1.Library for 1.3" SSD1306 OLED display. Developed on STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller. It can be easily ported on any other type of microcontroller.
FOLDER | SUBFOLDER | FILES | Description |
GPIO | pins.h | contains #defines with pin numbers (PA0 - 0, PA1 - 1 etc). | |
GPIO | gpio.h | header file with listed API for controling GPIOs | |
GPIO | gpio.c | source file that contains functions that can be used to control GPIOS |
FOLDER | SUBFOLDER | FILES | Description |
SPI | spi.h | header file with listed very simple API for controling SPI1(only transmission in master mode) | |
SPI | spi.c | source file that contains functions for SPI1 interface (transmission only (one data pin) in master mode. |
FOLDER | SUBFOLDER | FILES | Description |
SPI1_DMA | spi1_dma.c | file contains code for using DMA1 channel 3 for SPI transimsion | |
SPI1_DMA | spi1_dma.h | listed API for DMA1 Ch3 SPI transmision mode. |
FOLDER | SUBFOLDER | FILES | Description |
OLED | icons | icons.h | this file contains few 8x8pixels icons for OLED display |
OLED | inc | ssd1306_font.h | file contains 5x7px font |
OLED | inc | ssd1306_gfx.h | file contains API for drawing grpahics |
OLED | inc | ssd1306_print.h | file contains API for printing |
OLED | inc | ssd1306_registers.h | file contains register names and offset |
OLED | inc | ssd1306.h | basic API for OLED menagment |
OLED | src | ssd1306.c | basic API for OLED menagment |
OLED | src | ssd1306_gfx.c | file contains API for drawing grpahics |
OLED | src | ssd1306_print.c | file contains API for printing |
FOLDER | SUBFOLDER | FILES | Description |
src | main.c | example of how to use OLED api |
As It was written, this library was developed on STM32F103C8T6 uC. Hardware configuration was as below:
- 1.3" OLED display with SH1106 (similar to SSD1306) controller. Oled is configured in SPI mode.
- STM32F103C8T6 configured as SPI master with only one data line (3 wire SPI)
- DMA1 channel 3 is used for updating internal OLED GRAM data for every 100ms. That means that all graphics and printing stuff is done on internal uC RAM and then transferred to OLED display.
Source code do not contains any of HAL functions. It's not fully functional project so it must be tailored for your own purposes!
If you want to use this library without DMA you must follow steps as below:
Provide correct API for SPI transmission, you can replace API form spi.c with your own code
Provide correct API for GPIO configuration, you can replace API form gpio.c with your own code
Select what OLED driver you use in ssd1306.h file:
- Include all needed files in your main.c file:
#include "../SPI/spi.h"
#include "../OLED/inc/ssd1306.h"
#include "../OLED/inc/ssd1306_gfx.h"
#include "../OLED/inc/ssd1306_print.h"
#include "../OLED/icons/icons.h"
- Initialize SPI and OLED Display:
int main(void)
If everything is ok you should see your display filled with all pixels after compilation and uploading your code.
Now you can freely use all api from ssd1306_gfx.h and ssd1306_prt.h. To refresh your display you can invoke function as below:
int main(void)
//example use of gfx API
//some stuff
if(timer100ms_flag == 1)
//update OLED GRAM