UPDATE: see more on the project site
- BackgroundSubtractorCNT is a drop in replacement API for the background subtraction solutions supplied with OpenCV 3.1.0 and above.
- It is much faster than any other background subtraction solutions in OpenCV (without NVidia CUDA) on low spec hardware.
Here is an output of benchmarking on Raspberry Pi3 both MOG2 and CNT BackgroundSubtractors:
pi@pilab2:~/tmp/mnt/build_pi3 $ ./demo -file=/home/pi/tmp/mnt2/samples/data/768x576.avi -nogui -type="MOG2"
Execution took 40.964450 seconds.
pi@pilab2:~/tmp/mnt/build_pi3 $ ./demo -file=/home/pi/tmp/mnt2/samples/data/768x576.avi -nogui -type="CNT"
Execution took 17.633301 seconds.
Follow a video session for building C++ and python on Pi
Make sure these are installed first and that their executables are in your path:
- cmake - should already be installed since you built OpenCV by yourself.
- git (optional) - you can also download the sources from GitHub.
- swig (optional) - needed for building the python extension.
git clone https://github.com/sagi-z/BackgroundSubtractorCNT.git --single-branch
cd BackgroundSubtractorCNT
mkdir build
cd build
By default cmake is building for release, static lib, without the C++ demo and without the python extension
cmake ..
(note that these are now the new defaults until you delete the build/CMakeCache.txt file)
cmake -DPYTHON_EXTENSION=ON -DPYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.5 ..
(note that these are now the new defaults until you delete the build/CMakeCache.txt file)
copy/move the bgsubcnt.cpp to your sources and bgsubcnt.h to your headers.
sudo make install
cpack -G DEB
sudo dpkg -i ./bgsubcnt-1.1.3-Linux.deb
Follow a video session for building C++ and python on windows
Make sure these are installed first and that their executables are in your path:
- cmake - should already be installed if you built OpenCV by yourself (configure OPENCV_DIR as required for build using OpenCV with cmake).
- Visual Studio - a C++ compiler - I'm using Visual Studio 2015.
- git (optional) - you can also download the sources from GitHub.
- swig (optional) - needed for building the python extension.
- NSIS (optional) - if you want to build a package installer.
- Python (optional) - if you want to build the python extension.
- Python compiler for your python version (optional) - needed for building the python extension (i.e. for python2.7 you need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition).
- This should be done from a "Developer Command Prompt for VS2015" (Open it from the Start menu):
REM check dependencies are in path/exist
REM ====================================
cd c:\users\sagiz
where git
where swig
where cmake
where msbuild
where python
dir "c:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\NSIS.exe"
REM get the sources
REM ===============
cd c:\users\sagiz
git clone https://github.com/sagi-z/BackgroundSubtractorCNT.git --single-branch
cd BackgroundSubtractorCNT
mkdir build
cd build
REM configure the build
REM ===================
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DBUILD_TEST=ON -DPYTHON_EXTENSION=ON ..
REM build the sources
REM =================
msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
REM build the installer
REM ===================
msbuild PACKAGE.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
REM run the installer
REM =================
REM check if we can load the module
REM ===============================
set PYTHONPATH=C:\Program Files\bgsubcnt 1.1.3\lib\site-packages
cd ..
python -c "import cv2, bgsubcnt; fgbg = bgsubcnt.createBackgroundSubtractor(); print fgbg"
- Here is an example command line session in a "Developer Command Prompt for VS2015" with outputs:
REM check dependencies are in path/exist
REM ====================================
c:\Users\sagiz>where git
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
c:\Users\sagiz>where swig
c:\Users\sagiz>where cmake
C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe
c:\Users\sagiz>echo %OPENCV_DIR%
c:\Users\sagiz>dir %OPENCV_DIR%
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 6431-83A8
Directory of C:\opencv-3.1.0\build
12/24/2016 05:08 PM <DIR> .
12/24/2016 05:08 PM <DIR> ..
12/18/2015 05:15 PM <DIR> bin
12/18/2015 05:15 PM <DIR> etc
12/18/2015 05:15 PM <DIR> include
12/18/2015 05:13 PM <DIR> java
12/18/2015 03:16 PM 2,224 LICENSE
12/18/2015 05:10 PM 433 OpenCVConfig-version.cmake
12/18/2015 03:16 PM 6,916 OpenCVConfig.cmake
12/18/2015 05:15 PM <DIR> python
12/24/2016 05:07 PM <DIR> x64
3 File(s) 9,573 bytes
8 Dir(s) 14,000,812,032 bytes free
c:\Users\sagiz>where msbuild
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe
c:\Users\sagiz>where python
c:\Users\sagiz>dir "c:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\NSIS.exe"
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 6431-83A8
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS
12/11/2016 11:50 PM 1,026,048 NSIS.exe
1 File(s) 1,026,048 bytes
0 Dir(s) 14,001,606,656 bytes free
REM get the sources
REM ===============
c:\Users\sagiz>git clone https://github.com/sagi-z/BackgroundSubtractorCNT.git --single-branch
Cloning into 'BackgroundSubtractorCNT'...
… (didn’t copy-paste all the output lines)...
c:\Users\sagiz>cd BackgroundSubtractorCNT
c:\Users\sagiz\BackgroundSubtractorCNT>mkdir build
c:\Users\sagiz\BackgroundSubtractorCNT>cd build
REM configure the build
REM ===================
c:\Users\sagiz\BackgroundSubtractorCNT\build>cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DBUILD_TEST=ON -DPYTHON_EXTENSION=ON ..
… (didn’t copy-paste all the output lines). ..
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/sagiz/BackgroundSubtractorCNT/build
REM build the sources
REM =================
c:\Users\sagiz\BackgroundSubtractorCNT\build>msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
… (didn’t copy-paste all the output lines). ..
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:08.51
REM build the installer
REM ===================
c:\Users\sagiz\BackgroundSubtractorCNT\build>msbuild PACKAGE.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
… (didn’t copy-paste all the output lines). ..
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:13.33
REM run the installer
REM =================
REM check if we can load the module
REM ===============================
c:\Users\sagiz\BackgroundSubtractorCNT\build>set PYTHONPATH=C:\Program Files\bgsubcnt 1.1.3\lib\site-packages
c:\Users\sagiz\BackgroundSubtractorCNT\build>cd ..
c:\Users\sagiz\BackgroundSubtractorCNT>python -c "import cv2, bgsubcnt; fgbg = bgsubcnt.createBackgroundSubtractor(); print fgbg"
<Swig Object of type 'BackgroundSubtractorCNT *' at 0x0000000003891110>
Update/add the environment variable PYTHONPATH to point to where the python extension was installed (in the example above it was added to C:\Program Files\bgsubcnt 1.1.3\lib\site-packages). In the File Explorer, right-click on This PC and coose properties. Then choose Advanced system settings and press the "Environment Variables ..." button.
Assuming installation in '/usr/local', add to cflags '-I/usr/local/include' and to link flags '-L/usr/local/lib -lbgsubcnt'
Here is a minimal CMakeLists.txt example:
INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} "/usr/local/include")
ADD_EXECUTABLE(myapp main.cpp)
FIND_LIBRARY(BGSUBCNT_LIB bgsubcnt "/usr/local/lib")
make sure the include path and link path and library are set correctly.
// Example from main.cpp, which is built if you supply -DBUILD_TEST=ON to cmake
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "bgsubcnt.h"
string type = parser.get<string>("type"); // get the BackgroundSubtractor type somehow
cv::Ptr<cv::BackgroundSubtractor> pBgSub; // THE SAME BASE CLASS
if (type == "CNT")
int fps = 15;
if (hasFile)
fps = capture.get(CAP_PROP_FPS);
pBgSub = cv::bgsubcnt::createBackgroundSubtractorCNT(fps, true, fps*60);
else if (type == "MOG2")
cv::Ptr<cv::BackgroundSubtractorMOG2> pBgSubMOG2 = cv::createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2();
pBgSub = pBgSubMOG2;
cv::Mat frame;
cap >> frame;
if( frame.empty() )
cv::Mat gray;
cv::cvtColor(frame, gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cv::Mat fgMask;
pBgSub->apply(gray, fgMask);
import bgsubcnt # 1. New import
fgbg = bgsubcnt.createBackgroundSubtractor() # 2. New background subtractor
import numpy as np
import cv2
import bgsubcnt # 1. New import
# A temporary solution to OpenCV 3.1.0 bug
# with background subtractors
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('/home/userName/Downloads/opencv-3.1.0/samples/data/768x576.avi')
#fgbg = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2()
fgbg = bgsubcnt.createBackgroundSubtractor() # 2. New background subtractor
ret, frame = cap.read()
gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
fgmask = fgbg.apply(gray)
k = cv2.waitKey(30)
if k == 27:
- help message
pi@pilab2:~/tmp/mnt/build_pi3 $ ./demo -h
BackgroundSubtractorCNT demo/benchmark/comparison
Usage: demo [params]
-?, -h, --help, --usage (value:true)
print this message
calculate also the background
use file (default is system camera)
run without GUI to measure times
--type (value:CNT)
bg subtraction type from - CNT/MOG2/KNN
- For benchmarking, use '-nogui', this was executed on Raspberry Pi3:
pi@pilab2:~/tmp/mnt/build_pi3 $ ./demo -file=/home/pi/tmp/mnt2/samples/data/768x576.avi -nogui -type="MOG2"
Execution took 40.964450 seconds.
pi@pilab2:~/tmp/mnt/build_pi3 $ ./demo -file=/home/pi/tmp/mnt2/samples/data/768x576.avi -nogui -type="CNT"
Execution took 17.633301 seconds.
- For seeing the 'fg' quality use these:
./demo -file=/home/pi/tmp/mnt2/samples/data/768x576.avi -type="CNT"
- For seeing the 'fg' and 'bg' quality use these:
./demo -file=/home/pi/tmp/mnt2/samples/data/768x576.avi -type="CNT" -bg
- help message
pi@pilab2:~/BackgroundSubtractorCNT $ python python/demo.py -h
BackgroundSubtractorCNT demo/benchmark/comparison
Usage: demo.py [params]
-h, --help
print this message
calculate also the background
use file (default is system camera)
run without GUI to measure times
--type (default:CNT)
bg subtraction type from - CNT/MOG2/KNN
- For benchmarking, use '--nogui', this was executed on Raspberry Pi3:
pi@pilab2:~/BackgroundSubtractorCNT $ python python/demo.py --file=/home/pi/tmp/mnt2/samples/data/768x576.avi --nogui --type="MOG2"
Execution took 40.964450 seconds.
pi@pilab2:~/BackgroundSubtractorCNT $ python python/demo --file=/home/pi/tmp/mnt2/samples/data/768x576.avi --nogui --type="CNT"
Execution took 17.633301 seconds.
- For seeing the 'fg' quality use these:
python demo.py --file=/home/pi/tmp/mnt2/samples/data/768x576.avi --type="CNT"
- For seeing the 'fg' and 'bg' quality use these:
python demo.py --file=/home/pi/tmp/mnt2/samples/data/768x576.avi --type="CNT" --bg