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React Flask Web App

A simple React Flask web app template.


The frontend is built using React and Typescript with Yarn for package management, Webpack for bundling & development and Jest for frontend unit tests.

The backend is a Flask Python server for serving the frontend with Poetry for dependancy managment.

The app can be easily hosted in a Docker container using Render.



Run make help or just make to see a list of all make commands with short descriptions.

If you have Docker installed you can skip the below steps and just use make build and then make up to start the app in dev mode (you may want to do the following steps anyway for editor type hints, autocompletions, etc).

CI setup

Create a Github Personal Access Token with the following scopes listed here.

Create a .env file and store the token in it under the following environment variable:

ACCESS_TOKEN = github_token_here


Make sure you have Python and Poetry installed.

Then in src/ run:

poetry install


Make sure you have Node installed, I recommend using NVM to install and manage your node versions. Once you have Node installed make sure you install Yarn.

Then in frontend/ run:

yarn install