kails -n my_project
and watch Rails offer a native reactive Front-end, edit your css and js according to airb'n'b guideline and more... :D
You need Ruby Gem, Yarn and Hivemind in order to run this
$> kails -n my_app && cd my_app
# edit config/database.yml according to your configuration
$> rails db:create
$> rails g controller home index
$> rails g komponent hello
Edit the following files:
// frontend/packs/application.js
import "init";
import "komponents/hello/hello";
/* frontend/komponents/hello/hello.css */
.hello {
font-weight: bolder;
font-size: x-large;
/ frontend/komponents/hello/_hello.html.slim
= yield
p[id="2"]= "yolo!"
/ app/views/home/index.html.slim
= komponent "hello"
p= "this is inside hello"
$> hivemind Procfile.dev
Go to http://localhost:5000/home/index
and voila! :)
$> heroku create
$> git add . && git commit -m "clean commit"
$> git push heroku master