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Detect The Face from the Input image and Recognize the person in Image from very few past examples.


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Detect The Face from the Input image and Recognize the person in Image from very few past examples using Django & Pytorch.


  1. First clone the repository in your system.

    git clone

  2. Then Change Directory to News-Aggregator.

    cd One-Shot-Classifier

  3. Then start Virtual Environment within current Directory.

    virtualenv virtual_environment_name


  4. Then install the dependencies from requirements.txt.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Then Apply Migrations.

    python makemigrations

    python migrate

  6. Execute the file to runserver.

    python runserver

  7. Then Goto your favourite Browser and Type in localhost:8000.

  8. Now you should be able to navigate through the website and explore its features.

Screenshots of Website

Home Page of Website

Screenshot (182)

After Clicking on Upload Images Button

Screenshot (183)

After Clicking on Process Images After Uploading all the Images

Screenshot (184)

After Clicking on Recognize Face From Image

Screenshot (185)

Page To Display The Result of Prediction By Model(If Images of Person Present in Database then it will say Hello with the name of person or else it will display Image with Hello,Who are you?)

Screenshot (186)

If Uploaded Image Does not Have A Face

Screenshot (187)