Test fixtures with MongoDB is as easy as ABC with Fixura.
import mongoFixturesFactory from '@natlibfi/fixura-mongo';
const mongoFixtures = await fixturesFactory({rootPath: [__dirname, '...', 'test-fixtures']});
await mongoFixtures.populate(['dbContents.json']);
await mongoFixtures.dump();
import {default: mongoFixturesFactory} from '@natlibfi/fixura-mongo';
const mongoFixtures = await fixturesFactory({rootPath: [__dirname, '...', 'test-fixtures']});
await mongoFixtures.populate(['dbContents.json']);
await mongoFixtures.dump();
- rootPath: An array of directory names to construct the path to the test fixtures directory
- useObjectId: A boolean indicating whether _id property in documents should be cast as Mongo ObjectId. Defaults to false.
- format: An object of collection name - document property mapping with formatting functions as values (See examples below)
- gridFS: An optional parameter which enables using gridFS functions. Can be boolean or an object:
- bucketName: The name of the gridFS bucket to create (Optional)
By default, fixura-mongo uses mongodb-memory-server. For using an externally started Mongo, set environment variable MONGO_TEST_URI
All functions are asynchronous.
Populate the database with test data. Accepts the data as a string or an array which defines the path to the fixture file (See [fixura]https://www.npmjs.com/package/@natlibfi/fixura).
The format of the fixture is as follows:
"foo": [{"fubar": "bar"}]
The object properties are collection names and their value is an array of documents to insert into the collection.
Dumps the database in the same format as the fixture.
Clears the database.
Clears and stops the database (Stopping is only applicable to mongodb-memory-server),
Returns the URI of the server. Used for connecting clients to the database.
Populates the database with files using GridFS. The format is as follows:
"foo": "bar"
Where object properties are filenames and their values their content. This alternative format provides the path to file contents instead of defining it inline:
"foo": ["bar", "content.txt"]
The path is then resolved using the root directory defined in the factory function (rootPath
Dumps the files from the database. The format is an object with filenames as properties and their values are Readable streams. Passing true
as the sole function arguments returns file contents as property values. Like so:
const data = await mongoFixtures.dumpFiles(true);
typeof data === 'string'
// true
Using the format
import mongoFixturesFactory from '@natlibfi/fixura-mongo';
const mongoFixtures = await fixturesFactory({
rootPath: [__dirname, '...', 'test-fixtures'],
format: {
foo: {
bar: v => new Date(v)
// Populates the database and formats the 'bar'-properties in documents of the foo'-collection as Dates
await mongoFixtures.populate(['dbContents.json']);
describe('Stuff/to/be/tested', () => {
let mongoFixtures; // eslint-disable-line functional/no-let
path: [__dirname, '..', '..', 'test-fixtures', 'path', 'to', 'tests'],
recurse: false,
useMetadataFile: true,
fixura: {
failWhenNotFound: true,
mocha: {
before: async () => {
mongoFixtures = await mongoFixturesFactory({
rootPath: [__dirname, '..', '..', 'test-fixtures', 'path', 'to', 'tests'],
gridFS: {bucketName: 'blobs'},
useObjectId: true,
format: {
blobmetadatas: {
creationTime: v => new Date(v),
modificationTime: v => new Date(v)
//TODO connect to mongo (await mongoFixtures.getUri())
beforeEach: async () => {
await mongoFixtures.clear();
afterEach: async () => {
await mongoFixtures.clear();
after: async () => {
// TODO Disconnect from mongofixtures
await mongoFixtures.close();
async function callback({
expectToFail = false,
expectedFailStatus = ''
}) {
try {
const dbContents = getFixture('dbContents.json');
const expectedDb = getFixture('expectedDb.json');
// TODO load operation related stuff
await mongoFixtures.populate(dbContents);
// TODO stuff to mongo db
const db = await mongoFixtures.dump();
expect(expectToFail, 'This is expected to succes').to.equal(false);
} catch (error) {
if (!expectToFail) {
throw error;
expect(expectToFail, 'This is expected to fail').to.equal(true);
Removes all files from the database
Copyright (c) 2019-2022, 2024-2025 University Of Helsinki (The National Library Of Finland)
This project's source code is licensed under the terms of MIT or any later version.