A small API for working with HoYoLab. Primarily developed for daily rewards in Genshin Impact
To use the API, you will need HoYoLab cookies. To get them, go to www.hoyolab.com, authorize and press F12 -> Console -> Enter this in text field:
Done! Cookies copied in your clipboard.
To create a new account instance, you need to have cookies string (formatted like a example below).
using HoYoLab_API;
public void SomeMethod()
var account = new HoyolabAccount(
rawCookies: "ltoken=12AOxlS0gnNGqQ2kOgJR2C2g28S1uU6dgBT0qgKa; ltuid=52606212", language: "en-us", userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:100.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/100.0");
Language | Code |
English | en-us |
Pусский | ru-ru |
日本語 | ja-jp |
한국어 | ko-kr |
Deutsch | de-de |
Español | es-es |
Français | fr-fr |
Indonesia | id-id |
Português | pt-pt |
ภาษาไทย | th-th |
Tiếng Việt | vi-vn |
简体中文 | zh-cn |
繁體中文 | zh-tw |
if (account.IsValid)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", account.GameAccounts));