Simple extension of Function
to express chained (or nested) Functions
fluently. Nested means a function is dependent on the output of the previous function.
Distribution over Jitpack. Please see instructions there for installation.
Use jitpack version selector if you want a fixed branch/tag/commit.
Version | Binary | Sources | Java version | Documentation |
main-SNAPSHOT | JAR | Sources | 9 | Documentation |
You can create a NestedFunction
using the static method of
, which wraps a regular Function.
Then you can chain NestedFunction
s together by using the nested
NestedFunction<Integer, String> function1 = NestedFunction.of(num -> String.valueOf(num * 2));
NestedFunction<String, Integer> function2 = NestedFunction.of(str -> Integer.parseInt(str) + 1);
NestedFunction<Integer, Integer> chainedFunction = function1.nested(function2);
Integer result = chainedFunction.apply(5); // result will be 11
But there is no benefit to it. You can archive the same with Function#andThen
already. So please see the other samples.
You can create a Predicate of a NestedFunction
by using the predicate
Predicate<World> treeHasBranchAndHasGreenLeaf = NestedFunction
You can cache results of a NestedFunction
by using the cached
NestedFunction<Integer, Integer> function = NestedFunction.of(num -> num * 2);
Function<Integer, Integer> cachedFunction = function.cached(num -> expensiveOperation(num));
final List<Integer> collect = Stream.of(2, 4, 5, 6, 2).map(cachedFunction).collect(Collectors.toList());
private static int expensiveOperation(Integer num) {
final int result = num * 2;
System.out.println(result + " not cached");
return result;
8 not cached
16 not cached
20 not cached
24 not cached
[8, 16, 20, 24, 8]
Another useful sample is when calling an external webservice where you know it will return the same response per Type
final Function<MyModel, Boolean> cached = NestedFunction.of(MyModel::getType).cached(service::callWebservice);
Stream<MyModel> filtered = stream.filter(cached::apply);
NestedFunction<Integer, Integer> function = NestedFunction.of(num -> num * 3);
Function<Integer, Boolean> cachedFunction = function.cached(num -> expensiveOperation(num));
final List<Integer> collect = Stream.of(2, 4, 5, 6, 2).filter(cachedFunction::apply).collect(Collectors.toList());
private static boolean expensiveOperation(Integer num) {
final boolean result = num % 2 == 0;
System.out.println(result + " not cached");
return result;
true not cached
true not cached
false not cached
true not cached
[2, 4, 6, 2]