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sgaichas committed Sep 11, 2024
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688 changes: 688 additions & 0 deletions IEA/SSC_EcoWG_SOEpriorities_2024_09_12/20240912_SSCEcoWG_Gaichas.Rmd

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Index,Year,Working group,"""New"" subgroup",Report Section,Aggregate,Project,Council Priority,SSC priority,Order,Feasibility,Feasibility Score SOELeads,Request,Source,Status,Progress,Progress-detailed,Memo Order,Products/ things to work on,New Data opportunities,Notes,Actions
33,2021,Methods/Thresholds,,,System level thresholds/ref pts,EOF,1,1,1.00,1.67,5,"Compare EOF (Link) thresholds to empirical thresholds (Large, Tam) ",MAFMC SSC -,In progress,Analysis planning with Mid SSC,"Beet, Gaichas",,,,,
7,2019 - 2023,Methods/Thresholds,,All,System level thresholds/ref pts,SOEtrends,1.5,1,1.25,1.33,4,Trend Analysis / Inflection / Break points,Both Councils and SSCs,In progress,Prototype analysis 2022-2023,"Beet, Bastille",30,Determining thresholds,All datasets,,
37,2021,Methods/Thresholds,,,System level thresholds/ref pts,EOF,1.5,1,1.25,2.00,6,Optimum yield for ecosystem,NEFMC -,In progress,Analysis planning with Mid SSC,Beet,,,,,
10,2020,Human Dimension,,Social link to Environment,Management,,1,2,1.50,1.33,4,Incorporate social sciences survey from council,NEFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,do we know what this is?,26,First step will be to crosswalk indicators with priority concerns expressed,,,
8,2020,All,,Social link to Environment,Multiple system drivers,Condition,2,1,1.50,1.33,4,Linking Condition ,MAFMC,In progress,Not ready for 2023,in progress; not ready for 2021,18,,,"length/weight at age, gaussian network model blue crab example, SEM",
34,2021,Methods/Thresholds,,,Regime shifts,Regimes,2,1,1.50,1.33,4,Time series analysis (Zooplankton/Forage fish) to tie into regime shifts,MAFMC SSC -,In progress,Individual projects started,Regimes group,,,,,
4,2019,Megafauna,,Fish and Invertebrates LINK TO Habitat Quality and Ecosystem Productivity,Multiple system drivers,Condition,2,1,1.50,1.67,5,Avg weight of diet components by feeding group,Internal,In progress,Part of fish condition project,in progress; part of fish condition,19,Food habits summaries,Bigelow + NEAMAP + longline + seabirds?,"If jellies show up as fluctuating, could be a place to link abundance time series in",
36,2021,Methods/Thresholds,,,Regime shifts,"Regimes, DEA",2,1,1.50,1.67,5,Regime shifts in Social-Economic indicators,NEFMC SSC -,In progress,Analysis planning with Mid SSC,The National IEA HDWG is working on regime shifts in social indicators. We have a special issue call open for Marine Policy: We'll have one for the Northeast (the work John and I presented at the SOE synthesis meeting) and a cross regional manuscript.,,,,,
46,2022,LTL/megafauna,,,Short term forecasts,,2,1,1.50,1.67,5,Using phytoplankton trends to forecast fish stocks,MAFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
48,2022,LTL,,,Short term forecasts,,2,1,1.50,1.67,5,"Short term forecasting (water temp, productivity)",NEFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
1,2019,Human dimension,,MAFMC Risk Assessment,Management,,1,2,1.50,2.00,6,Management complexity,MAFMC,In progress,"Student work needs further analysis, no further work this year","in progress; student work needs further analysis, no further work in 2020",23,Complete current project ,Summer student project 2018,,
18,2021,Human Dimensions,,,Management,,1,2,1.50,2.00,6,Recreational bycatch mortality as an indicator of regulatory waste,MAFMC SSC -,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
28,2021,LTL-Humans,Ecosystem productiivty,,System level thresholds/ref pts,EOF,2,1,1.50,2.00,6,"How does phyto size comp affect EOF indicator, if at all?",MAFMC - ,In progress,Analysis planning with Mid SSC,,,,,,
31,2021,Megafauna,,,Functional group level status/thresholds/ref pts,,1.5,2,1.75,1.00,3,Forage availability index (Herring/Sandlance),NEFMC -,In SOE,Climate and Ecosystem Productivity section,Gaichas,,,,,
11,2020,Human Dimensions & LTL/Climate/Habitat,Climate risks,Social link to Environment,Multiple system drivers,,1.5,2,1.75,1.00,3,Cumulative weather index,MAFMC,In progress,Data gathered for prototype,in progress; data gathered for prototype,22,,,"Explore reduced rec effort/harvest
Should retain a list of anomolous events, large storms (I.e. tropical storms), heatwaves, etc. Maybe we need to work with the NOAA Eastern Region Climate Services that creates the regional climate reports.",
23,2021,LTL,Climate risks,,Multiple system drivers,,1.5,2,1.75,1.00,3,Fall turnover date index,MAFMC SSC -,In SOE,Climate and Ecosystem Productivity section,,,,,"We should be able to get this from the GLORYs data, but we should talk to Paula",
2,2019,LTL/Climate/Habitat,Ecosystem productiivty,Fish and Invertebrates LINK TO Habitat Quality and Ecosystem Productivity,Stock level indicators,,1.5,2,1.75,1.33,4,Shellfish growth/distribution linked to climate (system productivity),MAFMC,In progress,Project with A. Hollander,in progress; project with R Mann student to start 2021,21,Heat wave stuff (Vince),(Roger Mann VIMS data Contribution),,
20,"2021, 2023",Human Dimensions,,,System level thresholds/ref pts,,1.5,2,1.75,1.33,4,Sum of TAC/ Landings relative to TAC,MAFMC SSC -,"In SOE-MAFMC, In progress-NEFMC",Seafood Production section,,,,,,
45,2022,LTL/Human Dimensions,,,Multiple system drivers,,1.5,2,1.75,1.67,5,Modeling cold pool/warm core ring and wind development interactions,MAFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
12,2020,Megafauna,,Fish and invertabrates,Functional group level status/thresholds/ref pts,,1.5,2,1.75,2.00,6,VAST and uncertainty ,Both Councils,In progress,Not ready for 2023,"Allyn, Large",24,,,Include both VAST and current indicator,
44,2022,Methods/Thresholds,,,Multiple system drivers,,1.5,2,1.75,2.00,6,Impact of climate on data streams (changes in catchability of survey),NEFMC SSC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
6,2019,Megafauna,,Fish and Invertebrates,Multiple system drivers,,1.5,2,1.75,2.33,7,Young of Year index from multiple surveys,MAFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,unable to start in 2020,27,,Bigelow + NEAMAP + CHESMAP/other state surveys? + seabirds?,Evaluate resources to do,
29,2021,Megafauna,,,Stock level indicators,,1.5,2,1.75,2.33,7,Indicator of scallop pred pops poorly sampled by bottom trawls,NEFMC -,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
13,2020,Megafauna,,Protected Species,Functional group level status/thresholds/ref pts,,2,2,2.00,1.33,4,Seal index,MAFMC,In progress,Not ready for 2023,in progress; not ready for 2021,25,,,indices of impact and temporal trends,
5,2019,Megafauna,,Fish and Invertebrates LINK TO Habitat Quality and Ecosystem Productivity,Multiple system drivers,Condition,3,1,2.00,1.67,5,Mean stomach weight across feeding guilds,MAFMC,In progress,Intern evaluated trends in guild diets,in progress; stomach fullness analysis started--species level,20,Food habits summaries,Bigelow + NEAMAP + longline + seabirds?,,
39,2022,Human Dimensions,,,Multiple system drivers,,2,2,2.00,1.67,5,Environmental Justice - Further Explanation and maybe have Soc Sci folks on call to explain,MAFMC SSC,In SOE,Social and cultural section,,,,,,
47,2022,All,,,Management,,,,,2.00,6,Include New England ports with significant reliance on mid species be included in the Mid SOE,MAFMC,In SOE,Other Ocean Uses: Offshore Wind section,,,,,,
30,2021,Megafauna,,,Functional group level status/thresholds/ref pts,,2.5,2,2.25,1.00,3,Apex predator index (pinnipeds),NEFMC -,In progress,Protected species branch developing time series,,,,,,
22,2021,Human Dimensions,,,Multiple system drivers,,2.5,2,2.25,2.00,6,Changing per capita seafood consumption as driver of revenue?,MAFMC - ,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
25,2021,LTL,Climate risks,,Multiple system drivers,,1.5,3,2.25,2.00,6,"Relate OA to nutrient input; are there ""dead zones"" (hypoxia)?",MAFMC - ,In SOE,In new 2023 Highlights section,,,,,I don't know if we have a means to measure hypoxia (routinely) on the shelf,
24,"2021, 2023",LTL,Ecosystem productivity,,System level thresholds/ref pts,,2.5,2,2.25,2.00,6,"Nutrient input, Benthic Flux and POC (particulate organic carbon) to inform benthic productivity by something other than surface indicators","MAFMC SSC -, NEFMC",In progress,Stomach-based benthos indices in development,,,,,,There is a pending proposal by ODU and VIMS that may be able to address this (Hyde & Melrose are collaborators on the proposal) - THIS WAS NOT FUNDED
17,2020,LTL,,,Multiple system drivers,,2.5,2,2.25,2.33,7,Estuarine Water Quality,NEFMC,"In SOE-MAFMC, In progress-NEFMC",Intern project 2021 needs expansion,SOE Chesapeake indicators updated and expanded,16,,"MARACOOS and NERACOOS, EPA reports","Maybe compile headlines from reports (ches bay, deleware bay, long island sound and NC sounds. ",
27,2021,LTL-Humans,Ecosystem productivty?,,Multiple system drivers,,,,,,,Links between species availability inshore/offshore (estuarine conditions) and trends in recreational fishing effort?,MAFMC - ,In progress,Bluefish prey index inshore/offshore partially addresses,,,,,,
21,2021,Human Dimensions,,,Multiple system drivers,,3,2,2.50,1.67,5,Decomposition of diversity drivers highlighting social components,MAFMC SSC -,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
15,2020,Methods/Multivariate,,All,System level thresholds/ref pts,DEA,3,2,2.50,2.00,6,Reduce indicator dimensionality with multivariate statistics,NEFMC,In progress,Analysis planning with Mid SSC,Walden and DePiper,31,,,,
14,2020,Megafauna,,Fish and Invertabrates,Functional group level status/thresholds/ref pts,,3,2,2.50,2.33,7,Biomass of spp not included in BTS,MAFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,unable to start in 2020,28,,,,
9,2020,All,,All,Management,,3,2,2.50,2.67,8,Re-evaluate EPUs,NEFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,unable to start in 2020,33,,,Determine thresholds for re-evaluation. ,
26,2021,LTL,Habitat?,,Multiple system drivers,,2.5,3,2.75,2.00,6,Indicators of chemical pollution in offshore waters,MAFMC - ,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
19,2021,Human Dimensions,,,Stock level indicators,,2.5,3,2.75,2.00,6,Sturgeon Bycatch ,MAFMC SSC -,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,"University of Delaware has a ""hot spot"" product to reduce bycatch. They may have actual data on bycatch.",,
3,2019,LTL/Climate/Habitat,,Economic and Social (new section Other Ocean Uses?),Multiple system drivers,,2.5,3,2.75,2.33,7,Estuarine condition relative to power plants and temp,MAFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,unable to start in 2020,29,,"(McKinney 2010, Kim Hyde also on this paper)",,
41,2022,Human Dimensions,,,Multiple system drivers,,,,,,,Tell Social stories like we try to tell biological stories,GARFO-MAFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
42,2022,All,,,Multiple system drivers,,,,,,,"What determines a ""risk""? Include aquaculture as a risk?",NEFMC SSC,In progress,Climate and Ecosystem Risks revision,,,,,,
40,2022-2023,All,,,SOE admin,,,,,,,SOE usage tracking,MAFMC SSC,In progress,Draft manuscript in progress,,,,,Could we create a brief summary of the report that is less management specific?,
43,2022,All,,,SOE admin,,,,,,,Include estimates of inclusion years in request memo,NEFMC SSC,In progress,Reorganized memo to clarify project timing,,,,,,
46,2023,Human Dimensions,,,Multiple system drivers,,,,,,,Profits vs Revenue,Both Councils,In progress,Profit calculation for subset of fleet,,,,,,
47,2023,Megafauna,,,Multiple system drivers,,,,,,,OA linked to scallop harvest in areas where aragonite saturation is highlighted. ,Both Councils,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
48,2023,Human Dimensions,,,Multiple system drivers,,,,,,,Time series of social indicators,NEFMC,In progress,SOE evaluates changes from last year,,,,,,
49,2023,Human Dimensions,,,Multiple system drivers,,,,,,,Stability indicator - yield over time in NE,NEFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
50,2023,Human Dimensions,,,Multiple system drivers,,,,,,,Vessel-level diversity vs fleet level diversity,NEFMC,Not started,Lacking resources this year,,,,,,
51,2023,LTL-Humans,,,Stock level indicators,,,,,,,Climate change impacts on NEFSC surveys - change in survey catchability,NEFMC,In progress,Varies by research track,,,,,,
52,2023,LTL-Humans,,,Multiple system drivers,,,,,,,Inclusion of upcoming HMS climate vulnerability assessment,NEFMC,Not started,Assessment not yet published,,,,,,
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