Exam Registration System is an interface between the Student and the Exam Controller responsible for the Issue of Hall Ticket. Exam Registration system is used in the effective dispatch of registration form to all of the students. The core of the system is to get the online registration form (with details such as name, reg.no etc.,) filled by the student whose testament is verified for its genuineness by the Exam Registration System with respect to the already existing information in the database. This forms the first and foremost step in the processing of exam application. After the first round of verification done by the system, the information is in turn forwarded to the Exam Controller. The application is then processed manually based on the report given by the system. The system also provides the student the list of exam dates.The controller will be provided with fees details to display the current status of application to the student, which they can view in their online interface. After all the necessary criteria has been met, the original information is added to the database and the hall ticket is sent to the student. The web-based examination system assists an examinator to conduct an exam by adding and modifying questions, supplying possible results of a question and selecting the intended group ofstudents. Moreover the examinator will have an overview of the results of an exam by student, group. A student can solve exams for which they are enrolled and view results and corrections of previous exams. The product benefits the examinator by simplifying and speeding up the work of creating and correcting an exam and provides an easy way to follow the results of a student or group of students. An administrator will set up and maintain the enrolments and courses. The product will be entirely accessed by a user-friendly web-interface which means that a minimum amount of computer knowledge is required to interact with it. Every user (examiner, administrator etc) is authenticated before allowing to login. Examination is automated completely. The questions are asked randomly by the system. The checking of questions is done by the system using pre-defined answers fed to the system. Hence results are available immediately after the exam. All exam data is available on the Intranet/internet depending upon access rights. Modules need to be cleared sequentially hence flags are set. Passing criteria can be easily set or modified. Time-line can be set for clearing exam and modules.
HTML 5 , CSS 3 , Javascript , Bootstrap
Python , Django