This repo will contain all the information required to deploy containerise applications to Kubernetes Service and CosmosDB.
I have created this repo on behalf of the Festive Tech Calendar 2022.
- Azure Subscription
- Azure DevOps Account
- Azure CLI
- Terraform
- Docker Desktop
The solution is a wishlist application that Pluralsight has created. It would be great to deploy into Azure.
At the end of the lab, you will have a fully functional application deployed to Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Cosmos DB.
Lab 1 - Setting up Azure DevOps Project - This section will show you how to set up your Azure DevOps project and the backend for Terraform.
Lab 2 - Deploy to Azure Container Registry - How to build and push the image to Azure Container Registry
Lab 3 - Deploy Infrastructure to AKS using Terraform via Azure DevOps Pipeline - Include Terraform modules and Azure DevOps pipelines for infrastructure deployment
Lab 4 - Integrate AKS cluster to Azure Cosmos Database - Shows how to integrate the AKS cluster to Azure Cosmos DB
Lab 5 - Testing Resources - Provides method of testing infrastructure resources before deploying to production.
Lab 6 - Montioring Resources - Monitor infrastructure resources.
I hope you enjoy the lab and learn something new :)
Please contact me on social media for any questions or feedback.