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Feature guide: Ping Spoof

NEZNAMY edited this page Aug 6, 2023 · 3 revisions


By default, the server sends information about ping of players to everyone, which you can see in the tablist as the green bar. Some modified clients allow to see the exact value instead of just bars. This feature spoofs ping value of all players to the configured value, hiding their true ping. I don't know why would anyone want to do that.


Find this section in your config.yml

  enabled: false
  value: 0

To enable the feature, set enabled: true.
When the feature is enabled, everyone's ping value will be shown as value configured in value field.

The ping intervals for bars are client sided and are as following:

Ping value Displayed icon
Negative image
0 - 149 image
150 - 299 image
300 - 599 image
600 - 999 image
1000+ image
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