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Deploying EWS JAVA API

André Behrens edited this page Sep 9, 2015 · 14 revisions

The following steps can only be done by authorized persons


  • Checkout the latest fresh branch from or make sure your local copy contains no further or uncommited changes and is up-to-date (git pull && git status -s)
    • if your branch contains local changes wipe them
      git add -A && git commit -qm 'WIPE SAVEPOINT' && git reset HEAD~1 --hard
  • make sure you are on the correct branch (master for instance)

Update pom.xml to new Version

  • edit pom.xml change <version>X.X-SNAPSHOT</version> to <version>X.X</version>
  • or do it with mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.X.X

Announce public key (if not already done)

  • Your public key needs to be announced once. To do this you can:
    • gpg --list-keys
    • gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <public key name>
    • gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <public key name>

      keyname could be: C7FFB27B for instance


  • run mvn clean deploy -P release -Dgpg.passphrase=$GPGPASS -Dgpg.keyname=KEYID

Create a TAG for that Version

  • run git tag -a ews-java-api-x.x -m 'Tag: ews-java-api-x.x'
  • if something was wrong delete that tag
    git tag -d ews-java-api-x.x
  • before pushing make sure there are no other local tags you probably dont want to push
    git tag -l
  • push the current tag git push --tags

Update gh-pages

  • run mvn clean site
  • navigate to the folder where you store your github repositories
  • checkout a fresh copy of gh-pages or update your local copy
    git clone -b gh-pages --single-branch gh-pages && cd gh-pages
  • copy mvn generated files to gh-pages
    • mkdir -m777 -v -p "./docs/releases/<version>"
    • copy all the files to the new dir
      cp -Rf "<ews-java-api-repo>/target/site/*" "./docs/releases/"
    • add new files to git git add -A
    • commit new files
      git commit -m "Release mvn site to [gh-pages]

if current Version is ALPHA/Beta you can skip the next steps an goto Be social and celebrate 🏁

New Version / new Branch

  • Think of a new Version regarding the actual roadmap. New Versionnumber should match Semantic Versioning
  • Create a new branch
    git checkout -b <newBranchName>
  • edit pom.xml change <version>X.X</version> to <version><newVersion>-SNAPSHOT</version>
  • commit latest changes
  • Push that branch to remote git push <remote-name> <newBranchName>

See travis building the new Snapshot Version

Be social and celebrate 🏁

  • let others know that there has been a new release and branch to work with
  • celebrate the new release 🌴 🎉 👯