Parallel Data Streams Tool
PDS is a tool on top of which other client-server programs like rsync can run. It transfers data between client and server through parallel TCP streams like the mechanism used by GridFTP for transferring files.
Then put the folder containing PDS_client.out, PDS_server.out and transceiver.out in the PATH on both end hosts. NOTE: Update rsync to the latest version (3.1.1 or above) to get a beffer performance.
rsync -v --progress --rsh="PDS_client.out (number of TCP streams) (block size) (connection type) (path to the source file) (IP addr of the server):(path to the destination file)
Example for parallel TCP connections:
rsync -v --progress --rsh="PDS_client.out 5 10000 TCP" /dev/shm/eghbal/test.blob
Example for parallel SSH connections:
rsync -v --progress --rsh="PDS_client.out 5 4000 SSH" /dev/shm/eghbal/test.blob
- The block size argument should be <=10000 for parallel TCP connections and <=4000 for parallel SSH connections.
- If you want to run PDS with more than 9 parallel SSH connections you should modify sshd_config file to increase the maximum parallel SSH connections from the default value which is 10.
At NFS server node:
Edit /etc/exports to share a folder. For example if you want to share /dev/shm/eghbal, you should add the following line:
/dev/shm/eghbal *(insecure,fsid=0,rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
then run "sudo exportfs -a".
At NFS client node:
Run PDS_client to create a channel between NFS client and server nodes:
PDS_client.out (number of TCP streams) (block size) (connection type) (IP addr of the server) PF (local port) (remote port)
For example:
PDS_client.out 5 10000 TCP PF 3049 2049
Then mount a folder (e.g. /mnt/nfs-share):
mount -vt nfs4 -o port=3049 localhost:/ /mnt/nfs-share
- Like running NFS over SSH, after finishing the task, you can Ctrl+C PDS client to exit the channel and also you should kill the PDS server process running on the other side.
- Sometimes the local port is still busy after exiting PDS client. You can wait for a while or try another port number.