Quite simply, NetiBot is a Discord nuisance and lavage bot - if you've ever wanted to annoy your friends, but not put out the work of doing it. The bot is programmed to react to trigger words within Discord chat prompting a specific response, such as responding to the word 'wow' with a random clip from a 3rd party API that generates a random "Wow" from an Owen Wilson film. The bot has also studied under the tutelage of the renowned Hennig Brand whose archaic medical expertise is stored in a Mongo DB and ailments and treatments are called if the Discord user types "sick" or "ill" in the chat.
Command | Description |
/cat | Returns a random cat fact. |
/chuck | Returns a random Chuck Norris fact(joke). |
/lavage[number] | Bulk deletes the last [number] messages in the channel. |
/meme | Returns a random meme from the meme API. |
/urban[word] | Returns the definition of [word] from the Urban Dictionary API. |
/webmd | Responds with a horrible diagnosis and treatment. |
/wow | Returns a random "Wow" from the Owen Wilson film API. |
/weather[zipcode] | Returns the current weather for [zipcode] from the Accuweather API. |
/apod | Returns NASA photo of the day. |
/nobel | Returns a random Nobel Prize winner. |
/xkcd | Returns a random XKCD comic. |
Event | Description |
birthday/bday | Responds with birthday gif and birthday song video. |
brb | Responds with a brb gif and hold music. |
lol | Responds with a fun video. |
no u | Responds with a no u gif. |
sick/ill/unwell | Responds with a horrible diagnosis and treatment. |
sad | Responds with a sad video. |
wow | Responds with a random "Wow" from the Owen Wilson film API and increments the amount of wows its seen. |
wtf | Responds with a wtf gif. |
tired | Responds with a restful video. |