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iguerNL authored and Halbaroth committed Apr 19, 2023
1 parent 1f8347d commit e2cba0f
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Showing 5 changed files with 78 additions and 110 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -588,6 +588,7 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) : Sat_solver_sig.S = struct
env.cdcl := CDCL.forget_decision !(env.cdcl) f lvl
(* TODO: remove this dangerous match. *)
| _ ->
"@[<v 2>cdcl_backjump error:@,%s@]"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -770,8 +771,6 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) : Sat_solver_sig.S = struct
try let ff, _, _, _ = ME.find nf env.gamma in aux gf ff
with Not_found -> gf

let do_bcp env tcp tcp_cache tmp_cache delta acc =
let tcp = tcp && not (Options.get_no_tcp ()) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1689,8 +1688,8 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) : Sat_solver_sig.S = struct
check_no_decision_in_env env;
Debug.is_it_unsat gf;
let env = assume env env.pending_assumes in
let env = { env with pending_assumes = [] } in
(* let env = assume env env.pending_assumes in
let env = { env with pending_assumes = [] } in *)
let guards_to_assume =
ME.fold (fun _g gf_guard_with_ex acc ->
gf_guard_with_ex :: acc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1767,7 +1766,9 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) : Sat_solver_sig.S = struct
(* in case of all-models and/or call to solver with old
unbacktracked decisions *)
check_no_decision_in_env env;
if Options.get_process_when_assuming() then
if true then
(* TODO: fix regressions when we disable this option. *)
(* if Options.get_process_when_assuming() then *)
if Options.get_tableaux_cdcl () then
cdcl_assume false env [add_guard env fg,dep];
Expand Down
150 changes: 63 additions & 87 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1656,6 +1656,27 @@ let update_used_by_pow env r1 p2 orig eqs =
) s eqs
with Exit | Not_found -> eqs

let exists_in_simplex sim x =
Sim.Core.(MX.mem x sim.basic) || Sim.Core.(MX.mem x sim.non_basic)

(* used radius in cube-test implementation *)
let radius = X.term_embed @@ Expr.mk_term ( "!radius") [] Ty.Tint
let cube_obj = Sim.Core.P.from_list [radius,]

let bnd_to_simplex_bound ((bnd, explanation) : I.bnd) : Sim.Core.bound option =
match bnd with
| None -> None
| Some (bnd, offset) ->
let bvalue =
if Q.equal offset
then Sim.Core.R2.lower bnd
else if Q.equal offset Q.m_one
then Sim.Core.R2.upper bnd
else if Q.equal offset
then Sim.Core.R2.of_r bnd
else assert false (* alt-ergo style *)
in Some {bvalue; explanation}

(* extract non trivial constraints on integer expressions from maps of
intervals *)
let int_constraints_from_map_intervals =
Expand All @@ -1671,34 +1692,24 @@ let int_constraints_from_map_intervals =
MX.fold (fun x (i,_) acc -> aux (poly_of x) x i uf acc) env.monomes acc

let exists_in_simplex sim x =
Sim.Core.(MX.mem x sim.basic) || Sim.Core.(MX.mem x sim.non_basic)

(* used radius in cube-test implementation *)
let radius = X.term_embed @@ Expr.mk_term ( "!radius") [] Ty.Tint
let cube_obj = Sim.Core.P.from_list [radius,]

let fm_simplex_cube_integers_encoding env uf has_eqs =
let simplex =
match env.cube_sim with
| Some cube when not has_eqs ->
cube (* reuse existing simplex *)
| _ ->
(* existing simplex, if any, not normalized wrt eqs ? reset it *)
Sim.Core.empty ~is_int:true ~check_invs:true ~debug:0
Sim.Core.empty ~is_int:true ~check_invs:true
let simplex, _ = (* assert that radius >= 0 *)
simplex radius (Some (, Ex.empty None Ex.empty in
Sim.Assert.var simplex radius
(fun simplex (p, uints) ->
let (mn, ex_mn), (mx, ex_mx) =
match uints, List.rev uints with
| [], [] ->
(None, Ex.empty), (None, Ex.empty)
| ((mn, ex_mn), _) ::_, (_, (mx, ex_mx)) :: _ ->
(mn, ex_mn), (mx, ex_mx)
| [], [] -> (None, Ex.empty), (None, Ex.empty)
| (min, _) ::_, (_, max) :: _ -> min, max
| [], _ | _, [] -> assert false
if mn == None && mx == None then simplex
Expand All @@ -1707,7 +1718,7 @@ let fm_simplex_cube_integers_encoding env uf has_eqs =
assert (Q.sign c = 0);
let l = List.rev_map (fun (c, x) -> x, c) (List.rev l) in
let cst0 =
List.fold_left (fun z (_, c) -> Q.add z (Q.abs c)) l
List.fold_left (fun z (_, c) -> Q.add z (Q.abs c)) l
let cst = Q.div cst0 (Q.from_int 2) in
let p_radius = P.create [cst, radius] Ty.Tint in
Expand All @@ -1722,34 +1733,34 @@ let fm_simplex_cube_integers_encoding env uf has_eqs =
let lpge = P.to_list pge |> fst |> (fun (a, b) -> b, a) in
let lple = P.to_list ple |> fst |> (fun (a, b) -> b, a) in
let simplex = (* assert lower bound *)
if mn == None then simplex
match mn with
| None -> simplex
| Some _ ->
let min = bnd_to_simplex_bound (mn, ex_mn) in
fst @@
if exists_in_simplex simplex xpge then
simplex xpge mn ex_mn None Ex.empty
Sim.Assert.var simplex xpge ?min
simplex (Sim.Core.P.from_list lpge) xpge
mn ex_mn None Ex.empty
simplex (Sim.Core.P.from_list lpge) xpge ?min
let rev_mx =
match mx with
| None -> None
| Some (a, b) -> Some (Q.mult Q.m_one a, Q.mult Q.m_one b)
let simplex =
if rev_mx == None then simplex
fst @@
(* assert upper bound -> inverted as a lower bound *)
if exists_in_simplex simplex xple then
simplex xple rev_mx ex_mx None Ex.empty
simplex (Sim.Core.P.from_list lple) xple
rev_mx ex_mx None Ex.empty
match rev_mx with
| None -> simplex
| Some _ ->
let max = bnd_to_simplex_bound (mx, ex_mx) in
fst @@
(* assert upper bound -> inverted as a lower bound *)
if exists_in_simplex simplex xple then
Sim.Assert.var simplex xple ?max
simplex (Sim.Core.P.from_list lple) xple ?max
) simplex (int_constraints_from_map_intervals env uf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1777,7 +1788,7 @@ let solve_cube_integers env are_eq sim =
| Sim.Core.Max(mx,_sol) -> (* implied bounds or eqs *)
let {Sim.Core.max_v; _} = Lazy.force mx in
let obj = match mx_res with None -> assert false | Some (p, _) -> p in
Debug.optimum obj max_v;
Debug.optimum obj (max_v.bvalue.v);
let deds, ex = (* deductions + explanation *)
(fun (l, ex) (x0, q) ->
Expand All @@ -1788,37 +1799,44 @@ let solve_cube_integers env are_eq sim =
let rv = alien_of (P.create [] Ty.Tint) in
let x = X.subst radius rv x0 in (* remove radius from x *)
(* necessiraly equals low min or max bound *)
let (l_i, w) as value = x_info.value in
let (l_i, w) =
(x_info.value.v, x_info.value.offset)
assert (Q.sign w = 0); (* no strict ineqs on Ints *)
(* why is this deduction correct:
- we assumed constraints l_i <= ctx_i
- radius is maximized by setting ctx_i's slake variables
that appear in 'obj' to their min 'l_i'
that appear in 'obj' to their min 'l_i'
- 'obj' evaluates to a constant, and the coefficients of
the constraints ctx_i in it are negative (because we hit
max for objective with lower bounds).
the constraints ctx_i in it are negative (because we hit
max for objective with lower bounds).
- if we rather transform the constraints to
0 <= (- l_i) + ctx_i
- then, we multiply them by the abs (positive) value of
their coefficients in obj (without changin ineq's direction)
their coefficients in obj (without changin ineq's direction)
0 <= (- q) ((- l_i) + ctx_i)
- finally, the SUM (- q) ((- l_i) + ctx_i) is actually equal to
- Now, we can use, FM/FM-Simplex bounds deduction mecanism:
-> 0 <= (- q) ((- l_i) + ctx_i) <= max_v
-> ctx_i <= l_i + floor (max_v / (-q))
-> 0 <= (- q) ((- l_i) + ctx_i) <= max_v
-> ctx_i <= l_i + floor (max_v / (-q))
Hence, an upper bound for ctx_i
assert (Q.sign q < 0);
assert (Sim.Core.equals_optimum value;
let ded = Q.add l_i @@ Q.floor @@ Q.div max_v @@ Q.abs q in
(x, ded) :: l, Ex.union ex x_info.min_ex
assert (Sim.Core.equals_optimum x_info.value;
let ded = Q.add l_i @@ Q.floor @@ Q.div max_v.bvalue.v @@ Q.abs q in
let ex =
match with
| Some { explanation; _ } -> Ex.union ex explanation
| None -> ex
(x, ded) :: l, ex
)([], Ex.empty) (Sim.Core.P.bindings obj)
List.fold_left (fun env (x, max_bnd) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2174,34 +2192,6 @@ let case_split_union_of_intervals =


let bnd_to_simplex_bound ((bnd, explanation) : I.bnd) : Sim.Core.bound option =
match bnd with
| None -> None
| Some (bnd, offset) ->
let bvalue =
if Q.equal offset
then Sim.Core.R2.lower bnd
else if Q.equal offset Q.m_one
then Sim.Core.R2.upper bnd
else if Q.equal offset
then Sim.Core.R2.of_r bnd
else assert false (* alt-ergo style *)
in Some {bvalue; explanation}

let int_constraints_from_map_intervals =
let aux p xp i uf acc =
if Uf.is_normalized uf xp && I.is_point i == None
&& P.type_info p == Ty.Tint
then (p, I.bounds_of i) :: acc
else acc
fun env uf ->
let acc =
MP.fold (fun p i acc -> aux p (alien_of p) i uf acc) env.polynomes []
MX.fold (fun x (i,_) acc -> aux (poly_of x) x i uf acc) env.monomes acc

let fm_simplex_unbounded_integers_encoding env uf =
let simplex = Sim.Core.empty ~is_int:true ~check_invs:true in
let int_ctx = int_constraints_from_map_intervals env uf in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2342,11 +2332,6 @@ let optimizing_split env uf opt =
let p = poly_of repr in
match P.is_const p with
| Some optim ->
"%a has a %s: %a@."
E.print e
(if to_max then "maximum" else "minimum")
Q.print optim;
let r2 = alien_of (P.create [] optim ty) in
let t2 = mk_const_term optim ty in
Debug.case_split r1 r2;
Expand All @@ -2365,9 +2350,6 @@ let optimizing_split env uf opt =
| Sim.Core.Sat _ -> assert false (* because we maximized *)
| Sim.Core.Unsat _ -> assert false (* we know sim is SAT *)
| Sim.Core.Unbounded _ ->
"%a is unbounded. Let other methods assign a value for it@."
E.print e;
let value = if to_max then Th_util.Pinfinity else Th_util.Minfinity in
Sig_rel.Optimized_split { opt with value }

Expand All @@ -2378,12 +2360,6 @@ let optimizing_split env uf opt =
if to_max then max_p
else Q.mult Q.m_one max_p
"%a has a %s: %a@."
E.print e
(if to_max then "maximum" else "minimum")
Q.print optim;

let r2 = alien_of (P.create [] optim ty) in
Debug.case_split r1 r2;
let t2 = mk_const_term optim ty in
Expand Down
15 changes: 2 additions & 13 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1064,22 +1064,11 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) : Sat_solver_sig.S = struct
E.mk_or and_ ((if is_max then gt else lt) e tv) false 0
)((if is_max then gt else lt) e tv) l
"Obj %a has an optimum. Should continue beyond SAT to try to \
find a better opt than v = %a@."
Expr.print e Expr.print tv;
Format.eprintf "neg is %a@." E.print neg;
let l = [mk_gf neg] in
"TODO: can we add the clause without 'cancel_until 0' ?";
(* TODO: can we add the clause without 'cancel_until 0' ? *)
SAT.cancel_until env.satml 0;
let env, updated = assume_aux ~dec_lvl:0 env l in
if not updated then begin
"env not updated after injection of neg! termination \
assert false
assert (updated);
let is_gui = Options.get_is_gui() in
Options.Time.unset_timeout ~is_gui;
Options.Time.set_timeout ~is_gui (Options.get_timelimit ());
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,9 +58,10 @@ module Make (Th : Theory.S) = struct
SE.add (formula_of_atom env a) acc)
(SAT.reason_of_deduction p) SE.empty in
lazy (Ex.make_deps r) in
Some (l_ex,Atom.level p)
Some (l_ex, Atom.level p)
else None
| None -> assert false
| None ->
Util.failwith "No proxy formula for the formula %a" E.print f

let forget_decision env f lvl =
let l_ok, _ =
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/lib/util/options.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -455,7 +455,8 @@ val set_tighten_vars : bool -> unit
(** Set [use_fpa] accessible with {!val:get_use_fpa} *)
val set_use_fpa : bool -> unit

(** Set [process_when_assuming] accessible with {!val:get_process_when_assuming} *)
(** Set [process_when_assuming] accessible with
{!val:get_process_when_assuming} *)
val set_process_when_assuming : bool -> unit

(** Set [session_file] accessible with {!val:get_session_file} *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1026,8 +1027,8 @@ val get_use_fpa : unit -> bool
(** Default to [false] *)

(** [true] if SAT engine processes assumed formulas before unsat is
called (ie. adding them to SAT's env, translation to CNF, bcp,
propagation to theories, ... *)
called (ie. adding them to SAT's env, translation to CNF, bcp,
propagation to theories, ... *)
val get_process_when_assuming : unit -> bool
(** Default to [false] *)

Expand Down

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