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Saucisse (#147)
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* Saucisse

* Backward compatibility


Co-authored-by: Keryan Didier <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
chambart and Keryan-dev authored Jun 14, 2024
1 parent 0fe51c1 commit 49987e1
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Showing 3 changed files with 326 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,3 +69,4 @@ let () =
add_executable "demo4" [];
add_executable "demo5" [];
add_executable "demo6" [];
add_executable "saucisse" [];
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -222,3 +222,11 @@
(modules demo6)
(libraries ocaml-canvas react))

(name saucisse)
(public_name ocaml-canvas-saucisse)
(modes byte_complete native js)
(modules saucisse)
(libraries ocaml-canvas react))

317 changes: 317 additions & 0 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
open OcamlCanvas.V1

let option_iter f o = match o with None -> () | Some e -> f e

let sw = 800
let sh = 800

let base_y = 300.
let p1 : Point.t = (200., base_y)
let p2 : Point.t = (600., base_y)

let oeuil_y = base_y -. 200.

let o1 = (300., oeuil_y)
let o2 = (500., oeuil_y)

let saucisse_width = 30.
let saucisse_color =

let mid = Point.barycenter 1. p1 1. p2

let p3 : Point.t ref = ref (fst mid, 300.)

let () =
Backend.init ()

let c =
Canvas.createOnscreen ~title:"Saucisse"
~pos:(0, 0) ~size:(sw, sh) ()

let rot (x, y) = (-.y, x)

let (++) (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = x1 +. x2, y1 +. y2
let (--) (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = x1 -. x2, y1 -. y2
let normalize (x, y) =
let norm = sqrt (x *. x +. y *. y) in
x /. norm, y /. norm
let dir p1 p2 =
normalize (p2 -- p1)
let scale v (x, y) =
v *. x, v *. y

let disc ?color ?gradient center radius =
option_iter (Canvas.setFillColor c) color;
option_iter (Canvas.setFillGradient c) gradient;
Canvas.clearPath c;
Canvas.arc c ~center
~radius ~theta1:0.0 ~theta2:(2.0 *. Const.pi) ~ccw:false;
Canvas.fill c ~nonzero:false

let circle ~color center radius =
Canvas.setStrokeColor c color;
Canvas.clearPath c;
Canvas.arc c ~center
~radius ~theta1:0.0 ~theta2:(2.0 *. Const.pi) ~ccw:false;
Canvas.stroke c

let point ?( center =
disc ~color center 5.0

let taille_oeuil = 30.
let taille_pupille = 10.
let cursor_z = 100.

let gray n = Color.of_rgb n n n

let sourcil pos dir ratio =
let w = 50. in
let p0 = pos ++ (-.w, 0.) in
let p2 = pos ++ (w, 0.) in
let dy =
ratio *. 20.
let p0, p2 =
if dir then
p0, p2 ++ (0., dy)
p0 ++ (0., dy), p2
let ratio = if dir then ratio else 1. -. ratio in
let b = Point.barycenter ratio p0 (1. -. ratio) p2 in
let p1 = b ++ (0., -.20.) in
let p3 = b ++ (0., -.5.) in
let pa = Path.create () in
Path.moveTo pa p0;
Path.lineTo pa p1;
Path.lineTo pa p2;
Path.lineTo pa p3;
Path.close pa;
Canvas.setFillColor c;
Canvas.setStrokeColor c;
Canvas.fillPath c pa ~nonzero:false;
Canvas.strokePath c pa;

let oeuil pos dir is_left sourcil_ratio =
let g =
~center1:(pos ++ (-.15., 10.))
Gradient.addColorStop g Color.white 0.;
Gradient.addColorStop g (gray 235) 0.2;
Gradient.addColorStop g (gray 230) 0.85;
Gradient.addColorStop g (gray 100) 1.;
disc ~gradient:g pos taille_oeuil;
circle pos taille_oeuil;
let pup =
let (x, y) = dir -- pos in
let ax = atan2 cursor_z x in
let ay = atan2 cursor_z y in
let x = cos ax in
let y = cos ay in
let o = (x, y) in
scale 20. o ++ pos
disc pup taille_pupille;
sourcil (pos -- (0., 50.)) is_left sourcil_ratio

let controls a b =
let v = scale saucisse_width (dir a b) in
let p1 = b ++ rot v in
let p2 = b ++ v ++ rot v in
let p3 = b ++ v in
let p4 = b ++ v -- rot v in
let p5 = b -- rot v in
v, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5

let bout path a b =
let _v, _p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = controls a b in
Path.arcTo path ~p1:p2 ~p2:p3 ~radius:saucisse_width;
Path.arcTo path ~p1:p4 ~p2:p5 ~radius:saucisse_width;

let bouboule_radius = 10.

let bouboule v p =
let v = normalize v in
let center = p ++ (scale (saucisse_width +. bouboule_radius) v) in
disc ~color:saucisse_color center bouboule_radius;
circle center bouboule_radius

let tri v p =
let v = normalize v in
let center = p ++ (scale (saucisse_width +. bouboule_radius) v) in
let size_bout = 30. in
let p1 = center ++ (scale size_bout v) ++ (scale 15. (rot v)) in
let p2 = center ++ (scale size_bout v) -- (scale 15. (rot v)) in
let pa = Path.create () in
Path.moveTo pa center;
Path.lineTo pa p1;
Path.lineTo pa p2;
Path.close pa;
Canvas.setFillColor c saucisse_color;
Canvas.fillPath c pa ~nonzero:false;
Canvas.setStrokeColor c;
Canvas.strokePath c pa;

bouboule v p;

module F = struct
type 'a t = {
c : 'a list;
s : int;

let make v s = { c = [v]; s }

let push v s =
let l = List.length s.c in
let c =
if l >= s.s then
List.rev ( (List.rev s.c))
{ s with c = v :: c }

let mean s =
List.fold_left (fun acc v -> acc +. v) 0. s.c /. (float s.s)

let time () =
(Int64.to_float @@ Backend.getCurrentTimestamp ()) /. 1_000_000.

let last_frame_time = ref (time ())
let frame_time : float F.t ref = ref (F.make 100. 30)
let push_time t =
let dt = t -. !last_frame_time in
last_frame_time := t;
frame_time := F.push dt !frame_time
let fps () = 1. /. F.mean !frame_time

let draw () =

let t = time () in

let truc = 20. in

let p1 = p1 ++ (truc *. 2.1 *. sin (3.1 *. t) , truc *. 2. *. cos (4. *. t)) in
let p2 = p2 ++ (truc *. 2.1 *. sin (5.1 *. t) , truc *. 2.3 *. cos (4.2 *. t)) in

let p3 = !p3 in
let p3_oeuil = p3 in
let p3 =
let o = 40. in
let x = max (fst p1 +. o) (min (fst p2 -. o) (fst p3)) in
(x, snd p3)
Canvas.setFillColor c saucisse_color;
let path = Path.create () in
let v1, x, _, _, _, a = controls p3 p1 in
Path.moveTo path x;
bout path p3 p1;
let v2, b, _, _, _, a2 = controls p3 p2 in
let v = (0., saucisse_width) in

let ratio = 0.8 +. 0.3 *. sin (2. *. t) in

let pos a cont =
a ++ (scale ratio (cont -- a))

let d = p3 ++ v in
Path.bezierCurveTo path
~cp1:(pos a d)
~cp2:(pos b d)

bout path p3 p2;

let u = p3 -- v in
Path.bezierCurveTo path
~cp1:(pos a2 u)
~cp2:(pos x u)
Path.close path;
Canvas.setFillColor c saucisse_color;
Canvas.fillPath c path ~nonzero:false;
Canvas.setStrokeColor c;
Canvas.strokePath c path;

tri v1 p1;
tri v2 p2;

let sourcil_ratio =
let r =
let dy = snd p3 -. (base_y +. 200.) in
-. (dy /. 400.)
min 0.95 (max 0.05 r)

oeuil o1 p3_oeuil true sourcil_ratio;
oeuil o2 p3_oeuil false sourcil_ratio;

push_time (time ());

let fps_s = Printf.sprintf "%0.2f" (fps ()) in
Canvas.setFillColor c;
Canvas.fillText c fps_s (10., 10.); c

let () =
draw ()

let e_move = (fun { Event.canvas = _; timestamp = _; data = (x, y) } ->
p3 := (float_of_int x, float_of_int y)
) Event.mouse_move

let e1 = (fun { Event.canvas = _; timestamp = _; data = () } ->
Backend.stop ()
) Event.close

let e2 = (fun { Event.canvas = _; timestamp = _;
data = { Event.key; char = _; flags = _ }; _ } ->
if key = KeyEscape then
Backend.stop ()
) Event.key_down

let e3 = (fun { Event.canvas = _; timestamp = _;
data = { Event.position = (x, y); _ } } ->
point (float_of_int x, float_of_int y);
) Event.button_down

let frames = ref 0L

let e_frame = (fun { Event.canvas = _; timestamp = _; _ } ->
Canvas.setFillColor c Color.white;
Canvas.fillRect c ~pos:(0.0, 0.0) ~size:(float_of_int sw, float_of_int sh);

draw ();
frames := Int64.add !frames
) Event.frame

let () =
if Array.length Sys.argv >= 2 && Sys.argv.(1) = "bench" then
for _ = 0 to 1_000 do
draw ();
else (fun () ->
ignore (Sys.opaque_identity e_frame);
ignore (Sys.opaque_identity e_move);
ignore (Sys.opaque_identity (e1, e2));
ignore (Sys.opaque_identity (e3));
Printf.printf "\nDisplayed %Ld frames. Goodbye !\n" !frames)

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