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Redesigned Groovy Setup - Ported from TS
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arpitkamboj committed Apr 10, 2018
1 parent 09983d1 commit 8156b60
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Showing 6 changed files with 660 additions and 514 deletions.
354 changes: 354 additions & 0 deletions config/groovy/common.groovy
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@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

@GrabResolver(name = 'jcenter', root = '')
@Grab(group = 'org.ajoberstar', module = 'grgit', version = '1.9.3')
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Remote

class common {

/** For preparing an instance of the target item type utility class we want to work with */
GroovyObject itemTypeScript

/** The official default GitHub home (org/user) for the type */
def githubDefaultHome

/** The actual target GitHub home (org/user) for the type, as potentially requested by the user */
def githubTargetHome

/** The target directory for the type */
File targetDirectory

/** The clean human readable name for the type */
def itemType

/** Things we don't want to retrieve/update as they live in the main MovingBlocks/Terasology repo */
def excludedItems

/** For keeping a list of items retrieved so far */
def itemsRetrieved = []

/** The default name of a git remote we might want to work on or keep handy */
String defaultRemote = "origin"

* Initialize defaults to match the target item type
* @param type the type to be initialized
def initialize(String type) {
// Look for a to check for a variety of override configuration
Properties properties = new Properties()
File gradlePropsFile = new File("")
if (gradlePropsFile.exists()) {
gradlePropsFile.withInputStream {

File itemTypeScriptFile = new File("config/groovy/${type}.groovy")
Class targetClass = new GroovyClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()).parseClass(itemTypeScriptFile)
itemTypeScript = (GroovyObject) targetClass.newInstance()

excludedItems = itemTypeScript.excludedItems
githubDefaultHome = itemTypeScript.getGithubDefaultHome(properties)
githubTargetHome = githubDefaultHome
targetDirectory = itemTypeScript.targetDirectory
itemType = itemTypeScript.itemType

* Accepts input from the user, showing a descriptive prompt.
* @param prompt the prompt to show the user
def getUserString(String prompt) {
println('\n*** ' + prompt + '\n')
def reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
return reader.readLine()

* Tests a URL via a HEAD request (no body) to see if it is valid
* @param url the URL to test
* @return boolean indicating whether the URL is valid (code 200) or not
boolean isUrlValid(String url) {
def code = new URL(url).openConnection().with {
requestMethod = 'HEAD'
return code.toString() == "200"

* Primary entry point for retrieving items, kicks off recursively if needed.
* @param items the items we want to retrieve
def retrieve(String[] items) {
println "Now inside retrieve, user wants: $items"
for (String itemName: items) {
println "Starting retrieval for $itemType $itemName"
println "Retrieved so far: $itemsRetrieved"

* Retrieves a single item via Git Clone. Considers whether it exists locally first or if it has already been retrieved this execution.
* @param itemName the target item to retrieve
def retrieveItem(String itemName) {
File targetDir = new File(targetDirectory, itemName)
println "Request to retrieve $itemType $itemName would store it at $targetDir - exists? " + targetDir.exists()
if (targetDir.exists()) {
println "That $itemType already had an existing directory locally. If something is wrong with it please delete and try again"
itemsRetrieved << itemName
} else if (itemsRetrieved.contains(itemName)) {
println "We already retrieved $itemName - skipping"
} else {
itemsRetrieved << itemName
def targetUrl = "${githubTargetHome}/${itemName}"
if (!isUrlValid(targetUrl)) {
println "Can't retrieve $itemType from $targetUrl - URL appears invalid. Typo? Not created yet?"
println "Retrieving $itemType $itemName from $targetUrl"
if (githubTargetHome != githubDefaultHome) {
println "Doing a retrieve from a custom remote: $githubTargetHome - will name it as such plus add the $githubDefaultHome remote as '$defaultRemote'"
Grgit.clone dir: targetDir, uri: targetUrl, remote: githubTargetHome
println "Primary clone operation complete, about to add the '$defaultRemote' remote for the $githubDefaultHome org address"
addRemote(itemName, defaultRemote, "${githubDefaultHome}/${itemName}")
} else {
Grgit.clone dir: targetDir, uri: targetUrl

// This step allows the item type to check the newly cloned item and add in extra template stuff

def foundDependencies = itemTypeScript.findDependencies(targetDir)
if (foundDependencies.length == 0) {
println "The $itemType $itemName did not appear to have any dependencies we need to worry about"
} else {
println "The $itemType $itemName has the following $itemType dependencies we care about: $foundDependencies"
String[] uniqueDependencies = foundDependencies - itemsRetrieved
println "After removing dupes already retrieved we have the remaining dependencies left: $uniqueDependencies"
if (uniqueDependencies.length > 0) {
retrieve(uniqueDependencies, true)


* Creates a new item with the given name and adds the necessary .gitignore file plus more if the itemType desires
* @param itemName the name of the item to be created
def createItem(String itemName) {
File targetDir = new File(targetDirectory, itemName)
if (targetDir.exists()) {
println "Target directory already exists. Aborting."
println "Creating target directory"


// For now everything gets the same .gitignore, but beyond that defer to the itemType for specifics
println "Creating .gitignore"
File gitignore = new File(targetDir, ".gitignore")
def gitignoreText = new File("templates/.gitignore").text
gitignore << gitignoreText


Grgit.init dir: targetDir, bare: false
addRemote(itemName, defaultRemote, "${githubDefaultHome}/${itemName}.git")

* Update a given item.
* @param itemName the name of the item to update
def updateItem(String itemName) {
println "Attempting to update $itemType $itemName"
File targetDir = new File(targetDirectory, itemName)
if (!targetDir.exists()) {
println "$itemType \"$itemName\" not found"
def itemGit = targetDir)

// Do a check for the default remote before we attempt to update
def remotes = itemGit.remote.list()
def targetUrl = remotes.find{ == defaultRemote
if (targetUrl == null || !isUrlValid(targetUrl)) {
println "While updating $itemName found its '$defaultRemote' remote invalid or its URL unresponsive: $targetUrl"

// At this point we should have a valid remote to pull from. If local repo is clean then pull!
def clean = itemGit.status().clean
println "Is \"$itemName\" clean? $clean"
if (!clean) {
println "$itemType has uncommitted changes. Aborting."
println "Updating $itemType $itemName"
itemGit.pull remote: defaultRemote

* List all existing Git remotes for a given item.
* @param itemName the item to list remotes for
def listRemotes(String itemName) {
if (!new File(targetDirectory, itemName).exists()) {
println "$itemType '$itemName' not found. Typo? Or run 'groovyw $itemType get $itemName' first"
def remoteGit = "${targetDirectory}/${itemName}")
def remote = remoteGit.remote.list()
def index = 1
for (Remote item: remote) {
println(index + " " + + " (" + item.url + ")")

* Add new Git remotes for the given items, all using the same remote name.
* @param items the items to add remotes for
* @param name the name to use for all the Git remotes
def addRemotes(String[] items, String name) {
for (String item : items) {
addRemote(item, name)

* Add a new Git remote for the given item, deducing a standard URL to the repo.
* @param itemName the item to add the remote for
* @param remoteName the name to give the new remote
def addRemote(String itemName, String remoteName) {
addRemote(itemName, remoteName, "$remoteName/$itemName" + ".git")

* Add a new Git remote for the given item.
* @param itemName the item to add the remote for
* @param remoteName the name to give the new remote
* @param URL address to the remote Git repo
def addRemote(String itemName, String remoteName, String url) {
File targetModule = new File(targetDirectory, itemName)
if (!targetModule.exists()) {
println "$itemType '$itemName' not found. Typo? Or run 'groovyw $itemType get $itemName' first"
def remoteGit = "${targetDirectory}/${itemName}")
def remote = remoteGit.remote.list()
def check = remote.find { == "$remoteName"
if (!check) {
remoteGit.remote.add(name: "$remoteName", url: "$url")
if (isUrlValid(url)) {
println "Successfully added remote '$remoteName' for '$itemName' - doing a 'git fetch'"
remoteGit.fetch remote: remoteName
} else {
println "Added the remote '$remoteName' for $itemType '$itemName' - but the URL $url failed a test lookup. Typo? Not created yet?"
} else {
println "Remote already exists"

* Considers given arguments for the presence of a custom remote, setting that up right if found, tidying up the arguments.
* @param arguments the args passed into the script
* @return the adjusted arguments without any found custom remote details and the commmand name itself
def processCustomRemote(String[] arguments) {
def remoteArg = arguments.findLastIndexOf {
it == "-remote"
if (remoteArg != -1) {
if (arguments.length == (remoteArg + 1)) {
githubTargetHome = getUserString('Enter name for the git remote (no spaces)')
arguments = arguments.dropRight(1)
} else {
githubTargetHome = arguments[remoteArg + 1]
arguments = arguments.dropRight(2)
return arguments.drop(1)

* Retrieves all the available items for the target type in the form of a list.
* @return a String[] containing the names of items available for download.
String[] retrieveAvailableItems() {

// TODO: We need better ways to display the result especially when it contains a lot of items
// However, in some cases heavy filtering could still mean that very few items will actually display ...
// Another consideration is if we should be more specific in the API request, like only retrieving name + description
def githubHomeApiUrl = "$githubTargetHome/repos?per_page=100"

println "Deduced GitHub API URL $githubHomeApiUrl seems inaccessible."
return []

// Make a temporary map of found repos (possible items) and the associated repo description (for filter options)
def mappedPossibleItems = [:]
def currentPageUrl = githubHomeApiUrl
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
while (currentPageUrl) {
new URL(currentPageUrl).openConnection().with { connection ->
connection.content.withReader { reader ->
slurper.parseText(reader.text).each { item ->
mappedPossibleItems.put(, item.description)
currentPageUrl = getLink(connection, "next")

return itemTypeScript.filterItemsFromApi(mappedPossibleItems)

* Retrieves link from HTTP headers (RFC 5988).
* @param connection connection to retrieve link from
* @param relation relation type of requested link
* @return link with the requested relation type
private static String getLink(URLConnection connection, String relation) {
def links = connection.getHeaderField("Link")
def linkMatcher = links =~ /<(.*)>;\s*rel="${relation}"/
linkMatcher.find() ? : null

* Retrieves all the downloaded items in the form of a list.
* @return a String[] containing the names of downloaded items.
String[] retrieveLocalItems(){
def localItems =[]
targetDirectory.eachDir() { dir ->
String itemName = dir.getName()
// Don't consider excluded items
localItems << itemName
return localItems

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