- This is a small web application , where for backend , I used Django framework, which ultimately uses Python.
- It sends the weather details , like temperature , of a particular , city to our specified email.
- Here , first , the home page asks for , the name, email and city of the user , for which he wanted to know the weather
- The same details will be stored in the database, for further references.
- Next , as soon as we submit , the temperature of the particular city will be sent to the specified mail , along with the an emoji depicting the temperature
- So first I created an app 'core', in the project weatherapi
- It contains the User table, where it stores the user details
- All the main logic is inside the views.py file, where first thing I did is to make an API request call to https://openweathermap.org/api , where it provides weather information
- The same , information I embedded in the mail , and sending the mails.