Welcome to the Crypto Collector Account Monitor. it's core purpose is to sell off profits from all account (Excluding Bitcoin) within a a few pre determined ranges
Step #1 (We Need Python Running Nice) -install python 3.9.+ -install pip
Step #2 (Python Package Manager) -Use pip to install cbpro 'python3 -m pip install cbpro'
Step #3 (Navigate to this file from the console) open a terminal / command prompt
- navigate to the folder where you put the bot files by
- 'cd /computer/yourname/desktop/folderTheBotIsIn' *enter
Step #4 (Start Up the Bot!) run the bot
Type in the console: python3 cc.py *enter
Enter you API Detail's (Or CTRL-C To Stop The Program and open the info file manually and enter your info that way)
The program will then open the gui and start collecting automaticly