v2.5.0: Release of 2.5.0
Various feature adds and bug fixes since 2.4.
#122 Commenting out part of test that verifies DST cutover
#128 We don’t want JM to crash over an empty attachment
#129 PZ add org.jclouds.api:ec2:1.6.0 dependency to fix chaos type issue
#133 Upgrade gradle to 1.12
#134 Fixed cobertura reports
#135 MaxTerminationsPerDay was checked only once
#136 The original condition should be returned in addition to the new one
#138 Add cross-zone load balancing conformity rule
#140 Record the suffix-stripped version of termination events by the CloudFormationChaosMonkey
#145 Fix httpclient config
#147 Dynamic versions in the build.gradle file replaced by specific versions
#148 Switch gradle download to https
#149 Only log properties that are safe to log
#151 Add optional proxy configuration to client.properties
#170 Netflixossbuild
#174 Add accountname to emails from JanitorMonkey
#183 Updated pr170
#185 OpsWorks-aware Janitor monkey
#187 Update jclouds to 1.9.0 to use ssh-agent feature
#191 Configurable Global Monkey owner tag key
#193 Fix test - use calendar with correct timezones
#195 New rule: UntaggedRule
#198 Upgraded AWS SDK to
#201 Email regex fix
#202 Override SES client region with an optional property and a SimpleDB fix
#203 these files were missing copyright headers
#204 remove duplicate copyright notices
#205 Fix warnings, add SimpleDB max retry
#208 Set gradle version to 2.2.1 for compatibility with Nebula NetflixOSS
#210 publish jars also
#211 Fix NPE with Edda ASG Janitor crawler
#212 replace hardcoded "owner" with property
#213 add GET route v1/api/janitor for ELB healthcheck
#215 Add Servo dependency. Add JMX/Servo metrics monitoring
#216 Janitor getters for metrics should be public
#217 since will number -> since should be number
#218 Change janitor metrics from counter to gauge
#220 EddaInstanceJanitorCrawler: breakup edda queries for image ids
#222 Janitor Monkey recorder changes
#223 Add a URL target to add events through HTTP GET; more Calendar logging
#224 BasicCalendar: isMonkeyTime=false should execute normally
#225 Fix parenthesis in wrong place
#226 Render a simple HTML response for opting in/out of Janitor resources
#227 NoGeneratedAMIRule: Add a property to override owner email
#228 Added the ability to fine-tune the probability on a per-ASG basis
#230 Add a prepareToRun() method to Janitor Monkey
#231 Adds proxy support to SES and some tests
#232 Fixing error in building of the termination reason string
#233 Adding AWS region detection
#235 Update tests for AWS 17 characters resources