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Keep abbreviated combined relation conditions as is in the parse tree
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nberth committed Sep 15, 2023
1 parent 53fac1c commit 3a8ee3b
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Showing 9 changed files with 187 additions and 133 deletions.
128 changes: 122 additions & 6 deletions src/lsp/cobol_ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ and qualname_or_alphanum = [qualname_|alnum_] term
and qualname_or_intlit = [qualname_|int_] term
and qualname_or_literal = [qualname_|lit_] term
and strlit = strlit_ term
and strlit_or_intlit = [strlit_|int_] term (* strlit_or_intlit *)
and strlit_or_intlit = [strlit_|int_] term

and binop =
| BPlus
Expand All @@ -149,12 +149,27 @@ and expression =
and _ cond =
(* TODO: group generalized expressions together (class, sign, omitted) *)
| Expr: expression -> [>simple_] cond (* exp (bool), ident (bool, cond, switch) *)
| Relation: expression * relop * expression -> [>simple_] cond (* general, bool, pointer *)
| Relation: binary_relation -> [>simple_] cond (* general, bool, pointer *)
| Abbrev: abbrev_combined_relation -> [>simple_] cond (* abbreviated *)
| ClassCond: expression * class_ -> [>simple_] cond (* exp = ident *)
| SignCond: expression * signz -> [>simple_] cond (* exp = arith exp *)
| Omitted: expression -> [>simple_] cond (* exp = ident *)
| Not: _ cond -> [>complex_] cond
| Logop: _ cond * logop * _ cond -> [>complex_] cond (* TODO: move logop left *)
| Logop: _ cond * logop * _ cond -> [>complex_] cond

and binary_relation =
expression * relop * expression

and abbrev_combined_relation =
bool * binary_relation * logop * flat_combined_relation

(** Suffix of non-parenthesized relational combined conditions *)
and flat_combined_relation =
| FlatAmbiguous of relop option * expression (* relop? e *)
| FlatNotExpr of expression (* NOT e *)
| FlatRel of bool * binary_relation (* NOT? rel *)
| FlatOther of condition (* extended- or parenthesized condition *)
| FlatComb of (flat_combined_relation as 'x) * logop * 'x (* _ AND/OR _ *)

and condition = [simple_|complex_] cond
and simple_condition = simple_ cond
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,13 +630,20 @@ module FMT = struct
| BXor -> "B-XOR"
and pp_binop ppf o = string ppf (show_binop o)

and pp_binary_relation ppf (a, o, b) =
fmt "%a@ %s@ %a" ppf
pp_expression a ([ relop] o) pp_expression b

and pp_cond
: type k. ?pos:_ -> k cond Pretty.printer = fun ?(pos = true) ppf -> function
| Expr e ->
fmt "%a%a" ppf not_ pos pp_expression e
| Relation (a, o, b) ->
fmt "@[<1>%a(%a@ %s@ %a)@]" ppf
not_ pos pp_expression a ([ relop] o) pp_expression b
| Relation rel ->
fmt "%a@[<1>(%a)@]" ppf not_ pos pp_binary_relation rel
| Abbrev (neg, rel, o, comb) ->
fmt "%a@[<1>(%a%a@ %a@ %a)@]" ppf
not_ pos not_ neg pp_binary_relation rel pp_logop o
pp_flat_combined_relation comb
| ClassCond (e, c) ->
fmt "%a@ %a%a" ppf pp_expression e not_ pos pp_class_ c
| SignCond (e, s) ->
Expand All @@ -633,6 +655,24 @@ module FMT = struct
| Logop (a, o, b) ->
fmt "@[<1>%a(%a@ %a@ %a)@]" ppf
not_ pos (pp_cond ~pos:true) a pp_logop o (pp_cond ~pos:true) b

and pp_flat_combined_relation ppf = function
| FlatAmbiguous (None, e) ->
pp_expression ppf e
| FlatAmbiguous (Some r, e) ->
fmt "%a@ %a" ppf pp_relop r pp_expression e
| FlatNotExpr e ->
fmt "NOT@ %a" ppf pp_expression e
| FlatRel (neg, rel) ->
fmt "%a%a" ppf not_ neg pp_binary_relation rel
| FlatOther c ->
fmt "@[<1>(%a)@]" ppf pp_condition c
| FlatComb (c1, o, c2) ->
fmt "%a@ %a@ %a" ppf
pp_flat_combined_relation c1
pp_logop o
pp_flat_combined_relation c2

and pp_condition ppf = pp_cond ppf
and not_ ppf = function false -> fmt "NOT@ " ppf | true -> ()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -816,6 +856,7 @@ module UPCAST = struct
let simple_cond: simple_condition -> condition = function
| Expr _ as c -> c
| Relation _ as c -> c
| Abbrev _ as c -> c
| ClassCond _ as c -> c
| SignCond _ as c -> c
| Omitted _ as c -> c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -847,3 +888,78 @@ and rounding_mode =

and rounded_idents = rounded_ident list
[@@deriving ord]

(* --- *)

module HELPERS = struct

let neg_cond neg : simple_condition -> condition =
if not neg then UPCAST.simple_cond else fun c -> Not c
let neg_cond' neg : condition -> condition =
if not neg then else fun c -> Not c

(** [expand_every_abbrev_cond cond] recursively substitutes every abbreviated
combined relation condition from [cond] by an equivalent non-abbreviated
condition (with abbreviated relations replaced with binary relations). *)
let rec expand_every_abbrev_cond
: type k. k cond -> _ cond = function
| Expr _ | Relation _ | ClassCond _ | SignCond _ | Omitted _ as c ->
| Abbrev a ->
expand_abbrev_cond a
| Not c ->
Not (expand_every_abbrev_cond c)
| Logop (c1, o, c2) ->
Logop (expand_every_abbrev_cond c1, o, expand_every_abbrev_cond c2)

(** [expand_abbreviated_combined_relation abbrev_combined_relation], expands
the non-parenthesized relation condition encoded by
[abbrev_combined_relation] ([= neg, relation_condition, logop, flatop]).
The result is an expression without any abbreviated combined relation
condition: {i [relation_condition] [logop] abbrev-combined-conditions} (or
{i NOT [relation_condition] [logop] abbrev-combined-conditions} if [neg]
holds), where [logop] and {i abbrev-combined-conditions} are given via
[logop], and [flatop]. *)
and expand_abbrev_cond: abbrev_combined_relation -> condition =

let rec disambiguate ?cond_prefix flatop sr =
(* Recursively constructs a valid condition based on the non-parenthesized
relational combined condition [flatop], assuming [sr] is the most
recent subject and relation operator (when reading from the left of the
sentence, canceling out on non-relational conditions).
If [cond_prefix] is given, places it with a conjunction at the
bottom-left of the result, i.e, substitutes the bottom-left node [c]
with [Logop (cond_prefix, LAnd, c)]. *)
let c, sr = match flatop, sr with
| FlatAmbiguous (Some rel, e), Some (subj, _)
| FlatAmbiguous (None, e), Some (subj, rel) ->
UPCAST.simple_cond @@ Relation (subj, rel, e), Some (subj, rel)
| FlatAmbiguous (_, e), None ->
Expr e, sr
| FlatNotExpr e, Some (subj, rel) ->
Not (UPCAST.simple_cond @@ Relation (subj, rel, e)), sr
| FlatNotExpr e, None ->
Not (UPCAST.simple_cond @@ Expr e), sr
| FlatRel (neg, (e1, rel, e2)), _ ->
neg_cond' neg @@ Relation (e1, rel, e2), Some (e1, rel)
| FlatOther c, _ ->
expand_every_abbrev_cond c, None
| FlatComb (f1, logop, f2), sr ->
let c1, sr = disambiguate ?cond_prefix f1 sr in
let c2, sr = disambiguate f2 sr in
Logop (c1, logop, c2), sr
match flatop, cond_prefix with
| FlatComb _, _ | _, None -> c, sr
| _, Some c0 -> Logop (c0, LAnd, c), sr

fun (neg, (e1, relop, e2), logop, flatop) ->
let c0 = neg_cond' neg @@ Relation (e1, relop, e2) in
match logop with
| LOr -> Logop (c0, LOr, fst @@ disambiguate flatop (Some (e1, relop)))
| LAnd -> fst @@ disambiguate ~cond_prefix:c0 flatop (Some (e1, relop))

38 changes: 33 additions & 5 deletions src/lsp/cobol_ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class ['a] folder = object
method fold_class: (class_, 'a) fold = default
method fold_cond: 'k. ('k cond, 'a) fold = default
method fold_simple_cond: (simple_condition, 'a) fold = default
method fold_flat_combined_relation: (flat_combined_relation, 'a) fold = default
method fold_logop: (logop, 'a) fold = default
method fold_relop: (relop, 'a) fold = default
method fold_rounding_mode: (rounding_mode, 'a) fold = default
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,7 +307,8 @@ let fold_class (v: _ #folder) =
let rec fold_cond: type k. _ #folder -> k cond -> _ = fun v ->
handle v#fold_cond
~continue:begin fun (c: k cond) x -> match c with
| Expr _ | Omitted _ | Relation _ | ClassCond _ | SignCond _ as c -> x
| Expr _ | Omitted _ | Relation _
| Abbrev _ | ClassCond _ | SignCond _ as c -> x
>> fold_simple_cond v c
| Not c -> x
>> fold_cond v c
Expand All @@ -321,10 +323,12 @@ and fold_simple_cond (v: _ #folder) =
~continue:begin fun c x -> match c with
| Expr e | Omitted e -> x
>> fold_expr v e
| Relation (e, r, f) -> x
>> fold_expr v e
>> fold_relop v r
>> fold_expr v f
| Relation rel -> x
>> fold_binary_relation v rel
| Abbrev (_n, rel, o, comb) -> x
>> fold_binary_relation v rel
>> fold_logop v o
>> fold_flat_combined_relation v comb
| ClassCond (e, c) -> x
>> fold_expr v e
>> fold_class v c
Expand All @@ -333,6 +337,30 @@ and fold_simple_cond (v: _ #folder) =
>> fold_signz v s

and fold_binary_relation (v: _ #folder) (e, r, f) x = x
>> fold_expr v e
>> fold_relop v r
>> fold_expr v f

and fold_flat_combined_relation (v: _ #folder) =
handle v#fold_flat_combined_relation
~continue:begin fun c x -> match c with
| FlatAmbiguous (r, e) -> x
>> fold_option ~fold:fold_relop v r
>> fold_expr v e
| FlatNotExpr e -> x
>> fold_expr v e
| FlatRel (neg, rel) -> x
>> fold_bool v neg
>> fold_binary_relation v rel
| FlatOther c -> x
>> fold_cond v c
| FlatComb (c1, o, c2) -> x
>> fold_flat_combined_relation v c1
>> fold_logop v o
>> fold_flat_combined_relation v c2

let fold_expression = fold_expr (* alias *)
let fold_condition = fold_cond (* alias *)

Expand Down
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/lsp/cobol_common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -246,14 +246,6 @@ let as_unique_lexloc = function
| Raw (s, e, _) -> Some (s, e)
| _ -> None

(** [as_copy loc] returns a copybook filename associated with the location of
the {[COPY]} directive if [loc] directly results from such a directive, and
returns [None] otherwise. *)
let as_copy = function
| Cpy { copyloc = { filename; copyloc }; _ } ->
Some { payload = filename; loc = copyloc }
| _ -> (* CHECKME: COPY ... REPLACING ...: Rpl should be nested below Cpy *)

(* --- *)

Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/lsp/cobol_common/srcloc.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,9 +86,6 @@ val shallow_single_line_lexlocs_in
val as_unique_lexloc
: srcloc
-> lexloc option
val as_copy
: srcloc
-> string with_loc option

val in_area_a: srcloc -> bool
val start_pos: srcloc -> Lexing.position (* only suitable for Area A checks *)
Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/lsp/cobol_lsp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -507,17 +507,17 @@ let references cu_defs cu =
Cobol_data.Qualmap.add qn (references_of_qualname qn cu cu_defs) map)
cu_defs Cobol_data.Qualmap.empty

let copy_at_pos ~filename pos ptree =
Cobol_parser.PTree_visitor.fold_compilation_group (object
inherit [copy_operation option] Cobol_parser.PTree_visitor.folder
method! fold' { loc; _ } = function
| Some _ as acc ->
Visitor.skip_children acc
| None ->
match Srcloc.as_copy loc with
| Some { loc; _ } as copy
when Lsp_position.is_in_srcloc ~filename pos loc ->
Visitor.skip_children copy
| _ ->
Visitor.do_children None
end) ptree None
(* let copy_at_pos ~filename pos ptree = *)
(* Cobol_parser.PTree_visitor.fold_compilation_group (object *)
(* inherit [copy_operation option] Cobol_parser.PTree_visitor.folder *)
(* method! fold' { loc; _ } = function *)
(* | Some _ as acc -> *)
(* Visitor.skip_children acc *)
(* | None -> *)
(* match Srcloc.as_copy loc with *)
(* | Some { loc; _ } as copy *)
(* when Lsp_position.is_in_srcloc ~filename pos loc -> *)
(* Visitor.skip_children copy *)
(* | _ -> *)
(* Visitor.do_children None *)
(* end) ptree None *)
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/lsp/cobol_parser/grammar.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
open PTree
open Grammar_utils
open Cobol_ast
open Cobol_ast.HELPERS
open Cobol_common.Srcloc.INFIX

let split_last l =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2469,9 +2470,9 @@ complex_condition:
| OR { LOr }

%inline flat_relation_condition:
| n = ibo(NOT) c = relation_condition
suff = io (pair (logop, flat_combination_operand))
{ expand_relation_condition n c suff }
| neg = ibo(NOT) c = relation_condition
suff = io (pair (logop, flat_combination_operand))
{ relation_condition ~neg c suff }

| n = ibo(NOT) e = expression %prec lowest { neg_cond n @@ Expr e }
Expand Down
67 changes: 4 additions & 63 deletions src/lsp/cobol_parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,69 +22,10 @@ module Overlay_manager =
let name = __MODULE__

let neg_cond neg : simple_condition -> condition =
if not neg then UPCAST.simple_cond else fun c -> Not c
and neg_cond' neg : condition -> condition =
if not neg then else fun c -> Not c

(** Suffix of non-parenthesized relational combined conditions, to decypher
abbreviations *)
type flat_combination_operand =
| FlatAmbiguous of relop option * expression (* relop? e *)
| FlatNotExpr of expression (* NOT e *)
| FlatRel of bool * (expression * relop * expression) (* NOT? rel *)
| FlatOther of condition (* extended- or parenthesized condition *)
| FlatComb of (flat_combination_operand as 'x) * logop * 'x (* _ AND/OR _ *)

(** [expand_relation_condition neg relation_condition logop_n_flatop] expands
the non-parenthesized relation condition encoded by:
- {i [relation_condition]} (or {i NOT [relation_condition]} if [neg] holds)
if [logop_n_flatop] is [None];
- {i [relation_condition] [logop] abbrev-combined-conditions} (or {i NOT
[relation_condition] [logop] abbrev-combined-conditions} if [neg] holds),
where [logop] and {i abbrev-combined-conditions} are given via
[logop_n_flatop]. *)
let expand_relation_condition =
let rec disambiguate ?cond_prefix flatop sr =
(* Recursively constructs a valid condition based on the non-parenthesized
relational combined condition [flatop], assuming [sr] is the most recent
subject and relation operator (when reading from the left of the
sentence, canceling out on non-relational conditions).
If [cond_prefix] is given, places it with a conjunction at the
bottom-left of the result, i.e, substitutes the bottom-left node [c] with
[Logop (cond_prefix, LAnd, c)]. *)
let c, sr = match flatop, sr with
| FlatAmbiguous (Some rel, e), Some (subj, _)
| FlatAmbiguous (None, e), Some (subj, rel) ->
UPCAST.simple_cond @@ Relation (subj, rel, e), Some (subj, rel)
| FlatAmbiguous (_, e), None ->
Expr e, sr
| FlatNotExpr e, Some (subj, rel) ->
Not (UPCAST.simple_cond @@ Relation (subj, rel, e)), sr
| FlatNotExpr e, None ->
Not (UPCAST.simple_cond @@ Expr e), sr
| FlatRel (neg, (e1, rel, e2)), _ ->
neg_cond' neg @@ Relation (e1, rel, e2), Some (e1, rel)
| FlatOther c, _ ->
c, None
| FlatComb (f1, logop, f2), sr ->
let c1, sr = disambiguate ?cond_prefix f1 sr in
let c2, sr = disambiguate f2 sr in
Logop (c1, logop, c2), sr
match flatop, cond_prefix with
| FlatComb _, _ | _, None -> c, sr
| _, Some c0 -> Logop (c0, LAnd, c), sr
fun neg (e1, relop, e2) ->
let c0 = neg_cond' neg @@ Relation (e1, relop, e2) in
let relation_condition ~neg (binrel: binary_relation) = function
| None ->
Cobol_ast.HELPERS.neg_cond' neg @@ Relation binrel
| Some (LOr, flatop) ->
Logop (c0, LOr, fst @@ disambiguate flatop (Some (e1, relop)))
Abbrev (neg, binrel, LOr, flatop)
| Some (LAnd, flatop) ->
fst @@ disambiguate ~cond_prefix:c0 flatop (Some (e1, relop))
Abbrev (neg, binrel, LAnd, flatop)

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