o-spreadsheet API
- AbstractChart
- CorePlugin
- DispatchResult
- EvaluationError
- Model
- Registry
- Revision
- Spreadsheet
- UIPlugin
- Client
- ClientJoinedMessage
- ClientLeftMessage
- ClientMovedMessage
- RemoteRevisionMessage
- RevisionRedoneMessage
- RevisionUndoneMessage
- TransportService
- __info__
- cellTypes
- components
- coreTypes
- functionCache
- helpers
- invalidateEvaluationCommands
- readonlyAllowedCommands
- registries
Ƭ CancelledReason: Exclude
, Success
Ƭ CollaborationMessage: RevisionUndoneMessage
| RevisionRedoneMessage
| RemoteRevisionMessage
| SnapshotMessage
| SnapshotCreatedMessage
| ClientMovedMessage
| ClientJoinedMessage
| ClientLeftMessage
Name | Type |
number |
number |
number |
number |
number |
number |
number |
number |
number |
• __info__: Object
= {}
We export here all entities that needs to be accessed publicly by Odoo.
Note that the info key is actually completed by the build process (see the rollup.config.js file)
• cellTypes: Object
Name | Type |
LinkCell |
typeof LinkCell |
• components: Object
Name | Type |
BarConfigPanel |
typeof BarConfigPanel |
ChartFigure |
typeof ChartFigure |
ChartJsComponent |
typeof ChartJsComponent |
ChartPanel |
typeof ChartPanel |
GaugeChartConfigPanel |
typeof GaugeChartConfigPanel |
GaugeChartDesignPanel |
typeof GaugeChartDesignPanel |
Grid |
typeof Grid |
GridOverlay |
typeof GridOverlay |
LineBarPieConfigPanel |
typeof LineBarPieConfigPanel |
LineBarPieDesignPanel |
typeof LineBarPieDesignPanel |
LineConfigPanel |
typeof LineConfigPanel |
ScorecardChart |
typeof ScorecardChart |
ScorecardChartConfigPanel |
typeof ScorecardChartConfigPanel |
ScorecardChartDesignPanel |
typeof ScorecardChartDesignPanel |
• coreTypes: Set
• functionCache: Object
= {}
▪ [key: string
]: Omit
, "dependencies"
| "tokens"
• helpers: Object
Name | Type |
CellErrorLevel |
typeof CellErrorLevel |
ChartColors |
typeof ChartColors |
EvaluationError |
typeof EvaluationError |
UuidGenerator |
typeof UuidGenerator |
args |
(strings : string ) => ArgDefinition [] |
chartFontColor |
(backgroundColor : undefined | Color ) => Color |
colorToRGBA |
(color : Color ) => RGBA |
computeTextWidth |
(context : CanvasRenderingContext2D , text : string , style : Style ) => number |
createEmptyWorkbookData |
(sheetName : string ) => WorkbookData |
createFullMenuItem |
(key : string , value : MenuItem ) => FullMenuItem |
formatValue |
(value : CellValue , format? : Format ) => FormattedValue |
getDefaultChartJsRuntime |
(chart : AbstractChart , labels : string [], fontColor : Color ) => ChartConfiguration |
getFillingMode |
(index : number ) => "origin" | number |
getMenuChildren |
(node : Required <MenuItem >, env : SpreadsheetChildEnv ) => FullMenuItem [] |
isMarkdownLink |
(str : string ) => boolean |
markdownLink |
(label : string , url : string ) => string |
numberToLetters |
(n : number ) => string |
parseMarkdownLink |
(str : string ) => Link |
positionToZone |
(position : Position ) => { bottom : HeaderIndex ; left : HeaderIndex ; right : HeaderIndex ; top : HeaderIndex } |
rgbaToHex |
(rgba : RGBA ) => Color |
toBoolean |
(value : undefined | null | string | number | boolean ) => boolean |
toCartesian |
(xc : string ) => Position |
toJsDate |
(value : undefined | null | string | number | boolean ) => Date |
toNumber |
(value : undefined | null | string | number | boolean ) => number |
toString |
(value : undefined | null | string | number | boolean ) => string |
toXC |
(col : HeaderIndex , row : HeaderIndex , rangePart : RangePart ) => string |
toZone |
(xc : string ) => Zone |
• invalidateEvaluationCommands: Set
| "UNDO"
| "REDO"
| "COPY"
| "CUT"
• readonlyAllowedCommands: Set
| "UNDO"
| "REDO"
| "COPY"
| "CUT"
• registries: Object
Name | Type |
autofillModifiersRegistry |
Registry <AutofillModifierImplementation > |
autofillRulesRegistry |
Registry <AutofillRule > |
cellMenuRegistry |
MenuItemRegistry |
cellPopoverRegistry |
Registry <PopoverBuilders > |
cellRegistry |
Registry <CellBuilder > |
chartComponentRegistry |
Registry <fn > |
chartRegistry |
Registry <ChartBuilder > |
chartSidePanelComponentRegistry |
Registry <ChartSidePanel > |
clickableCellRegistry |
Registry <CellClickableItem > |
colMenuRegistry |
MenuItemRegistry |
corePluginRegistry |
Registry <CorePluginConstructor > |
figureRegistry |
Registry <FigureContent > |
functionRegistry |
FunctionRegistry |
inverseCommandRegistry |
Registry <InverseFunction > |
linkMenuRegistry |
MenuItemRegistry |
otRegistry |
OTRegistry |
rowMenuRegistry |
MenuItemRegistry |
sheetMenuRegistry |
MenuItemRegistry |
sidePanelRegistry |
Registry <SidePanelContent > |
topbarComponentRegistry |
TopBarComponentRegistry |
topbarMenuRegistry |
MenuItemRegistry |
uiPluginRegistry |
Registry <UIPluginConstructor > |
▸ astToFormula(ast
): string
Converts an ast formula to the corresponding string
Name | Type |
ast |
▸ compile(formula
): CompiledFormula
Name | Type |
formula |
string |
▸ convertAstNodes<T
, type
, fn
): any
Allows to visit all nodes of an AST and apply a mapping function to nodes of a specific type. Useful if you want to convert some part of a formula.
convertAstNodes(ast, "FUNCALL", convertFormulaToExcel)
function convertFormulaToExcel(ast: ASTFuncall) {
// ...
return modifiedAst
Name | Type |
T |
Name | Type |
ast |
type |
T |
fn |
(ast : Extract <ASTOperation , Object > | Extract <ASTUnaryOperation , Object > | Extract <ASTFuncall , Object > | Extract <ASTNumber , Object > | Extract <ASTBoolean , Object > | Extract <ASTString , Object > | Extract <ASTReference , Object > | Extract <ASTUnknown , Object >) => AST |
▸ findCellInNewZone(oldZone
, currentZone
): Position
This function will compare the modifications of selection to determine a cell that is part of the new zone and not the previous one.
Name | Type |
oldZone |
Zone |
currentZone |
Zone |
▸ load(data?
, verboseImport?
): WorkbookData
This function tries to load anything that could look like a valid workbookData object. It applies any migrations, if needed, and return a current, complete workbookData object.
It also ensures that there is at least one sheet.
Name | Type |
data? |
any |
verboseImport? |
boolean |
▸ parse(str
): AST
Parse an expression (as a string) into an AST.
Name | Type |
str |
string |
▸ setTranslationMethod(tfn
): void
Allow to inject a translation function from outside o-spreadsheet.
Name | Type | Description |
tfn |
TranslationFunction |
the function that will do the translation |
▸ tokenize(str
): Token
Name | Type |
str |
string |