A simple command-line application written in Go for managing bills. This application allows users to create a new bill, add items, add tips, and save the bill to a file.
- Create a new bill
- Add items to the bill
- Add tips to the bill
- Save the bill to a text file
- Go (version 1.15 or later)
- A terminal or command prompt
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/NehangPatel23/cli-bill-project.git cd cli-bill-project
Create the Bills Directory:
mkdir bills
Run the Application:
go run main.go bill.go
Follow the Prompts:
- Enter a name for the new bill.
- Choose options to add items, add tips, or save the bill.
nehangpatel@Nehangs-MacBook-Pro CLI Bill Project % go run main.go bill.go
Create a new bill name: Nehang's Bill
Created the bill - Nehang's Bill
Choose an option (a - Add an item, s - Save the bill, t - Add a tip): a
Item Name: Pizza
Item Price: 9.75
Item Added - Pizza 9.75
Choose an option (a - Add an item, s - Save the bill, t - Add a tip): a
Item Name: Pepsi
Item Price: 3.99
Item Added - Pepsi 3.99
Choose an option (a - Add an item, s - Save the bill, t - Add a tip): a
Item Name: Curly Fries
Item Price: 4.50
Item Added - Curly Fries 4.5
Choose an option (a - Add an item, s - Save the bill, t - Add a tip): t
Enter tip amount: $2.50
Tip Added - 2.5
Choose an option (a - Add an item, s - Save the bill, t - Add a tip): s
The bill was saved successfully!
You chose to save the bill to the file - Nehang's Bill
The output bill file would look like this: Sample Output