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Guide for using OB1 G5 Internal Algorithm Feature

JamOrHam edited this page Apr 18, 2018 · 5 revisions

This feature uses the internal algorithm of the G5 Transmitter to calculate glucose values instead of using one of xDrip's calibration algorithms.

This is a new experimental feature which will likely be expanded over time. Because it is a little confusing to use at the moment this mini-guide is designed to help!

Why would I want to do this?

Using the native G5 transmitter to calculate the glucose values should mean that these are as close to the official algorithm results as possible. There is however no guarantee that this feature has been implemented correctly so please observe caution and care.

Back-filling is also a feature of using the native G5 for calculations. You should find that xDrip will back-fill missing values up to 3 hours when returning from being out of range etc.

You can use this feature if all of the following are true:

  • You are using your phone as a collector
  • Your phone works with the G5 OB1 Collector enabled
  • You are using a version from the 16th April 2018 onward.
  • Your G5 Transmitter days shows as less than 90
  • You are prepared for some possible confusion!
  • You are prepared for a 2 hour warm up period where you may have no glucose data.

If you are already also using the official receiver then you should be able to enable this feature simply by enabling the G5 Debug Setting called G5 Internal Algorithm

If you are not already using an official receiver device or similar then you will need to first activate the setting mentioned above and then go through the Start Sensor procedure. Without this the G5 Transmitter will not perform any calculations and xDrip will fall back to its default mechanism.

If you already have a sensor started then select Stop Sensor then select Start Sensor and enter in as close to as possible when the sensor was started. Beware that if you are doing this when not actually changing a sensor then this can probably introduce some inaccuracies because the G5 Transmitter is expecting you to only start a sensor when one has just been inserted.

After you have done this when the G5 next wakes up (5 minutes later..) it will report the Sensor Status which you can see in the OB1 G5 System Status tab. It should say Warming Up

After 2 hours this will change to Calibration Requested and you should receive a notification pop-up on your phone which when you tap it will ask you for two initial calibration blood test values. Enter these and then in the G5 Status page you should see G5 Algorithm: Data Received if you see that then it is working!

Known limitations

G5 Firmware version (very old) doesn't support back-filling so if you are using a transmitter with that firmware or older then the back-filling feature will not work.

Things to watch out for:

xDrip will try to use its own algorithm if it isn't getting any glucose numbers from the G5 Transmitter. This means it may also ask you to calibrate before the G5 Transmitter has gone through the warm-up process. So you will start getting numbers that are still from the xDrip algorithm and then get asked again for a double calibration at which point numbers after that will be coming from the G5 Transmitter itself. This is a source of confusion which is likely to get handled better in the future but due to the early experimental state of this feature this hasn't been handled properly yet.

The same thing could happen in reverse if the G5 Transmitter stops producing glucose values. The only way to tell is to look in the G5 Status tab to find out what is going on. Sensor States other than OK will be displayed in orange at the top of that page.

How to turn it off

At any point you should be able to uncheck the G5 Internal Algorithm preference item and things will return to the typical xDrip+ behavior.

How to provide debugging information

Before you collect any log information to assist debugging, if things don't work properly. You should follow the instructions here to enable mega logging for the OB1 Collector.