**NEW -** "" downloads all required images from this github, to a randomly generated folder in TEMP. This means this file, can be ran **WITHOUT** needing to download the images.
A fake vape lite GUI in python3. (Only an image with working butons) (No animation).
On launch will fade in the Vape Lite window (A static image) with buttons where the MIN and MAX buttons usually are.
Maxamize button is binded to root.destroy() Destroys the Canvas TK and therefore entire execution. Minimize is binded to root.state('withdrawn') then pauses for 0.2 seconds (Changeable) then back to root.state('normal'). To my knowledge, since the Canvas / TK window is root.overrideredirect(True), you can call root.deiconfiy().
Do what you will with this, its just a small project. May add LC / BLC detectability and threading for different UI's.
Future Plans
Add LC / BLC / MC 1.8.9 / 1.7.10 detection + different UI's.
Add loading screen instead of fading in to exactly "Minecraft not found".
Possible recode in C++.
ACTUAL minimize button workaround.