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Tags: NetroScript/image-set-tag-editor




This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.

### Added

* Calculate CLIP token count for the current caption
* Add custom CSS by pressing `Alt + C`

### Changed

* Correct tag filtering with only excluding tags
* Fixed removal and detection of tags (do not include seperator in tag name, instead operate on tag list)
* Bumped package versions (both NodeJS and Rust)



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.

* Added automatic counting and adding and removing of individual reoccuring tags
  * The most frequent tags are shown on the side, however it is possible to filter for tags (it can be filtered for multiple tags at once by separating them with `|`, if the first character is a `-`, the tag will be excluded from the results, if the first character (after the optional `-`) is `^` or the last character is `$` the current search term will be parsed as regex instead of a simple string search)
  * Commonly in the context of Stable Diffusion for example tags are comma separated, so this is also the default string which is used for splitting the tags



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Fix release workflow