This project is a super barebones angular project with electron. It is a regular Angular 11 starter app (CSS styling) whit electron. You can package it with electron builder and github action for automated builds (Linux, Windows, Mac) are included.
The stack :
When possible you whould be developping in website mode. You will get hot reload and faster compiles times. Warning : if you clone this repo and then push on github, the build actions will be activated.
You can test and developpe your app as a website with $ npm run start
then navigating to http://localhost:4200/
To do a test build you can run $ npm run build
To test in electron $ npm run electron
If you want to export your app as a website you sure can !
You can run $ npm run build:prod
to do that, it will be exported to /dist
To build for the current platform you can run $ npm run electron:build
To build for every platform you can run $ npm run electron:build:all
the output app should be in the /release