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Team 3 (simulations) Workflow outline

Sean edited this page Mar 18, 2015 · 3 revisions
  1. Choose broad type of problem (1 of Power analysis, Performance Analysis, Null Models, [maybe abc])
  2. Gather information from user input (both species and markers system)
  3. Based on 1 and 2 offer advice on the best simulator
  4. With user input, gather parameter values by:
  5. querying the user (text or shiny)
  6. querying an uploaded dataset
  7. Special parameter: the simulation summary functions required to address the problem above
  8. construct the actual simulation inputs (no user input)
  9. run for 2 minutes, give progress report. If user approves, start simulation reps
  10. analyze simulation rep with the simulation summary functions outlined above, based on a parameter choice, save the simulations or discard them
  11. assemble the summaries of the simulation reps into a 2 element list
  12. collection of the parameters driving the simulations (probably a data frame)
  13. collection of the output summary statistics (almost certainly a data frame)
  14. Summarize the data frame assembled in step 8.  The summary function will depend on choices in step 1.  At a minimum, we will summarize power analyses, performance analyses, and null models.
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