Create a movie discovery web application that allows users to search for movies, view details about them, and save their favorite movies. You’ll be consuming data from the TMDB API.
- User Interface: Create a responsive and visually appealing user interface for the application. Here's the link to the design you're expected to replicate: You should list the top 10 movies on the homepage. They should be displayed in a grid layout with their movie posters. The Card component should display the movie title and release date. card - [data-testid: movie-card] movie poster - [data-testid: movie-poster] movie title - [data-testid: movie-title] movie release date - [data-testid: movie-release-date]
- Movie Search: Implement a search feature that allows users to search for movies by title. Display search results, including movie posters, titles, and release dates. Show a loading indicator while fetching search results.
- Movie Details: When i go to to /movies/:id route (where :id is the imdb_id), I should see the movie details page. I should see title - [data-testid: movie-title] release date (in UTC) - [data-testid: movie-release-date] runtime (in minutes) - [data-testid: movie-runtime] overview - [data-testid: movie-overview] API Integration: Consume the TMDB API to fetch movie data. Use the following API endpoints: Fetch movie details by ID:{movie_id} Error Handling: Implement error handling to display meaningful error messages to users in case of API failures or other issues. Submission: Host your frontend application on a platform of your choice (e.g., GitHub Pages, Netlify). Provide clear instructions on how to run your project locally in your file. Ensure that the code is well-documented and organized. This frontend challenge requires you to build a dynamic movie discovery app that interacts with a real API to fetch and display movie data. PS: You MUST use react or Next js