되었는지 확인 한 번 해 주기 🎇
prs: |
PR 작성하느라 고생 많았어요!! 라벨 잘 지정되었는지 확인 한 번 해 주기 🫶
# Labels is an object where:
# - keys are labels
# - values are objects of { include: [ pattern ], exclude: [ pattern ] }
# - pattern must be a valid regex, and is applied globally to
# title + description of issues and/or prs (see enabled config above)
# - 'include' patterns will associate a label if any of these patterns match
# - 'exclude' patterns will ignore this label if any of these patterns match
":bug: BUG":
include: ['\bBug\b', '\bbug\b', '\bFix\b', '\bfix\b']
":sparkles: FEAT":
include: ['\bFeat\b', '\bfeat\b', '\bFeature\b', '\bfeature\b']
":memo: DOCS":
include: ['\bDocs\b', '\bdocs\b', '\bREADME\b']
":package: CHORE":
include: ['\bChore\b', '\bchore\b']
":lipstick: DESIGN":
include: ['\bDesign\b', '\bdesign\b']
":rocket: API":
include: ['\bAPI\b', '\bapi\b']
":recycle: REFACTOR":
include: ['\bRefactor\b', '\brefactor\b']
":wrench: INIT":
include: ['\bINIT\b', '\bInit\b', '\binit\b']
":twisted_rightwards_arrows: MERGE":
include: ['\bMERGE\b', '\bMerge\b', '\bmerge\b']
":ambulance: !HOTFIX":
include: ['\bHOTFIX\b', '\bhotfix\b']
":bookmark: RELEASE":
include: ['\bRelease\b', '\brelease\b']