Explore movie-watching experience with NetflixUIKit Clone. Enjoy secure login, dynamic page loading, and more. Integrated with non-intrusive ads through AdMob to support the app. Explore credits, reviews, and indulge in personalized features like Gemini AI – an advanced AI that can identify images, voice, and text, even speaking to enhance interaction. Access the IMDb-like database for comprehensive movie information
Our NetflixUIKit Clone Project is a feature-rich movie-watching application designed to deliver an exceptional user experience.
- Tech Stack
- Features
- Installation
- Tree
- Folder Structure
- Design Pattern
- Usage
- Contributing
- License
- Notes
Explore the key features of our project:
- Login Authentication: Securely log in with implemented authentication logic.
- Dynamic Page Loading: Enjoy dynamic page loading when scrolling vertically or to the bottom.
- API Debugging with Netfox: Integrated Netfox for seamless API debugging.
- POST Method Integration: Implemented the POST method from the TMDB API.
- YouTube Trailer Integration: Watch trailer videos seamlessly using the integrated YouTube API.
- Face ID Security: Ensure secure login with the Face ID feature.
- Reset Password: Added a convenient reset password feature.
- Movie Ranking Display: See movie rankings (1-10) beside the imageView for quick reference.
- Sliding Tabs in DetailView: Enhanced navigation with sliding tabs in the detail view using Parchment.
- Credits View (creditsVC): Explore credits for a comprehensive movie experience.
- Download Functionality: Download movies with a long press for offline viewing.
- Text and Image Conversion: Easily convert CV and images to text in the searchTextField.
- Share Button: Share your favorite movies effortlessly.
- Display Entire List: Explore the entire list of items with a dedicated feature.
- Duplicate Model Removal: Enhance efficiency by removing duplicate unnecessary models.
- Recommendation View (recommendationVC): Get personalized movie recommendations.
- Reviews View (reviewsVC): Read and contribute reviews for a collaborative experience.
- Push to Another DetailView: Seamlessly navigate to another detail view by clicking the movie poster inside itself.
- Data Storage: Efficiently store data using integrated CoreData or UserDefaults.
- Recently Viewed Feature: Quickly access recently viewed movies for a personalized experience.
- Floating Icon (backToTop): Return to the top easily with a floating back-to-top icon in ComingSoonVC.
- Notification Badge (iconNotificationBadge): Stay informed with a notification badge in HistoryVC.
- AdMob Integration: Experience non-intrusive ads through AdMob for potential revenue generation.
- Custom Font Support: Personalize your experience with added support for custom fonts.
- Anonymous Login: Log in anonymously for a private browsing experience.
- Changelog in MoreVC: Stay updated with a changelog feature in MoreVC.
- ChatAI (Google Gemini): Interact with Gemini AI for image, voice, and text identification, including speech capabilities.
- Internet Speed Display: Stay connected with real-time internet speed display.
- Localization (languageVC): Enjoy a localized experience with language support.
- Custom Voice Support: Enhance interaction with custom voice support using InstantSearchVoiceOverlay.
- Paste Control for GeminiChat: Easily paste content in GeminiChat for seamless communication.
- Button Customization (I'm Feeling Lucky): Change the label to "I'm Feeling Lucky" button with its unique feature in homeVC.
- Random Video Play: Play random videos with the button, enhancing your viewing experience.
- Scrollable MoreViewController: Effortlessly scroll through content in the MoreViewController.
- LanguageVC Task Completion: Complete languageVC tasks with 'LanguageManager-iOS,' offering limited UILabel support (currently unable to change programmatically).
Follow these steps to install and set up the project.
Before running the project, ensure proper setup of the Info.plist
and GoogleService-Info.plist
- Duplicate the
file in thenetflixUIKit
folder. - Rename the duplicated file to
for development. - Update necessary configurations like API keys and endpoints in the
cp netflixUIKit/Info.plist netflixUIKit/Info-dev.plist
- Duplicate the
- If the project uses Firebase or Google services, create a
file and add it to thenetflixUIKit
folder. - Update configurations in the
cp path/to/your/GoogleService-Info.plist netflixUIKit/GoogleService-Info.plist
- If the project uses Firebase or Google services, create a
- Ensure that both
are added to your.gitignore
file to prevent them from being accidentally committed to version control.
- Ensure that both
Our project relies on various third-party libraries for enhanced functionality. Ensure you have CocoaPods installed, then run the following command:
pod install
This will install the required dependencies specified in the Podfile
├── App
│ ├── AppDelegate.swift
│ └── SceneDelegate.swift
├── GoogleService-Info.plist
├── Info.plist
├── Model
│ ├── CoreData
│ └── ModelTMDB
├── Module
│ ├── Additional
│ │ ├── DetailFilm
│ ├── Login+Register
│ ├── SplashScreen
│ └── TabBar
│ ├── MainTab
│ ├── Tab1Home
│ ├── Tab2Search
│ ├── Tab3Discover
│ └── Tab4More
├── Network
│ ├── Service
│ └── TMDBImageURL
├── Resource
│ ├── Assets.xcassets
│ │ ├── AppIcon
│ │ ├── CustomColor
│ │ ├── GeminiImage
│ │ ├── LangIcon
│ │ ├── MovieImages
│ │ ├── NetflixLogo
│ │ └── Splash
│ ├── CompletedTasks.md
│ ├── CustomFonts
│ ├── LottieFiles
│ ├── en.lproj
└── Utility
├── Components
├── Constant
├── Extensions
└── Helper
Our project's folder structure is designed to be modular and follows a clear separation of concerns. Each folder has a specific purpose, contributing to the overall maintainability and organization of the codebase. As the project evolves, consider updating the structure to accommodate new features and maintain a clean and scalable architecture.
Our project's folder structure is designed for modularity and separation of concerns, enhancing maintainability and organization.
AppDelegate: Manages the application's lifecycle events.
SceneDelegate: Handles the setup of the app's user interface upon launching.
CustomFonts: Contains custom font files used in the application.
LottieFiles: Houses Lottie animation files utilized in the app.
Localizable: Holds localization files for supporting multiple languages.
Assets: Stores general assets used in the application.
Constants: Includes files for storing constants used throughout the app.
Helper: Contains utility classes and functions that provide common functionalities.
Components: Houses reusable UI components used across multiple modules.
Extensions: Contains Swift extensions for extending functionality of built-in classes.
TMDB...etc Model: Houses data models related to specific modules, such as TMDB models.
CoreData: Contains files related to Core Data implementation.
- APIManager: Manages API requests and responses, providing a centralized location for networking logic.
SplashScreen: Contains files specific to the splash screen module.
Login+Register: Holds files for the login and registration module.
MainTabBar: Includes files related to the main tab bar module.
AdditionalVC: Contains additional view controllers used in various parts of the app.
- Stores configuration settings and metadata for the app.
Our project follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design pattern, a software architectural pattern that enhances separation of concerns, making the codebase more modular and maintainable.
The Model represents the data and business logic of the application. It includes data structures, data access, and business rules.
The View represents the user interface and is responsible for displaying data to the user and capturing user inputs. In our project, Views are implemented using UIViewController and UIView subclasses.
The ViewModel acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View. It transforms the data from the Model into a format that is easily consumable by the View and manages user interactions, often exposing data through bindings.
Orchestrates navigation that helps in separating the navigation responsibility from the view controller.
Instructions on how to use our project.
Guidelines for contributing to our project.
Information about the project's license.
Keep track of tasks, improvements, and future plans for our project.
- Implement SnapKit in all project
- Implement Onboarding View.
- Add a suggest when searching a movie
- New page when actor pressed
- Download YouTube video(?) *not legal
- Edit theme in AppSettingsVC using Color well
- Implement circle progressBar (in %) for voteAverage
- Add Age Rating Icon
- Add an option to upgrade to the pro version
- Add buy me a coffee
- Add our app's widget
- Implement deep links
- Add ErrorView
- Add expanded table view
- Fix if more profile photos want to be added
- Negative case -> [x] TrailerVC when there is no Data
- cellForRowAt inside DiscoverViewController add void closure var insinde its cell for passing
- Payment gateway
Tasks that have been completed.
- Implemented Login Authentication with the appropriate logic.
- Added dynamic page loading when scrolling to the bottom/vertical.
- Integrated Netfox for API debugging.
- Implemented the POST method from TMDB API.
- Integrated YouTube API to play trailer videos.
- Implemented Face ID feature for secure login.
- Added a reset password feature.
- Added a number (ranking 1-10) beside the imageView of the best-rated movie.
- Added sliding tabs in detailView using Parchment.
- Added creditsVC inside sliding tabs.
- Added download functionality with long press.
- Added CV, images to Text in searchTextField.
- Added a share button.
- Added a feature that displays the entire list of items.
- Removed duplicate unnecessary Model.
- Added recommendationVC inside sliding tabs.
- Added reviewsVC inside.
- Implemented a feature to push to another detailView when clicking the moviePoster inside detailView itself.
- Integrated CoreData or UserDefaults for data storage.
- Added Recently viewed feature.
- Added a floating icon backToTop in ComingSoonVC.
- Added an iconNotificationBadge for HistoryVC.
- Implemented AdMob.
- Added Custom Font.
- Added login as an anonymous feature.
- Added changelog in MoreVC.
- Add chatAI using Google Gemini -> [x] Set userChar's chat bubble on the right side -> [x] Fix time label "12.12 am...." Constraint -> [x] User default for -> [x] Add images to Gemini -> [x] Add is typing for Gemini -> [x] Add Gemini to speak
- Get Internet speed and save it in UserDefault place it in label.text
- Add localized for language
- Added custom voice using pod InstantSearchVoiceOverlay
- Paste control for GeminiChat
- Change label to I'm feeling lucky button and its feature in homeVC
- Change button play to play random and its feature video
- MoreViewController Scrollable
- Complete languageVC task w/ 'LanguageManager-iOS', limited to UILabel, can't change programatically.
- Combine 2 endpoints/struct models for comparison.
- In ComingSoonVC, when clicked, it will pop up an alert "Should it be added to favorites? Yes or no," then it will be checked in UserDefaults whether there is data or not.
- Crash when FaceID doesn't match
- Konstisten menggunakan publishsubject atau BehaviorRelay
- Konsisten menggunakan Design pattern
- Menfokus/implementasikan menyesuaikan fitur apa yang di presentasikan yg lbh berkualitas(critical, i.e: strong password), explore 2FA feature
- Implement Payment gateway, kurang lengkap dlm ios development
- Banyak fitur yang kurang dlm App ini