Backports Minecraft 1.14/1.16 campfires to 1.7.10
Looking for detailed information about complicated config settings and CraftTweaker support? Click here.
You can also use the command "/campfirebackport dumpinfo" to create a text file in your config folder that has this information.
The normal jar embeds Mixin 0.7.11. Mixin is Copyright (c) SpongePowered & contributors and is licensed under the MIT License.
The "+nomixin" jar doesn't, and requires a separate mixin mod such as UniMixins.
Use the build argument -Pnomixin
to build the "+nomixin" jar.
Compile-time dependencies in the "lib2" folder include Advanced Rocketry, Botania, CodeChickenLib, CraftTweaker, Galacticraft Core, Gregtech 6, NEI, Thaumcraft, Waila, and Witchery.