Course project of
course - MDSAA-DS - Spring 2023
The N Queens
puzzle is a classic puzzle in chess, going back to 1848. The goal is to try to place the queens on a chessboard so that none of them are attacking any of the other.
More information about the puzzle can be found on Wikipedia.
Or you can watch this video to get a better understanding of the problem.
In this project, we will explore different optimization techniques including backtracking, local search, and genetic algorithms to solve the n-queens puzzle. While the examples in documentation focuses on the 8-queens version, you can apply these techniques to solve the puzzle for different board sizes.
The eight queens
puzzle is a classic puzzle in chess, going back to 1848. The goal is to try to place eight queens on a chessboard so that none of them are attacking any of the other.
Ps. The queen can move as far as she likes vertically, horizontally or diagonally. which mean we can't place two queens in the same row, column, or diagonal. So on a normal chessboard (8 x 8) we can't put nine or more queens. Eight is the maximum.
A single queen threatening the squares on the board (marked in red)
Our task here is to find all such configurations of queens on the (8 x 8) board. There are 92 possible configurations.
Let's first understand and represented the problem mathematically to get a better understanding of problem computational complexity.
There are 92 solutions to the 8 x 8 problem. Many of these are reflections and rotations of some of the others, and if we de-duplicate against this, purists state that there are only 12 distinct solutions (92 does not divide equally by 12 because many of the reflections and rotations of a pure solutions are not unique).
All fundamental solutions are presented below:
Brute-force computational techniques could be the first possible mechanism we think of where blindly trying the eight queens in every possible location. This is a really dumb idea and computationally so expensive, but would calculate all possible combinations Using Combinations Calculator nCr :
Imagine having to test 4,426,165,368 combinations. If we can process 50,000 combinations per second that's going to take our computer over 24 hours to complete the task. ouch!
- By applying a simple rule that to put each queen on a separate row, and this massively reduces the number of possibilities.
- Similarly, there can be only one queen per column, and this reduces the possibilities even further. The problem can be trimmed down to an analogous problem of generating permutations of the 8 queens, which can then be checked for diagonal attacks.
This is a much more manageable number. However, checking each permutation is still computationally expensive. We can do better by using a heuristic approach.
Feel free to use any of the following methods to run the application locally.
This application is shipped with the Docker Compose environment and requires Docker to be installed locally and running. If you're not familiar with Docker or don't have it locally, please reach out to the official website to get the latest version and installation instructions.
Once you have Docker up and running please perform the following command to start the application:
docker-compose up # or make up
As soon as you are done with the test assignment you can stop the application:
docker-compose down --rmi all #or make down
This will stop the application and remove containers & network.
If you don't want to use Docker, you can run the application locally. Please make sure you have the following requirements installed:
- python >= 3.8
- pip >= 20.2.4
Once you have the requirements installed, please perform the following commands to start the application:
cd app
pip install -r requirements.txt
Backtracking is a systematic algorithmic technique for finding solutions to problems that involve finding an arrangement of elements satisfying certain constraints. It explores the search space by incrementally building candidates and backtracking when a dead-end or invalid solution is encountered. Unlike heuristic methods, backtracking does not use heuristics or approximate techniques to guide the search process. Instead, it exhaustively explores the entire search space by considering all possible combinations, making it more computationally expensive for large problem instances.
You can find the implementation of the backtracking algorithm here
python --n-queen 8
N-Queens Backtracking Algorithm
Dimension: 8
Number of solutions: 92
Execution time: 2 ms
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Here, we are using backtracking as a baseline algorithm for solving the N-Queens problem before applying other techniques like hill climbing and genetic algorithms. By starting with backtracking as a baseline, we can compare and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of other techniques like hill climbing and genetic algorithms for solving the N-Queens problem.
Heuristic algorithms use practical and approximate techniques to guide the search for optimal solutions. They do not guarantee finding the global optimum but aim to find good-quality solutions efficiently.
Hill climbing is a simple heuristic algorithm that is used for local search problems. It starts with an initial solution and iteratively makes small changes to it, such that the new solution is better than the previous one. The algorithm terminates when it reaches a local optimum, i.e., a solution that cannot be improved further by making small changes.
You can find the implementation of the hill climbing algorithm here
python --n-queen 8
Initial position: [4, 7, 6, 0, 3, 5, 2, 1], fitness: 21
Found better solution: [4, 7, 0, 0, 3, 5, 2, 1], Fitness: 24
Found better solution: [4, 4, 0, 0, 3, 5, 2, 1], Fitness: 25
Found better solution: [6, 4, 0, 0, 3, 5, 2, 1], Fitness: 26
Found better solution: [6, 4, 7, 0, 3, 5, 2, 1], Fitness: 27
Hill Climbing returned: [6, 4, 7, 0, 3, 5, 2, 1], Fitness: 27
N-Queens Hill Climbing Algorithm
Dimension: 8
Best Fitness: 27
Best Fitness Percentage: 96.42857142857143
Best Representation: [6, 4, 7, 0, 3, 5, 2, 1]
Execution time: 26 ms
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Simulated annealing is a heuristic algorithm that is used for global search problems. It is inspired by the process of annealing in metallurgy, where a metal is heated to a high temperature and then slowly cooled to increase its strength. The algorithm starts with an initial solution and iteratively makes small changes to it. If the new solution is better than the previous one, it is always accepted. If the new solution is worse than the previous one, it is accepted with a probability that depends on the difference between the new and the previous solution. The probability decreases as the algorithm progresses, and the temperature parameter is reduced. The algorithm terminates when the temperature reaches a minimum value.
You can find the implementation of the simulated annealing algorithm here
python --n-queen 8
N-Queens Simulated Annealing Algorithm
Dimension: 8
Best Fitness: 28
Best Fitness Percentage: 100.0
Best Representation: [4, 6, 1, 3, 7, 0, 2, 5]
Execution time: 459 ms
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Metaheuristic algorithms are high-level strategies that guide the search process by combining and adapting different heuristics. They are designed to handle complex optimization problems with large search spaces and provide robust and efficient solutions.
Genetic algorithms are a powerful technique for optimization problems that mimic natural selection. In this project, we're going to use genetic algorithms to solve the classic N-Queen Puzzle. The goal is to find a placement of N-queens on a chessboard such that no two queens are attacking each other. We start with an initial state where some queens may be attacking each other, and use the genetic algorithm to evolve towards the optimal solution. The project includes a Python implementation of the genetic algorithm, as well as visualization tools to help understand the evolution process. Our results show that the genetic algorithm can efficiently solve the N-Queen Puzzle and find solutions that are optimal or close to optimal.
You can find the implementation of the genetic algorithm here
The fitness score represents the number of non-attacking queen pairs on the board. A higher fitness score indicates a better configuration with fewer queen collisions. In this fitness function, we iterate through each pair of queens on the board and check if they are attacking each other. We count the number of collisions and subtract it from the maximum possible pairs to calculate the fitness score. A higher fitness score indicates a better configuration with fewer queen collisions.
You can find the implementation of the fitness function here
Selection is the process of selecting individuals from a population for reproduction. The individuals with the highest fitness scores are more likely to be selected for reproduction. The selection process is repeated until the desired number of individuals is selected. The selected individuals are called parents and the process is called parent selection. The parents are then used to create new individuals through crossover and mutation.
- Available Selection Algorithms:
roulette wheel selection | roulette |
Rank selection | rank |
Tournament selection | tournament |
Stochastic Universal Sampling | sus |
Crossover is the process of combining genetic material from two parents to create new individuals. The parents are selected from the population using the selection process described above. The crossover process is repeated until the desired number of individuals is created. The new individuals are called offspring and the process is called crossover. The offspring are then used to create new individuals through mutation.
- Available Crossover Algorithms:
Single point crossover | single_point |
Cycle crossover | cycle |
PMX crossover | pmx |
Arithmetic crossover | arithmetic |
Mutation is the process of randomly changing the genetic material of an individual. The individuals are selected from the population using the selection process described above. The mutation process is repeated until the desired number of individuals is created. The new individuals are called offspring and the process is called mutation. The offspring are then used to create new individuals through crossover.
- Available Mutation Algorithms:
Swap mutation | swap |
Inversion mutation | inversion |
Random mutation | random_reset |
python --help
Genetic Algorithm
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n N_QUEEN, --n-queen N_QUEEN
Number of queens
Population size
Crossover probability
Mutation probability
Number of generations
Selection Algorithm
-xo CROSSOVER, --crossover CROSSOVER
Crossover Algorithm
-mut MUTATION, --mutation MUTATION
Mutation Algorithm
python --n-queen 8 --population 100 --crossover-probability 0.8 --mutation-probability 0.2 --generations 100 --selection fps --crossover pmx --mutation swap_mutation
N-Queens Genetic Algorithm
Dimension: 8
Population size: 100
Generations: 1000
Duration: 1537 ms
Best fitness: 28
Best fitness percentage: 100.0
Best representation: [5, 1, 6, 3, 2, 7, 4, 0]
Worst fitness: 28
Worst representation: [5, 1, 6, 3, 2, 7, 4, 0]
Mean fitness: 28.0
Selection operator: fps
Mutate operator: swap_mutation
Crossover operator: cycle_xo
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