Please refer to the wiki for additional documentation.

OpenStudio Server is a web application and distributed computing tool, which is the backbone of the OpenStudio Analysis Framework (OSAF). It is intended to make parametric analysis of building energy models accessible to architects, engineers, and designers via the OpenStudio PAT GUI or the OpenStudio Analysis Gem. OpenStudio Server analyses are defined by PAT projects or OSA's. Each analysis may include many OpenStudio simulations, as determined by project configuration.
Journal of Building Performance Simulation article: An open source analysis framework for large-scale building energy modeling
There are primarily two ways to utilize and deploy this codebase.
openstudio-server-helm This helm chart installs a OpenStudio-server instance deployment on a AWS, Azure, or Google Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. You can interface with the OpenStudio-server cluster using the Parametric Analysis Tool or the openstudio_meta CLI.
Docker Swarm: This is the recommended local deployment pathway. Swarm is an orchestration engine which allows for multi-node clusters and provides significant benefits in the forms of customization and hardening of network and storage fundamentals.
The openstudio_meta file is a ruby script which provides access to packaging and execution commands which allow for this codebase to be embedded in applications deployed to computers without docker. Deployment requires that MongoDB 6.0.7 and Ruby v2.7 are additionally packaged.
The openstudio_meta deployment relies on the install_gems
command, which uses local system libraries to build all
required gem dependencies of the server. Additionally, the export flag allows for the resulting package to be
automatically assembled and zipped for deployment. It is important to note that when used on OSX and Linux systems,
it is critical to not specify the export path with home (~
) substitution. Instead, pass a fully specified path to the
desired output directory.
Once compiled or unpacked, the openstudio_meta file can be used for starting and stopping the local server for the Parametric Analysis Tool (PAT) and submitting analyses to it. Assembling the required files for the analysis is done with the Analysis-gem or the export OSA function in PAT. For more details, please refer to the wiki. For examples, please refer to OSAF notebooks.
To develop locally the following dependency stack is recommended.
Install Docker (Version 20.10.5 or greater is required)
- OSX Users: install Docker CE for Mac. Please refer to this guide
- Windows 10 Users: Docker Desktop.
- Linux Users: Follow the instructions in the appropriate guide
Note: Although generally newer versions of docker will behave as expected, certain CLI interactions change between releases, leading to scripts breaking and default behaviours, particularly regarding persistence, changing. The docker version installed and running can be found by typing
docker info
on the command line.
docker-compose build
... be patient ... If the containers build successfully start them by
running docker volume create --name=osdata && docker volume create --name=dbdata && OS_SERVER_NUMBER_OF_WORKERS=4 docker-compose up
where 4 is equal to the number of worker nodes you wish to run. For single node servers this should not be greater
than the total number of available cores minus 4.
Resetting the containers can be accomplished by running:
docker-compose rm -f
docker volume rm osdata dbdata
docker volume create --name=osdata
docker volume create --name=dbdata
docker-compose service scale worker=N
# Or one line
docker-compose rm -f && docker-compose build && docker volume rm osdata dbdata && docker volume create --name=osdata && docker volume create --name=dbdata && OS_SERVER_NUMBER_OF_WORKERS=N docker-compose up && docker-compose service scale worker=N
Congratulations! Visit http://localhost:8080
to see the OpenStudio Server Management Console.
export OPENSTUDIO_TAG=develop
export RAILS_ENV=docker-test
docker-compose rm -f
docker volume rm osdata
sed -i -E "s/.git//g" .dockerignore
docker volume create --name=osdata
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml build --build-arg OPENSTUDIO_VERSION=$OPENSTUDIO_TAG
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up -d
docker-compose exec -T web /usr/local/bin/run-server-tests
docker-compose stop
git checkout -- .dockerignore && git checkout -- Dockerfile
docker-compose rm -f
To deploy the OpenStudio Server in a docker-based production environment one or more machines need to be running Docker
Server version 20.10.05. If using docker on a Linux machine it is recommended that significant storage be available to
the /var
folder. This is where Docker reads and writes all data to by default unless changed in the docker-compose.yml file.
There are scripts to help with docker swarm deployment here.
Make sure to change the defaults to be applicable to your hardware requirements.
The OpenStudio Server project uses several CI systems to test both local and cloud deployments across multiple platforms. GitHub Actions is used to build and test local deployments of the server on OSX hardware for each commit, as well as to build and test docker containers for each commit. It is important to note that during the middle of the day, these tests can take several hours to begin. Finally, AppVeyor is used to build and test local deployments against Windows.
In the case of local deployments (non-docker deployments) the build step uses the meta-cli's install_gems command to create a new set of cached ruby dependencies to test against. The test phase is made up of two separate testing methodologies. The first uses rspec to run a number of unit tests against a locally instantiated server. The second instantiates the server in the same manner as PAT, runs analyses against said server, and ensures that it stops as expected, using the meta-cli.
For cloud deployments, the two critical artifacts are the docker containers and AMIs. Currently AMI testing is not automated, and unlikely to be automated for several reason. The docker containers, however, are extensively tested using the same rspec functionality as mentioned above.
For a pull request to be merged under regular order, all CI tests need to return green: GitHub Actions and AppVeyor PR and push. All of these tests write verbose results and logs on failure, which should allow for local reproduction of the bug and subsequent fixes. In the case of a failure of the CI infrastructure, please open an issue in the repository regarding the failure.
To test the impact of upgraded gems on PAT's functionality the currently recommended path is to manually remove and recreate the cached set of gems, including compiled binary components. This process is platform specific. Currently instructions are only available for OSX, due to complications compiling the binary component of gems with the ruby instillation provided in the OpenStudio installer package.
# Change directory to the install location of the Server
cd /Applications/OpenStudio-X.Y.Z/
rm -rf /gems # Remove the pre-packaged gems
vi server/Gemfile # Edit the Gemfile
rm server/Gemfile.lock # Remove the cached gem specifications
../ruby/bin/ruby ./bin/openstudio_meta install_gems # Reinstall the gems required (including new gems)
chmod -R 777 gems # Modify privileges on the installed gems
Please contact @tijcolem, @bball, or @nllong with any question regarding this project. Thanks for you interest!