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MMGIS v2.11.0

16 Mar 01:55
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Mar 15, 2024


The release adds a new tool called the ShadeTool, capable of showing visibility maps of various celestial object and craft with the aid of SPICE. The ShadeTool can reveal answers to questions like: "At this time and on my current map, what are all the locations I can view the ISS from?"

Also added are dynamic vector layers that query only for the features immediately within the map's viewport and within time ranges and zoom ranges. This enables much larger vector files to be loaded and rendered without sacrificing performance.

Additionally some new features have been added to the DrawTool, along with new layer export options and various bugfixes and improvements.


SPICE integration and scheduled kernel downloads
Dynamic vector layers (query only vectors in screen)
DrawTool - Folders and tags can contain symbols
DrawTool - turning a file off also deselects it now
DrawTool - template fields can be reordered
DrawTool - Advanced filter in Features tab
DrawTool - Filter state management
DrawTool - Move
Export .shp and .kml LayersTool and DrawTool
MeasureTool and IdentifierTool Layer Vars (configure them in the layer instead of in the tool)
Identifier tool vsicurl support
IdentifierTool - Query Datasets with Time
Tools can be expanded horizontally
Local vector layer filtering now supports booleans
Add Database docs
Geodatasets now use spatial and temporal db indices
Geodatasets now support dedicated time fields
Add Geodatasets API docs
Add geodatasets/remove endpoints
Add file_description tagging schemes to DB docs
Deep Link shall also deep link to start and end times
urlReplacements layer raw variables to inject parameters


Image Overlay improvements
Description topbar improvements
Minor updates for API calls
Improve KML Export Styles
Remove 'Layer Group' and 'Layer' titles from LayerInfoModal
Disable Globe more thoroughly when off
Additional Body Metadata for Draw Webhooks
Remove restriction on Layer names
Check for empty time configs in TimeControl
Dropdown in the topbar for a selected feature’s properties links


LayersTool - fix nested header expansion
Viewer panorama map view angles works for polar projections
DrawTool - fix deleting tag also closing modal
Fix IdentifierTool tile queries
Fix: Header Layer Descriptions Don't Save
Fix Time Vector Layer first turn on
Fix click on vectortile
Fix missing Missions/mission path on tile layers
Fix Tool Drag Handle Remains on Screen
MeasureTool Fix nodata issue

What's Changed

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MMGIS v2.9.0

06 Sep 00:29
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Sept 5, 2023


This release makes Layer IDs based on UUIDs instead of their layer names, greatly improves support for the dimension of time, adds property templates and group editing to DrawTool files, adds the ability to link features together, upgrades our tiling scripts, and streamlines installations among other things.


  • Examples of wrapping MMGIS in an IFrame under /examples
  • A full featured TimeUI/Timeline Scrubber
  • The InfoTool scans for and makes clickable url links
  • Support for Composite Time Tiles that merge tiles across a time range on-the-fly on the backend
  • Configurable Context Menu actions
  • Polygons can have right-click context menu actions and form links with their WKT strings
  • A GitHub workflow now builds MMGIS docker images
  • The ability to pair features from one layer to another and render those paired targets in the Photosphere view.
  • Optional Websocket verification to the configure page to notify of concurrent users.
  • Ability to export the "working" configuration JSON from the configure page
  • GET /api/configure/missions now supports the full parameter to return all configuration objects as well
  • DrawTool users can enforce property template on their files
  • Adds a MAIN_MISSION ENV that skips the landing page even if there are many missions
  • Grouping editing for DrawTool files
  • All endpoints can use longtermtokens
  • The LegendTool can optionally be exposed as a togglable popup as well as other improvements
  • Various additions to the mmgisAPI
  • Upgraded gdal2customtiles to use gdal 3.5.2 and to support tiling in any projection
  • GeoJSON validation on layers.
  • GeoJSON data can be an empty []
  • Clicking intersects all features making impossible-to-reach features accessible through the InfoTool
  • The DrawTool is integrated with time.


  • Layers use UUIDs and identifiers instead of their layer names (backwards-compatibility still maintained)
  • The ENV PUBLIC_URL is deprecated in favor of the new ROOT_PATH. Unlike PUBLIC_URL, ROOT_PATH can fully be changed at runtime
  • Database and POSTGIS extension are automatically created if they don't exist
  • Upgraded the configure page's jquery from 1.11.1 to 3.6.1


  • ENABLE_MMGIS_WEBSOCKETS name in sample.env
  • Websockets try to reconnect and with exponential backoff
  • Various issues regarding time layers
  • Various issues regarding WMS layers
  • MMGIS can now work with NodeJS 18+
  • Bug where initially on annotations features have no click events
  • Bug where having the cursor over an annotation on the Map prevented pans and zooms
  • Fixed the angleUnit property for image layer attachments
  • Cloning a layer in the configure page
  • Issue where logging in with AUTH=local would infinitely reload

MMGIS v2.8.0

15 Nov 01:34
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Nov 14, 2022


  • The Viewer Panel supports gltf models
  • The configuration raw variable markerAttachment.model now has a mtlProp parameter for relative obj material files and can support multiple models per layer
  • The DrawTool now supports drawing Circles and Rectangles
  • The entire Configuration object has an API and can be updated via curl commands. See ConfigureAPI
  • The MeasureTool now supports multiple DEMs
  • Many additions to the mmgisAPI. See JavaScriptAPI
  • Adds an extended GeoJSON format to support per coordinate properties. See Enhanced GeoJSON
  • Deep Links now stores the layer order (if users rearranged them)
  • The ability to define a primary coordinate system through a reworked Coordinates Tab
  • DrawTool Layers can be added as regular layers by using a url of the form api:drawn:<draw_file_id>
  • The ViewshedTool supports target heights
  • The MeasureTool include line-of-sight
  • Users can individually hide features through the InfoTool
  • Layers can now be tagged and assigned a markdown description. Users can filter layers based on these fields as well.
  • Added websockets that can notify users in real-time that a configuration has updated. Enabled with the env: ENABLE_MMGIS_SOCKETS=true
  • Automatic labels can be rendered on features by configuring a raw variables layerAttachments.labels
  • Added a script to tile dem tiles with multi-processing support and tiling on top of an existing tileset
  • The colorize Data Shader can now exclude up to three no data values
  • Tilesets served from the MMGIS Missions directory now accept an optional {t} path directory to search and served tiles based on time
  • The TimeUI and the bottom of the screen has been significantly reworked


  • Increase GeoJSON math and export precision from 6 to 10 decimal places
  • The DrawTool's tagging system has been expanded and it UI resembles folder structures
  • Photosphere has better damping and rotates with "panning" directions.


  • Dragging a header in the LayersTool now drags the entire group
  • Various fixes to how Time works (through the mmgisAPI, in parameterizing WMS layers, ...)
  • Error if Data Layers had a space in their name
  • Various mmgisAPI function fixes

MMGIS v2.7.0

10 Jun 19:46
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This release adds geologic mapping to the DrawTool, layer reordering to the LayersTool and 3D annotations to the Globe.


  • FGDC Geologic patterns, linework and symbols in the DrawTool
  • Annotations in the Globe View for both standard layers and drawn layers
  • Ability for users to reorder layers in the LayersTool
  • The Globe has 3d controls once again
  • Visibility ranges can be added per feature with minZoom and maxZoom attributes under a feature's
  • A true documentation site at


  • The vector layer Visibility Cutoff configuration has been deprecated (though it still works) in favor of Minimum Zoom and Maximum Zoom
  • Improved the screenshot function
  • Layer color indicators are more muted
  • Default color scheme is a lighter black
  • Lithosphere 1.3.0 => 1.5.1 - See LithoSphere Releases


  • Issue where onLoaded would fire multiple times
  • Default MMGIS login fields are now removed from the DOM when not in use (merely hiding caused some annoyances with password extensions)
  • Issue where deep link didn't position the camera in the Globe correctly
  • Issue where some vector points the use DivIcons were not clickable

MMGIS v2.6.0

16 Mar 21:46
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New Requirements

  • Node.js >= v14.9.0


This release adds a webhook manager to the configure page and improves documentation, the mmgisAPI, projection support, as well as synchronicity between the Map and Globe.


  • Configurable webhook manager.
  • Access to a settings modal in the bottom left toolbar to toggle various UI elements' visibilities as well as the radius of tiles to query for the 3D Globe
  • Raster effects (brightness, contrast, saturation, blend-mode) now apply in 3D as well
  • Controlled layers can now utilized sublayers/marker-attachments
  • Marker attachments, such as uncertainty ellipses, properly work for any projection
  • 3D uncertainty ellipses
  • Documentation for using remote virtual layers via GDAL
  • PUBLIC_URL can be specified at build now in the Dockerfile
  • mmgisAPI functions apply to the 3D Globe too now
  • mmgisAPI can trim LineString features at the coordinates level


  • LithoSphere 1.1.0 => 1.3.0 - See LithoSphere Releases
  • Users can now pan the map while in the DrawTool's draw mode without placing a point
  • Time controlled layers can now default to the current time for initial queries


  • Some media paths in the /configure path not working when MMGIS is served under a subdomain with PUBLIC_URL

MMGIS v2.5.0

10 Jan 23:06
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This release contains the IsochroneTool, revives the Model layer type and includes a new Query layer type. Each vector layer can now be filtered by the user through the LayersTool, leads in the DrawTool can now draw and publish arrows and annotations, and the MeasureTool finally supports continuous elevation profiles.


  • Isochrone Tool!
  • Model layer type!
  • Query layer type!
  • User filterable layers!
  • More mmgisAPI functions
  • Deep linking 'centerPin' parameter
  • DrawTool lead Map file
  • DrawTool text rotation
  • Annotation and Arrows are now supported in regular (non-DrawTool) geojson
  • Configurable bearings, uncertainty ellipses, models and underlaid images for vector points
  • MeasureTool now supports a continuous profile
  • MeasureTool csv export includes 3D distance as well
  • LayersTool support sublayer visibility toggles within a layer's settings menu
  • Python3 version of
  • More Coordinates configurations
  • Option in great_circle_calculator to calculate distance between points with Vincenty's formulae
  • Raw Variables Link has a new 'replace' section for modifying property values before injecting into a url


  • LithoSphere 1.0.1 => 1.1.0 - See LithoSphere Releases
  • LayersTool, LegendTool and InfoTool panels are wider
  • The MMGIS M logo is now an svg
  •'s colormap is now optional
  • DrawTool's compile includes an inward buffer to allow for smaller drawn features to pass checks
  • InfoTool now lists all intersected polygons of a layer under a mouse click


  • Viewsheds play nicely with polar maps
  • Various improvements to the top search bar
  • Legend items wrap to new line instead of extending off screen
  • colors package fix
  • globeLon deep link not working
  • Uses asHTML for IdentifierTool again
  • apt-get update in Dockerfile now uses -y (yes to all) flag


  • Excess Globe feature highlighting

MMGIS v2.4.0

07 Aug 00:35
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This release adds in the Viewshed Tool, time enabled layers, LithoSphere, WMS support, data layers, a JavaScript API, and more.


  • The Viewshed Tool!
  • Time enabled layers, configurations and a time UI component.
  • Full support for WMS layers and projections in 2D and 3D.
  • Data layer colorize shader enabling dynamic rendering of data.
  • An extensive window.mmgisAPI for interacting with MMGIS through an iframe.
  • Configuration for point marker shape.
  • Support for serving MMGIS at a subpath with the PUBLIC_URL environment variable.
  • auxiliary script.
  • Features can be dehighlighted by clicking off on the map.
  • Measure Tool supports measurements in kilometers.
  • Ability to type in and go to a coordinate.
  • Elevation values on mouse over.
  • Configurable coordinates.
  • Draw Tool features behave like regular layer features when the Draw Tool is closed.


  • The Globe has been refactored and made standalone in the npm library LithoSphere.
  • The Waypoint Kind now uses a top-down image of Perseverance.
  • Migrated from Python2 to Python3.


  • Documentation uses only relative links for resources now.
  • Issue with auth=none not working.
  • Draw Tool drawings now work at the meter level.
  • Draw Tool drawings now properly respect 0 valued styles.
  • Data layer names now support spaces.


  • All PHP dependencies.

MMGIS v2.3.1

22 Apr 20:15
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A point release to address bug fixes.


  • WMS layers now work for full polar projections
  • Raster layers obey order even if they're initially off
  • Draw Tool truly accepts .json files

MMGIS v2.3.0

15 Apr 00:53
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The Draw Tool gets its own tag filtering system. The Measure Tool now uses great arcs and is way more accurate and the map now fully supports WMS layers!

Migration Details

  • The DrawTool tagging system change ideally needs more space in the file_description column. To increase it and not hit a tag or file description limit in drawing files, back-up the MMGIS database and run the SQL command:
ALTER TABLE user_files ALTER COLUMN file_description TYPE VARCHAR(10000);


  • Draw Tool files can now be search for by user defined tags/keyword
  • Draw Tool file options modal has been upgraded
  • Admins can pin preferred tags
  • Measure Tool now uses great arcs to compute measurements as well as for rendering lines
  • A docker-compose.yml
  • Fully functional WMS Map layers



  • Draw Tool requires a user to enter a file name before creating a file. (Instead of adding one as "New File")
  • Draw Tool now accepts uploads of .json geojson files. (From just .geojson and .shp)
  • Tools plugins are captured at build time! (You do not need to run npm start before building anymore)
  • Info Tool contents are condensed


  • Screenshot widget no longer captures the faint bottom bar in its images
  • Deep links to selected feature can now activate their info in the Info Tool
  • AUTH=local allows users to sign in again
  • Measure Tool profile download data is now accurate

MMGIS v2.0.0

15 Jan 02:55
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Migration Details

  • The environment variable ALLOW_EMBED has been replaced with FRAME_ANCESTORS
  • npm install is only needed in the root directory and not in the /API directory any more
  • Instead of npm start, use npm run build and then afterwards npm run start:prod to run the application.
    You will still need to run npm start before building the first time


  • Webpack!
  • Production level builds
  • Babel
  • React support
  • Icons as markers
  • Configurable vector highlight color
  • Graticules
  • Configure page help buttons to docs


  • Require.js
  • Unused libraries, tools and code
  • Swap widget
  • FORCE_CONFIGCONFIG environment variable removed


  • Info Tool upgraded!
  • Measure Tool upgraded!
  • Top bar search
  • The environment variable ALLOW_EMBED has been replaced with FRAME_ANCESTORS
  • MMGIS2 splash screen
  • Various small UI changes
  • Improved configure look tab
  • Development logging is friendlier


  • Configure save warns of bad json
  • Removed unused configure globe projection option
  • Configure look tab colors work properly