Below you will find a quick start project to discorver Appollo. The flutter project in the repository is the project exemple, the flutter counter.
For Appollo to work you will need :
- Python 3.6 or higher.
- PIP.
- An Apple Developer Account.
- A VNC viewer or RustDesk
To install appollo run this command :
pip install appollo
Once installed we can easily run the CLI in the terminal appollo
and you should get the help
output of the terminal.
If it is your first time using Appollo, create an Appollo account by running :
appollo signup
Link your developer account to Appollo, you will need your team ID, Issuer ID, key ID, and API key file
appollo apple add --apple-id TEXT --name TEXT --key-id TEXT --issuer-id TEXT --private-key FILE
When the linking is done you receive the Appollo Key
Create an app identifier
appollo app mk
After create your application you receive the KEY linked with it (you will need in the second section)
To retrieve the project
git clone
Place you at the root of flutter folder tutoral_appollo
and, if it not already done, connect you to appollo.
appollo signin
When it is done you can launch the configuration build and select your project
appollo build start --build-type configuration APPLICATION_KEY
If your buid has succeeded your receive connection settings and credentials for the remote connection with Spice
- RustDesk relay server, RustDesk ID and RustDesk password
- vnc url
- user and user_password for the remote desktop
When the build is succeeded the remote desktop is usable during 1hour
Now you can launch your vnc viewer or RustDesk, if you use RustDesk don't forget change the relay server and set the screen's quality on optimise reaction time
When your are logged on remote desktop, follow these 4 easy steps :
- Open Xcode
- Select Open an existing project
- Select file Documents/app/ios/Runner.xcworkspace
- In the left menu of XCode select Runner and in the General tab under Identity update Bundle Identifier with the bundle ID generated beforehand.
To test your flutter app in iOS simulator on de the remote desktop place you in application folder with the terminal
cd ~/Documents/app
And lauch the flutter run command
flutter run
If you want complet documentation or learn more about Appollo, I invite you to visit the Appllo documentation