GenAI Chatbot 🎯
WEBSITE LINK (UPDATED) It may tooks minutes to load the website(Render free plan!!)
Team Members
- Team Lead: Sanjay K P - LBS College Of Engineering
- Member 2: Nived C K - LBS College Of Engineering
- Member 3: Gopika Ragesh - LBS College of Engineering
An Useless Generative AI Chatbot, which replies only in negative or opposite way
Its an usesless project, so there is no problems!
Project is the solution :
For Software:
- Python , Javascript , HTML
- Microsoft VisualStudioCode
- Langchain,Flask,Geminillm
- Render.com
For Software:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py guricon app:app
For Software: flask, langchain...
https://ibb.co/FVGqgrK Screesnshot of the main code
https://ibb.co/sFkkmrW Screenshot of the web page and the output
- Nived C K - Coding,Idea Implementation , webhosting
- Sanjay -Coding, Documentation
- Gopika - Team Cordination
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