If you are a using MySQL or MariaDB to manage your Kodi library, this project aims to sync certain video file metadata across Kodi versions. The metadata includes resume type bookmarks, settings such as audio or subtitle track, play counts, last played etc. The metadata excludes information gathered from scrapers such as movie/tv show names, ratings, actors, genres etc.
- Set up a central MySQL or MariaDB server. See Kodi wiki for details.
- Clone this repo onto your machine and use it as your working directory for everything below.
- Create a
file usingtouch .env
. Populate it with your MySQL/MariaDB server credentials. For e.g.
MYSQL_USER = "0000"
Note: If using MariaDB, use the same variable names as above. BUT see caveat below.
4. Set up a Python virtual environment using a virtual env tool of your choice (venv, virtualenv, conda, poetry,pipenv, pyflow). See comparison to help
you choose. I will be using venv.
- Create a virtual enviroment called kfs in your working directory python -m venv kfs
- Activate the virtual environment using source kfs/bin/activate
or if on Windows source kfs/Scripts/activate
- Install pip-tools
in the virutal environment by pip install pip-tools
5. Install dependencies
- Identitfy the requirements/[env]-requirements.txt
file where [env]
denotes the appropriate python environment you're in, namely your OS and python version. I'll use requirements/linux-py3.8-requirements.txt
from now on.
- If a requirements/[env]-requirements.txt
file does not exist for your python environment, then create one by running pip-compile --output-file requirements/{os}-{python-version}-requirements.txt
and use that.
- Install the requriements in the virtual env by running pip-sync requirements/linux-py3.8-requirements.txt
6. Modify the config.yaml
- Enter the kodi version and associated Video databases you'd like to keep in sync. Refer to the wiki to find out the default video database names for different Kodi versions. NOTE: One line per Kodi version. Syncing multiple databases per Kodi version to another Kodi version is not yet supported.
7. Run Script python sync.py
This will create the database, triggers, inserts, events necessary for file syncing
8. Deactivate the environment using deactivate
. Test it out
Please make sure the [mariadb]
section in your MariaDB config file (on a default Linux installation, this is located at /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
) looks as follows
We have to explicity set these values because the default behaviour for timestamp fields is different in MariaDB compared to MySQL and the event scheduler is not turned on by default. And both these properties are critical for proper syncing behaviour.
To be specific, we seek to sync the contents of
bookmark (where type
= 1), files,
and settings tables across different Kodi versions.
I believe these tables essentially contain information that is independent of the metadata fetched from scrapers.
In an ideal world, the ask is that the most appropriate state of the bookmark, settings or files tables be synced across Kodi versions. Often most appropriate means the same thing as most recent but not in all cases. Below I describe how this project aims to resolve the conflicts that arise when these 3 tables get out of sync across different Kodi versions.
During the initial installation, the order of syncing for the different tables is defined as:
- if only one bookmark exists across versions for a given file, then that bookmark is synced across versions.
- else if multiple bookmarks exist across versions for a given file, then the order of the list specified for key
determines which bookmark is synced across versions. For e.g. if
- !!python/tuple [18, "MyVideos116"]
- !!python/tuple [19, "MyVideos119"]
- !!python/tuple [20, "MyVideos121"]
then the contents of the bookmark
table in database MyVideos121
will be synced to the others.
- if only one play setting exists across Kodi versions for a given file, then that setting is synced across versions.
- else if multiple play settings exist across versions for a given file, then the order of the list specified for key
determines which setting is synced across versions.
- the most recent
field value resolves the conflict across Kodi versions for the same file.
- the most recent
Post the initial installtion, during normal operation, the syncing is defined by
- the most recent bookmark update is synced across versions.
- deleting a bookmark (by either resetting resume position or finish watching the file) is synced across versions.
- the most recent settings update is synced across versions.
- if the same file already exists in multiple versions, then the most recent updates to the file is synced across versions.
- when the same file is added to different Kodi versions at different times, the recency of the fields
last_played, play_count
is used to resolve the confict across Kodi versions. For e.g. assume two Kodi versions Kodi19, Kodi20. Let's say we add a new TV show to Kodi20 and then watch a couple of epsiodes. As metadata syncing is out of scope for this project, we then add the same TV show (and its corresponding files) in Kodi20. Thelast_played, play_count
values from Kodi19 will then be synced to Kodi20.
- Syncing behaviour of the
table across Kodi versions is a work-in-progress. Your mileage may vary. - Only one user per Kodi database is supported at the moment. You can't sync multiple users in your Kodi database across versions.
- Since a file is defined by its full filesystem path (absolute file paths), the same file across different filesystems are treated as different files. This problem is non-existent when using network file paths such as smb or nfs.
- The syncing is not instantaneous, currently it takes anywhere between 3 to 8 minutes to propagate a change to any of the 3 tables across the different Kodi versions.
This will be made editable in a future versions through the
Follow similar instructions as in the Install section above for steps 1-5. For step 6, run python clean.py
which will remove any triggers in Kodi databases and drop the syncing database.
- Open up an issue or ask on the Kodi forum and please be patient. I will try my best to answer in a reasonable time frame. 🙂
- A debug log from your Kodi would be super helpful when troubleshooting an issue.
- Submit a Pull Request and try your best to adhere to these commit guidelines