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Created by: Jeyavinoth Jeyaratnam (CUNY), Updated by: Maxwell Elling ([email protected]), Jeffrey Jonas ([email protected]) (NASA GISS)

Last Modified: May 8th, 2024

Branched off from Mike Bauer's MCMS Tracking Algorithm *** README updated on 05.08.2024 to include directions for running on discover ***

This code is modified version of Mike Bauer's MCMS Tracking Algorithm using Python.

The "tracker" folder contains the MCMS Cyclone Tracker. The "datacyc" folder contains the code to grab data around the tracked cyclones.


  1. Current version of the code runs on Python 3 This code was tested on v3.6, because netcdftime is run on this version under the conda environment. This might cause issues with the basemap library (check below).

This code was tested on v3.6, because netcdftime is run on this version under the conda environment. This might cause issues with the basemap library (check below).

Changes to Mike's code

  • necessary integer division was changed in the code
  • cPickle was changed to pickle (should not be an issue)
  • hard coded in some imports, cuz of the way "exec" command works in python3
  • dictionaries in python2 are not ordered dicts, so the keys were sorted in python2 code and python3 code to compare consistently
  • code had issues with the list being not ordered in python2, so I changed the python2 code to have an ordered dict for fair comparison of the python3 tracker
  • MTE edited line 707 in to fix an oversight in the string replacement method. the old method would replaced all instances of "tracks" in the path. The new code does this only in the relevant filename
  • MTE changed numpy.float to python built-in "float" and to numpy.int64 in several scripts due to deprication, additional similar type changes made throughout scripts
  • MTE edited line 80-86 in to catch an edge case where data shapes are mismatched (the trap just reshapes the data in model grid structure) original line is commented out. Note - this is a hacky solution so keep an eye on it to ensure there are no downstream impacts
  • MTE updated conda environment + added yaml file to ensure correct libraries are imported
  • MTE automated compile steps in shell script
  • MTE updated readme to include discover directions

Installation of necesssary libraries

If you do not have anaconda installed already, you must install anaconda before running.
To do this...

  1. Make temporary directory

mkdir temp
cd temp

  1. Download anaconda bash script

curl -O
-note: replace 2021.05 with most recent version

  1. Run installer

-note: When the script asks to update your shell to auto-initialize conda, say “yes”

  1. Test installation

conda list

  1. remove installer

rm Anaconda3-*

You may refer to this link for further info

Before setting up your conda environment, ensure you have not imported another discover python module via your .bashrc, .profile, or otherwise (in testing this interfered with the program)
This program runs on python 3.6, which is old. Some inconsistencies with newer python versions may crash the program

You can setup conda to run python on your machine.

Then create a new conda environment with Python version 3.6, via ONE of the following methods (method A is recommmended)
A) Create it automatically with provided YAML file

conda env create -f environment.yml

This will create environment "stormtracks"

B) Create it manually with the following commands

  • conda create -n stormtracks python=3.6

Activate the conda environment in your terminal using:

  • conda activate stormtracks

Then install the following libraries:

  • conda install scipy

  • conda install matplotlib

  • conda install numpy

  • conda install basemap

  • conda install proj4

  • conda install netcdf4

  • conda install cython

    - this is needed to create the \*.so files below
  • conda install -c conda-forge netcdftime

  • pip install -U matplotlib==3.2

    - this is necessary to import 'dedent' from matplotlib which was tossed in later versions

Then you have to run the following (make sure to cd into your tracker folder):

You may run the following commands manually or better, automatically with ""
Load the GCC module

  • module load comp/gcc/13.1.0

  • python3 build_ext --inplace

  • python3 build_ext --inplace

  • python3 build_ext --inplace

These commands create 3 *.so (shared objects) operators in the current directory. You have to rename the appropriate *.so file.

  • ->

  • ->

  • ->

Note that in the current directory, these *.so files already exist, just to show an example of what they look like.

Additional issues faced when setting up and running the code

netcdftime library requires 3.6, so conda will downgrade your version of python to 3.6

In python3.6 right now, basemap has an issue that is not fixed, so you will have to edit line 5111 from <environment_base_folder>/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mpl_toolkits/basemap/ file, where for example the envrionment_base_folder=/home/USER/anaconda3/envs/tracker


return list(map(_addcyclic,arr[:-1]) + [_addcyclic_lon(arr[-1])])


return list(map(_addcyclic,arr[:-1])) + [_addcyclic_lon(arr[-1])]

  • You can find env base folder via > python -c "import sys; print(sys.prefix)"

Also, you will have to edit line 5096 in the above file (if not the code will print out repeated warnings on this issue).


return npsel.concatenate((a,a[slicer]),axis=axis)


return npsel.concatenate((a,a[tuple(slicer)]),axis=axis)

MAC OSX specific issues

In order to run this tracker code, you will have to run it using:

You will have to update GCC libraries by installing xcode from the terminal

"xcode-select --install"

and installing the SDK headers from the terminal

"open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg"

In MAC OSX, you might face an issue with the plots created using matplotlib library in python.

You have to add the following lines in file, make sure the following lines are in the correct order:

import matplotlib


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Pre-Setup of Sea Level Pressure data files

SLP and TOPO samples can be referenced from discover: /discover/nobackup/melling/stormtracks/sample_inputs

Convert all the SLP files into the appropriate 6 hourly files (where YEAR varies). This has to be done by the user, and the slp files should in the correct format for the tracker.

SLP netcdf files should have the following variables: lat (degrees_north), lon (degrees_east), time(hours since start_year/01/01 00:00:00), slp (3d array with dimensions [time, lat, lon], with units "mb").

In the netcdf the "calendar" type has to be set for the time variables. The time calendar must be set as "365_day" or "proleptic_gregorian," depending on your data.

Internal Note:

Some of the SLP convert code I created is in the folder /slp_converts/<model_name>

For Vee’s data I created a file that converts year 11 to 41, given a start year to the appropriate slp files. This file is in the folder, called “”

In this file, you have to change the output folder location, input folder location, start_year (the year to start labelling the slp files from) and the model year range (model years go from 00 to 40).

Additionally adjust in_file_format variable to indicate the format in which the file is organized. The %04d in the file_format will be replaced by the model years within the range given in the model_year_range variable.

out_file_format can be changed as well, but for this tracker it should be kept as

After setting up the variables on the top of, run the python code using “Python” → this should create files in the output folder.

Pre-Setup of the Topographic file

The topographic file should contain a single time dimension.

It should contain the following variables:

  • hgt - the surface altitude in meters [m]

  • lsm - the land/sea mask as a fraction between the values of 0 and 1

Setting up the Tracker

Edit the file (in main folder), to make sure that you point to the correct folders. This file contains all the variables that need to be setup to run the MCMS tracker. Make sure you also edit the file in the tracker/ folder (you may use the same file)


  • source_code_folder -> ‘/mnt/drive1/jj/MCMS/V1/tracker’ the main source code location for the tracker, this will be the folder in which you clone this repository into.

  • slp_data_direcotry -> directory containing the slp data in the format needed by the tracker

  • topo_file → path to the topographic file that is in the format of the slp data

  • model → model name that is provided to the tracker code, all folders created will be related to this

  • main_folder_location -> location in which to create a directory to setup the tracker code

  • over_write_years -> years to which to run the tracker code

Explanation of the additional directories:

The remaining locations are auto calculated by the code.

Source code folder is the directory extension of the code location given above (/mnt/drive1/jj/MCMS/V1/tracker).

The code in this folder will be copied into the new directory specified by main_folder_location and model.

In the main_folder_location, the code will create a folder with the name “model”, and copy over the contents of the code into this folder.

For now: over_write_years should be specified to indicate the range of years to track cyclones for. Future: over_write_years can be left as an empty array, the code will find the min and max years for slp and track the data for all the available years in the folder.

The necessary folder path needed by the tracker are auto computed by

Additional Options

create_matlab_dictionaries is a flag that is set to convert the tracked cyclones into matlab dictionaries. This is needed if you want to run the grab datacycs code.

Running the Tracker

Run the tracker code after setting up the file. “python3”

This will create the necessary folders and run the tracker code.

The output files are then converted to readable formats.

You have to run with first, followed by This is automatically done by

Finally the outputs are converted to matlab dictionaries using This step can be controlled using the create_matlab_dictionaries flag in


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