niimbluelib client implementations for not-browser use.
Command line interface, simple REST server are also included.
Tested with:
- Windows 10
- Bluetooth adapter (TP-LINK UB500)
- USB serial connection
- Printers: B1, D110
Usage example:
Global (for cli usage):
npm i -g @mmote/niimbluelib-headless
node-gyp is required to install bluetooth-serial-port dependency. It requires working compiler installed on your system.
See node-gyp and bluetooth-serial-port installation.
While development:
npm run cli <options>
If installed as package globally:
niimblue-cli <options>
Available options:
niimblue-cli help print
niimblue-cli help info
niimblue-cli help server
niimblue-cli help flash
B1 serial:
niimblue-cli print -d -t serial -a COM8 -p B1 -o top label_15x30.png
B1 Bluetooth:
niimblue-cli print -d -t bluetooth -a 07:27:03:17:6E:82 -p B1 -o top label_15x30.png
D110 Bluetooth:
niimblue-cli print -d -t bluetooth -a 03:26:03:C3:F9:11 -p D110 -o left label_15x30.png
B1 firmware upgrade via serial:
niimblue-cli flash -t serial -a COM8 -n 5.14 -f path/to/B1_5.14.bin
This is experimental feature.
You can start the server with:
niimblue-cli server
Enable debug logging, set host and port:
niimblue-cli server -d -h -p 5000
See request examples in server-test.http.