PCB layout for ZX-WESPI+Video v1.2
More info can be found here: https://forum-tlienhard-com.translate.goog/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3360&_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&fbclid=IwAR2Aj6nKOkx0YMvlNmM3UQT4UuknZxOTCnF9laRw6fc_W_n-gjrJIF61XE4
DD4012SB switching regulator
ESP32 30 Pin Versions (WROOM)
C1, C2 1uf 25V Ceramic
C3 47uf electrolitic (LOW PROFILE)
C4 0.22uf 25V Ceramic
C5 0.1uf 25V Ceramic
C6 100nf (0.1uf) Electrolitic (LOW PROFILE)
R1 1.5 kOhm
R2 180 kOhms
R3 4.7 kOhms
R4, R8, R9 100 Ohms
R5, R6, R7 270 Ohms
D1 1n4148 Diode
15pin D-Sub connector PCB mount (RGB)
8 pin header right angle
4 pin header right angle (optional)
- n.b. C3, C5 and C6 can all be replaced with one capacitor. A 100uf should do the trick. The reason for 3 caps here is to allow you use more, but smaller caps and potentially reduce the height of the build and possibly fit it into an original ZX81 case. Your choice here.